FAIL Nation


This is All Part of the Routine, Right?

ouch dancing gif fail nation g rated - 7374845440

Wrestling is the Realest Sport, Guys

gif fake wrestling fail nation g rated - 7296994816

In Russia, Rocket FAILS You

Via poanyc

Happy Birthda-GHWARGL

cake gif funny - 7843331072

That's a Lot of Skinned Knees Right There

ouch skateboarding gif funny - 7757991168

Just When You Think You've Nailed Your Aesthetic... Boom

Via 1InvictuS1

Hanging Twenty

Via 23vede

How Could You Betray Us, Shamu?

ouch gif whale aquarium fail nation g rated - 7246371584

How To Tell Your Friend Isn’t A Genius

gif FAIL fence - 8510118400
Created by kacerosky ( Via Jason Starkes )

Nobody Suspects the Double Prank!

ouch gif surprise prank funny fail nation g rated - 7704411136

Hardcore Street Fighting FAIL

ouch gif fighting funny - 7688838656

Instant Karmic Feedback

gif karma ouch justice - 7936955392

Getting in Shape Can be Difficult

ouch gif sports funny working out - 7538394368

Unnecessary Censorship at its Best

gif accidental sexy fail nation - 8031865856

Don't Tell Her the Odds

gif escalator facepalm temporarily stairs funny - 7874574848

His Grip is Smashing

Via MannyUnicorn

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