Ryan Seacrest Epic Fail Wipeout Live TV Funny 2020 travel trivia falls off chair trying to catch a balloon

Ryan Seacrest Has Epic Wipeout On Live TV

Ryan Seacrest ate it hard.
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Vin Diesel gives too many compliments to interviewer during interview awkward cringe wtf

Vin Diesel Obsessively Compliments Interviewer

This is so uncomfortable, I can't believe it.
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Tim Curry almost laughing while delivering line in video game cutscene.

Tim Curry Trying Not To Crack Up In Video Game Cutscene

He held it together admirably.
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A collection of Twitter replies to people sharing their most awkward celebrity encounters | tweet by Miz Jenkins Well-behaved women seldom make history TheChangeU12C few years ago there period about 2 months where randomly ran into Whoopi Goldberg 3 different times various parts NYC first time she smiled at 2nd time she looked slightly confused 3rd time she looked slightly alarmed.

Twitter Users Share Their Awkward Celeb Encounters

Celebrities can be real weird outside of their normal professions.
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Stupid guy tries to lowball bike, then steal it | No, sorry 100 is way too low had offers 200 already, so $220 would be lowest would accept, unless can come get today and then l'Il let go 200 gotta drive an hour u man so 120 is all ur gunna get. Or u drop off like 2 hours and l'll give 140 ok??

Incompetent Lowballer Wants Bike, Demands Address So He Can Steal It

He's not getting that bike.
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Funny unfavorable reviews of the movie "Cats" | 1 star out of 10 review This is see during sleep paralysis mghtysauc3 My own cat looks at shame now. This film has singlehandedly destroyed my relationship with my pet.

More Funny Unfavorable Reviews of "Cats"

It's not doing so well.
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Guy discovers kittens underneath his bed, and ends up becoming a legendary cat dad | Paris Zarcilla @ParisZarcilla So JUST FOUND CAT IS NOT MINE AND HAS HAD BABIES UNDER MY BED

Guy Discovers Kittens Underneath His Bed, Becomes Legendary Cat Dad

The universe gave this guy the most adorable gift of all time.
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scary horrifying flight incident plane wheel completely comes off airplane during takeoff.

Airline Passenger Records Wheel Coming Off During Takeoff

Holy crap.
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comedian ricky gervais roasts the entire industry during golden globes

Ricky Gervais Roasts Celebs At The Golden Globes

Ricky Gervais roasted the room to oblivion.
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Kid learns German secretly, and ends up speaking German to parents after getting a concussion | r/tifu posted by ParrotSTD TIFU by secretly learning German recommend not doing this. As funny as found she didn't while back decided wanted learn second language. Germany's pretty close so German My family's super small and also far away, and never bothered tell them learning German.

Kid Secretly Learns German, Gets Concussion, Speaks German To Confused Parents

This is just hilarious.
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A collection of Twitter replies to various questions that science has failed to answer | tweet by CookieMan pcook102 #ScienceHasFailedToAnswer why ATMS suggest use caution avoid being robbed while they charge $4 give own money

Twitter Users Share What Science Has Failed To Answer

The world is filled to the brim with unexplainable and infuriating mysteries.
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Guy dodges a speeding ticket by using fart spray | tweet by FiretheGm Soooo got pulled over this morning after leaving McDonald's.l already knew why he got speeding but course gonna ask him why he stopped decided try my luck got fart spray as gag gift on xmas and decided try out

Guy Dodges Speeding Ticket With Fart Spray

Never thought fart spray could be so clutch!
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A collection of Twitter users try to ruin movies with one word | NathKmf Replying jimmyfallon Pillow Fight Club #RuinAMovieWithOneWord

Twitter Users Ruin A Movie With One Word

It's amazing how easy it is to ruin a movie with a mere word.
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Fails, mistakes and messes | vehicle almost entirely sunk in mud with just the cabin visible, a completely shattered glass table in a meeting room surrounded by chairs

Unlucky Times Misfortune Gave People Trouble

Things will break, explode and fail.
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A collection of people sharing their weirdest experiences that would fit on the show "The X-Files." | post by Dtcomat baby ball socks flew across room and hit my dad after he yelled at .

The Most X-Files Experiences People Have Had

The world's a lot creepier than we give it credit for.
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tutorial guide how to using an orange juice bottle to open lock pick a safe funny unexpected diy

LockPickingLawyer Opens Gun Safe With Orange Juice Bottle

Are you kidding me.
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