
Relationship Memes

Relationship memes are a basic tenant of meme sharing in general. There are relationship memes that single people can enjoy. There are relationship memes that are cutesy if you're into that sort of thing. There are funny relationship memes. There are relationship memes of many kinds as is the case with all things meme. 

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A Couple Making Out at Tiger Stadium Gets What Every Overly-PDA Couple Deserves

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24 Relatable Tweets That'll Leave You Feeling Personally Attacked

Funny and cringey posts that are supposed to be deep, we live in a society, cringeworthy social media posts | Life Time Gamer LEVEL UP RANKING Winner Best. comic about kid growing up constantly gaming | sosiaty wants be is on left want be is on right. But will wear my black lipstick and eyeliner proudly y andybirsack

25 Cringeworthy Posts People Thought Were Deep

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Girl's Crazy Boyfriend Bombards Guy With Series Of WTF Texts

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35 Hilarious Tinder Conversations That Will Get Your Blood Boiling

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31 Random Memes For When You Need To Goof Off

Sister-in-law makes the bride cry, so she gets booted from the wedding | AITA Kicking My Sister--law Out My Wedding? So my now sister--law has been pain my now wifes' ass very long time. She is always trying one up" her every way possible have also heard lot stories where she has done some pretty messed up stuff my wife, including skinny dipping with her ex while my wife and him were still together, Lying and saying liked her first highschool) which is completely untrue just break us up, and

Sister-In-Law Makes Bride Cry, Gets Booted From Wedding

Funny reddit thread about girlfriend poop on socks, using socks to wipe | r/relationship_advice posted by whattodobedroom think my girlfriend (26) has been using my gym socks wipe after going bathroom. Throwaway, because reasons. TL;DR: Found my gym socks garbage covered poop. Asked girlfriend about She started yelling at and crying and left

Distressed Dude Asks Reddit For Help With A Very Crappy Relationship Issue

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This Was Supposed to be a Romantic Proposal in a Paddle Boat. Think of Every Way That Could go Wrong.

Your Note Game is Probably Better Than This

Your Note Game is Probably Better Than This

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WTF of the Day: Man Accuses Girlfriend of Having Sex With the Entire Wu-Tang Clan

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The Real Reason Your Boyfriend Has Turned Down Sex

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When You Don't Know How to Break Up with Someone, Just Make Break Up Pasta

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10 Times Tinder's Craziness Left Us At A Loss For Words

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Dude, I'm Not Your Girlfriend...

Boyfriend judges woman for ordering immature food at a restaurant | AITA ordering immature food at fancy restaurant? Not hole went pretty nice restaurant with my boyfriend and his friends yesterday. They live out town and haven't met all them before us and four other people, all couples. My bf has known them since he teenager. They're all 7-8 years older than and all have nice full time jobs and went private school. If got an entree at place could choose 2 sides got grilled chicken and Mac

Boyfriend Judges Woman For Ordering "Immature" Food