
witty reply

That's Probably Why

copypasta religion witty reply you asked - 4847175424
Created by Unknown

Roadside Assistance

battle of the sexes witty reply - 4588652544

Dealing With Life's Pressures

lol status quote witty reply - 4440968192

Pardon My French

parents swearing witty reply - 5016013824
Created by Kisurahara

Work-Appropriate Attire

lol win witty reply - 4515959040
Created by Maluna

He's Missing Something Due to His Operation

oh snap witty reply your friends are jerks - 4771502336
Created by Unknown

Like Father, Like Son

battle of the sexes dad Jedi menstruation oh snap parents son witty reply - 5246823936
Created by Unknown

Sympathetic Friends are Sympathetic

I see what you did there win witty reply your friends are laughing at you - 5077990400
Created by TheFlamingNinja

Birthday Fun

birthday witty reply wtf you asked - 4746877696

Neil Wilson

hero win witty reply - 5091590912


lol witty reply x men - 4538940416

Poor Dylan

bullying copypasta p33n witty reply - 5076586752
Via imgur


lyrics spelling witty reply - 5152924160
Created by Unknown

The Anti-SOPA Administration

censorship diary government SOPA witty reply - 5709732608
Created by operababez

The Alan Rickman GPS

Funny facbook thread of an exchange on how an Alan Rickman GPS voice would be like.
Created by xstacy

Your Couch or Mine?

exes netflix relationships witty reply witty status - 5246824960
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