FAIL Nation


Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

Being an Adult Means You Can Buy a Big Ol' Sweet Potato Just Because It Looks Like a Dong

funny fail image woman buys sweet potato that looks like a penis to sell it for charity
Via trademe
funny puns, clever dad jokes and memes | tawdry hepburn [dumb bitch hour eraserheadbabby my friend gave birth her car on way hospital and her husband named kid Carson and if don't think 's best dad joke ever get out my face | Planes were invented 1903 Trains were invented 1804 Babies before 1804 :

Dad Jokes, Puns and Other Clever Memery

Bring it on.
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tweets of hilarious food jokes and puns

24 Hilarious Food Jokes That Will Make You Ask For More

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tweets from the weird horse

This Weird Horse Is Tweeting Hilarious Tales From The Farm

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One of These Names Is Much More Fitting

Via srsfunny

Prank or Honest Mistake? This Person Ordered A "Coffee and Baileys" and This Is What They Got

image trolling puns Prank or Honest Mistake? This Person Ordered A "Coffee and Baileys" and This Is What They Got
Via Rios93
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