
Relationship Memes

Relationship memes are a basic tenant of meme sharing in general. There are relationship memes that single people can enjoy. There are relationship memes that are cutesy if you're into that sort of thing. There are funny relationship memes. There are relationship memes of many kinds as is the case with all things meme. 

Funny Tinder profiles that we would definitely right swipe on. | Person - 00000 Verizon 2:07 AM 70% Done X) Beth, 23 41 miles away Active 13 hours ago Sometimes wonder mattress stores stay business. They're everywhere, but average adult buys mattress like every 7-10 years? With high overhead costs and infrequent sales could they be making profit? Like Chewbacca Defense DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. If have an answer, please message immediately. | Watermelon - Katie, 24 104 km away hear like bad girls bad

44 Hilarious Tinder Profiles We'd Definitely Right Swipe On

Funny fails, texts from exes, dating, relationships, texting | Hey stranger Are up Texts Sending Chicks Instantly Show Texts Sending Chicks Instantly Show Fkboy up Hey Stranger These texts are usually sent during dry spell guy is hoping against hope this old flame can be rekindled get him out his drought | want turkey breast sandwich with following add ons Lettuce Tomato Black olives Tomato Salt and pepper Oil and vinegar Hot sauce White bread sub Salt and vinegar chips Pop tarts coke Thanks

27 Poorly-Received Texts From Exes

Man tells girlfriend that she doesn't work hard enough for her salary. | r/AmltheAsshole Join u/throwaway862610 1d 2 1 AITA being frustrated my girlfriend doesn't work hard at her job and gets paid nearly twice as much as do? Asshole My girlfriend and both work tech, she's safety validator software, working at consulting firm, and doing network infrastructure support both worked different offices didn't know much about her day day life at work knew she made lot more than 120k my 66k, and she

Man Tells Girlfriend She Doesn't Work Hard Enough For Salary

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Tinder Glitches Out And Hilariously Matches Two Dudes Together Without Them Knowing

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50 Hilarious Memes To Ease You Into The Evening

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Don't Touch This Newspaper Ad, It's a White-Hot Burn

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You Never Know How Big or Close Your Eskimo Family Really Is

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16 Dirty Times Tinder Lived Up To Its Terribly Senseless And Immature Reputation

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Scorned Women on Twitter Show Their Mean Side With the Vengeful #WasteHisTime2016

Man misunderstands his girlfriend and ends up breaking up with her for no reason | r/tifu u/ManicSheep TIFU by temporarily breaking up with my Dutch Girlfriend after declaring my love M This happened about 7 years ago am South African and dating Dutch girl at time those who don't know my home language (Afrikaans) and Dutch are pretty similar. Linguistically speaking have about 70% overlap vocabulary (words) however meaning same word both languages sometimes mean

Language Misunderstanding Results In Accidental Breakup

People describe the most ruthless rejections that they've ever endured. | Geotis 10y asked girl out. She said "yes" and gave her number alled reject hotline. Took while shake one off.

Most Ruthless Rejections People Have Endured

People on Reddit share their "Never Again" moments, marriage, dating ,drinking, drugs, silly stories, funny stories, animals, dog walking, poop | one thing made say never fucking again And why? | Feltch_McAvity 8h 314 Awards Attempting catch my dogs shit bag rather than picking up ground. Seemed like good idea. Dog sharted up my arm. Had long walk back home through my neighborhood covered shit. Never again.

45 'Never Again' Vows Ranging From Silly To Very Serious


He Always Had A Thing For Wood

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This Tinder Hero Does Nothing But Troll People

Funny moments from the Tinder dating app.

23 Crazy Tinder Moments That'll Kill Your Faith In Humanity

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This Guy Made His Unfaithful Girlfriend's Birthday a Memorable One