
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.


This Woman Couldn't Get a Date on Tinder, Even When She Communicated Only in Kanye Quotes

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This Mother Got a Bit of a Country Surprise When Her Son's School Called Her

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9 Sanic Memes That are Better Than Recent Sonic Games

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A California Congresswoman Ended Her Argument With an Attempt at "The Dab" That Will Make You Cringe

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After Reading These 'Accidental Reply All' Stories You'll Be Double Checking Every Email For At Least a Week

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People Are Calling Ellen DeGeneres a Racist for Her Tweet About Usain Bolt

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50 Hilarious Memes To Ease You Into The Evening

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You're Going to Want to These Read 25 Ridiculous Best and Worst Sexy Time Experiences

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Donald Trump's Baby Picture Just Made Photoshop Battles Great Again

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Take Notes Kids, This Teacher is a Prime Example of Being Shot Down After Hitting On Another Teacher

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All of These Translations Aren't What They Should Be, But They're Almost Better Anyways

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WTF! These Playstation 2 Covers From an Iraq Market Make Zero Sense

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One Drunk Australian Accidentally Stole Christmas Joy From a Young Girl and it's as Close as We'll Get to the Grinch In Real Life in 2016

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Using J.K. Rowling Quotes For Views is Not Something J.K. Rowling is Not Going to Let Slide

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Redditor's Russian Wife Can't Describe a Tape Measure, Accidentally Creates a Dictionary of New Terms for Things

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This Manchester Police Tweet is Baffling and Twitter is Having None of It