
Relationship Memes

Relationship memes are a basic tenant of meme sharing in general. There are relationship memes that single people can enjoy. There are relationship memes that are cutesy if you're into that sort of thing. There are funny relationship memes. There are relationship memes of many kinds as is the case with all things meme. 

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Chinese Couple Floods the Street with Awkwardness as a Dude Begs for Second Chance

People Reveal Awkward First Date Stories| Thumbnail text - Eastern_Ad626 17 days ago i was seeing this guy from tinder and he asked me to come pregame at his place for our third or fourth date. i was so excited. finally got there and this man had a whole ass ring light and tripod set up for us to film tik toks. i nearly passed out Reply Share

People Reveal Awkward First Date Stories

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Somehow That Doesn't Sound Like it Will Solve the Problem...

Cringey posts that were meant to be deep from social media, teenagers, love, depression, heartbreak, sadness | seven years old my teacher told most COlorful insectS were also most venomous ones and ffteen years old looked into blue eyes and realized She had been right all along. | Fake is new real and don't fit THE CLASSY PEOPLE

Exquisitely Cringey Posts That Were Meant To Be Deep

relationships math funny - 7740960512

Nice Job on the Math, TLC

whoops relationships Video fail nation dating - 68628993

The Couple That Fails Together is Twice as Fun to Laugh at

facebook fails that involved relationship and their demise

15 Examples of Why Facebook and Relationships Don't Mix

dudes trying way to hard to get the girl

20 Dudes Who Are Trying Way Too Hard

Girl on Tinder goes psycho on a guy

Guy's Psycho Tinder Match Makes Crazy Look Sane


Is That Extra Large Sausage Coming or Going?

Girlfriend spends little time on boyfriend's gift, so boyfriend gets sad. | AITA being angry about gift my gf gave Not hole So some months ago my girlfriend and had our 1 year anniversary, and course exchanged gift. She hinted she would have loved ring, nothing too crazy, and got her ring addition big frame with 12 picture one picture every month been together (yes know may sound lame lol sort minimalist and don't really have anything need so she asked if there something l'd like said whatever

Girlfriend Spends Minimal Effort On Boyfriend's Gift, Boyfriend Gets Sad

tifu, reddit, denny's, today i fucked up, story about wife going to a denny's to use the bathroom

Guy Suspects Wife Is Cheating, She's Actually Going to Denny's to Use The Toilet

funny tweets about marriage and relationships on twitter

Funniest Relationship Tweets We Scrolled Past This Week

Unbelievable tinder moments

26 Ridiculous Moments From the Wonderful World of Tinder

A collection of tweets describing Twitter users' worst dates they've ever been on | Conor Horgan @ConorHorgan Replying mrnickharvey very first thing she did on sitting down take out small glass bottle and started spooning syrupy liquid into her mouth Homeopathy lasked, heart sinking No powerful sedative-hypnotic drug she replied If don't take l'd be hysterical right now.

Twitter Users' Worst Dates Ever

Tinder fails that are at least laughable

20 Tinder Profiles And Messages That Made Us Laugh