
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

twitter list race White house - 875013

Bill O'Reilly Put a Target On His Back After He Said Some Ridiculous White House ‘Historical Facts’ and The Internet Didn't Miss With Their Reposnse

list marketing deadpool superheroes - 713989

Men Try and Fail To Trick Their Girlfriends and Wives With the Romantic Deadpool Poster

craigslist list trolling prank - 724741

Man Looking for Bearded Clams on Craigslist Gets Trolled With Pictures of Leonardo DiCaprio's Majestic Beard

passenger on an airplane takes off his pants and makes himself at home

Kumail Nanjiani Bravely Documents an Airplane Passenger With Pasty Thighs and No Sense of Decency

bugs cooking food FAIL list potato scared kitchen story twitter - 1095941

One Woman's 6-Minutes of Kitchen-Panic Turned Out to be a Great Short Story

list Close Enough - 6941484800

It Was a Nice Attempt At Least

diy fixes fails

21 Hilariously Failed DIY Fixes

unethical life hacks

These Questionable Life Hacks Are Definitely Unethical and Maybe Even Illegal

marriage FAIL list wedding engagement dating - 1140741

Reading These Diasterious 'Left at the Alter' Stories Will Remind Your Heart to Trust Your Gut Way More Often

list spicy peppers dumb Video - 997125

Are You Dumb Enough to Try These Idiotic Methods of Eating Caroline Reapers?

hilarious tinder troll in DM conversations

This Tinder Hero Does Nothing But Troll People

Beans memes

Someone Has Spent the Last Year Photoshopping Beans From Even Stevens Onto Other People

logo twitter FAIL list donald trump meme politics - 864773

The Internet is Loving How Bad This Donald Trump & Mike Pence Official Campaign Logo is

picture of laughing sharks and caption about funny fish puns

Dude Tries to Complain About a Terrible Sandwich on Twitter, Ends Up With an Awesome Lyrical Pun Battle Instead

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