

Feelin' the Love

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Created by TracyLalonde

Everyone's a Critic

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Mom is F**king Serious About Farmville

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Stay Out of It, Mom!

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Created by Danii

Slid Right In

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Do I Even Know Which One is Right?

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The "Back Door"

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You Have to be a Little Crazy to Survive Motherhood

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The Truth Hurts Almost as Badly as Mom's Broken Knee

Text - "Mom walks in as I'm messing around on her crutches Mom: Oh Matt, are you going to bring those to school tomorrow? Me: Why would I do that? Mom: "So the girls wilfeel bad for you and you can finally get a date. Well played Mom, well played... Like Comment Sunday at 8:36pm and 8 others lke this. View all 37 comments Write a comment...
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You're Not True Hardcore Mom Enough if You Had a C-Section Birth, According to These Idiots

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Mom Knows Best

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That's What Moms Are For

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That's the Sound of Mom Pantsing You and Hanging You by the Flagpole

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The Week of Mother's Day Has Been Simply Heartwarming

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