
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

taylor swift's trademarked phrases

The Internet Isn't Happy About Taylor Swift's Abuse of Her Trademarks

nba twitter sports list basketball funny Video - 1060613

The Best FAILs and LOLs From the Start of the NBA Preseason

list trolling pranks dating image - 850693

This McDonald's Employee Thought He Had His McDreamgirl's Number, but He Accidentally Texted a Troll

FAIL list photoshop - 143622

These Photoshop Fails are Incredible


These Items Show How Hard it is to Be a Geek on a Really Tight-Budget

millennials donald trump

Donald Trump's Children Posted a Headshot Ad Targetd to Millennials But The Only Thing People Saw Was How Creepy They Looked

twitter list idiot politics - 823557

Newt Gingrich Thinks "London Has Fallen" Is a Sobering Warning, the Internet Thinks He's an Idiot

fashion twitter list internet pants argument - 705797

According to This Simple Hypothetical Canine-Fashion Question There are Only Two Kinds of People, Which Are You?

list Close Enough - 6941484800

It Was a Nice Attempt At Least

Music wtf list celeb - 957445

Corey Feldman Performed a Dark and Awkward Song on the Today Show and the Internet is Confused and Cringing For Him

So about that plagiarized speech that Melania Trump may have given

Is Trump's Mysterious Speech Writer Meredith McIver a Figment of His Own Imagination?

trashy baby names

Avoid These Universally Trashy Baby Names If You Don't Want Your Kid to be Hated Abroad

christmas gifts list trolling - 1266693

If These People Offer Tips on Wrapping Presents, Pass

customer service FAIL list McDonald's food - 778501

All He Wanted was a Milkshake, Instead He Left McDonald's with an Incredible Tale of Late-Night Drive-Thru Frustration

melania trump quotes

The Internet Can't Stop Sharing These Famous Melania Trump "Quotes"

Photoshop battles of trump as a kid

Donald Trump's Baby Picture Just Made Photoshop Battles Great Again

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