Kid orders nothing and pays money for it | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by Brosdie Nothing Burger oc s This is my favourite story tell about my job year and half working at my local McDonald's. Compliant, yes. Malicious judgement.

Fast Food Employee Gives Pranking Teen Exactly What He Ordered

He played himself.
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frustrating FAIL box package usps postal service funny Video delivery - 101142273

USPS Driver Manhandles Box like It Owes Him Money

He does not like this box.
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Trashy fails, gross, bad and cringey moments of selfish and bad behavior | DEBIT CARD FOUND found this on ground at Pak Sak north went ahead and used pay my gas at pump and threw shit back on ground. PLEASE STOP TRYING STEAL THIS.

Trashy Moments from the Garbageverse

Trashiness can come from anywhere at any moment.
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A collection of AskReddit replies to the dumbest situations firefighters rescued people from | post by medicgenius called home get pie out over before caught fire lady went store and delayed some reason. she called 911 have fire department take pie out oven and place on stove call came as Something stuck over and unable turn off stove Still #1 call 32 years

The Dumbest Predicaments Firefighters Rescued People From

It's remarkable what kinds of dumb and mindless situations people can get caught up in.
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A collection of AskReddit replies to facts that are fake but sound legit | post by Imnewsoifislipendme Standing too close tv screen can damage eyes s not true at all.

Facts That Sound Legit But Are Actually Fake

It'd be tough to not fall for some of these!
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Guy takes a hilarious petty revenge on a neighbor during a laundry room drama | TheFiredrake42 Laundry revenge lived shitty apartment complex few years ago actually had two decent onsite laundry buildings. Each one had 15 washers and 15 dryers. Considering usually there alone or maybe with one other person, this definitely overkill but no one could ever complain about there not being enough machines us use.

Guy Takes Ultimate Petty Revenge In Laundry Room Drama

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Frustrated tutor gives lazy student wrong answers | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by DiaPsy He asked answers, didn't ask right ones used tutor subject my uni called 'Psychological Statistics is one major requirements any psychology related major and minor (any other science can take this place their statistics course if their

Frustrated Tutor Gives Wrong Answers to Lazy Student

He wanted answers and he got them.
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FAIL cringe Awkward ridiculous girl scouts Video stupid - 101141761

Women Steal Money From Girl Scout's Table

It's hard to imagine that people like this actually exist.
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cool technology awesome drones Video - 101128961

Hypnotizing Edit Of Drone Footage Is Incredible

So this was awesome.
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Guy on Twitter calls out people's complaints about the new Star Wars movie | tweet by McJesse Oh no Star Wars had some inconsistencies So sad. Listen here motherfucker saw Episode 1-3 theaters sat through shit couldn't imagine

Star Wars Fan Calls Out People's Complaints

This committed Star Wars fan had had enough.
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customer service dogs pizza awesome animals win - 101128193

Pizza Delivery Guy Carries Treats For Runaway Dog

This pizza delivery guy is the hero the world deserves.
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FAIL magic trick fake Criss Angel TV dumb trick stupid magic television - 101128705

Criss Angel's Obviously Fake Magic Death Jump

How dumb does he think we are?
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A collection of Twitter replies to what people did when they woke up on January 1st | Andy Roberts Pulp Writer @AndrewRoberts66 #IWokeUpOnJanuary1stAnd Went back sleep again.

Twitter Users Share Their January 1st Experiences

Many people's original January 1st plans collapsed under the weight of pure exhaustion.
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People's funny and creative drawings of ducks | blank page with just a duck's beak and feet on it Draw duck and share art

People's Responses to the "Draw a Duck" Prompt

And on rare occasions, they drew ducks.
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Woman gets her co-worker fired over an insensitive joke, and asks people on Reddit whether she was rude to do so | AITA getting my coworker fired being offensive work an open office environment is very casual am newest person there, and Thave noticed s office culture my co workers tease each other bit, and make jokes about each other. Everyone is pretty close, they often go out drinks after work on weekends have one coworker is like class clown. He makes majority jokes, everyone loves him.

Woman Gets Co-Worker Fired For Offensive Joke

The class clown refused to give it a rest.
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Ridiculous entitled people and their absurd demands | Subject Wedding Question Message Hello, My fiance and are looking wedding photographer but are having some issues with contracts are coming across are wanting clause guarantees us refund should ever get divorced, since would not need photos situation. Please let know if this is something have contract or

Entitled People Who Need to Reconsider Their Absurd Demands

These folks are bold.
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