
old people

Greeting at the Pearly Gates

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Via iraffiruse

Trust the Shirtless Old Guy, He'll Sell You a Sweet Laptop

Via DrMiscellaneous

Sometimes Public Transportation Can Remind You That People Aren't All That Bad After All

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Via the telegraph
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11 Old Facebook Geezers That Couldn't Have Cared Less

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Grandma Learns More About Facebook

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Paper or Plastic?

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Grandpa Knows What He Likes

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Created by Unknown

A Tipsy Martha Stewart Rode a Hoverboard?!

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Via @MarthaStewart

There Has Never Been a More Mom-Like Text

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Via rooflan

They're Onto You

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Created by rockerfool

Why Old People Shouldn't Have the Facebooks

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Created by the guy behind the screen

From the Womb of Poseidon Himself!

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Oh, Old People...

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Created by Unknown

The Password is... Password

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Created by CheaperChicken

Facebook Has Really Changed You, Doris

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Now to Put These in the Scrapbook...

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