
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

Funny examples of Amazon Prime Day sales.

Amazon Prime Day Was an Incredible Success!

twitter list creepy Travel airplane - 974085

The Creepy Factor of Spending an Entire Flight Sat Next to a Creepy Doll is Palpable While a Woman Live-Tweets It

list donald trump troll politics - 932869

Patton Oswalt's Questioning of the Ridiculous #TrumpCantSwim Ended When Pharma Bro Jumped in to Poorly Troll Oswalt and Got His Ass Handed To Him

logo twitter FAIL list donald trump meme politics - 864773

The Internet is Loving How Bad This Donald Trump & Mike Pence Official Campaign Logo is

Beans memes

Someone Has Spent the Last Year Photoshopping Beans From Even Stevens Onto Other People

sex twitter list embarrassing UK - 960773

This Cheating Bloke Got His Lack of Stamina Put on Blast and Twitter Twitter Pipes In

retail fail

Reading These Amazingly Dumb Customer Requests Might Just Give You Retail Rage PTSD

FAILS engrish list classic - 1040645

All of These Translations Aren't What They Should Be, But They're Almost Better Anyways

overprotective army mom

This Overprotective Army Mom is About to Make Her Son's Life a Load Worse


These Items Show How Hard it is to Be a Geek on a Really Tight-Budget

list cringe politics - 1007621

A California Congresswoman Ended Her Argument With an Attempt at "The Dab" That Will Make You Cringe

twitter 2016 FAIL list - 707077

One Man is Pointing Out Brands That Prematurely Scheduled Their New Year's Tweets

russia list english Reddit - 212229

Redditor's Russian Wife Can't Describe a Tape Measure, Accidentally Creates a Dictionary of New Terms for Things

twitter star wars FAIL list Memes funny - 1249029

Vox Chose the Worst Title for a Star Wars Review Possible and Now Everyone Else Is Parodying Them With #VoxtheMovies

reviews FAIL list trolling cookies - 883205

This Oddly Shaped Cookie Cutter May Turn Your Bake Sale Into a Flop, but the Reviews Are Hilarious

FAIL list Awkward holiday classic - 1013765

Just a Few Reminders Why Celebrating Columbus Day is Awkward AF