
You got hacked! You're not alone though, plenty of people have been compromised by cyber criminals without ever realizing it. So enjoy some hilarious examples of others and learn from  their mistakes, it will pay off in the end.

whoops facebook hacked - 8425049344

Crayola Apparently Had its Facebook Page Hacked... by Horned-Up 12-Year-Old Boys

cleavage hacked - 7346432000

Hmm, What's on My "Didn't Need to Know That" List Today?

Text - Jenni I am a dork Unlike Comment Share 5 minutes ago via mobile You and Her Dad Did eric steal your phone 4 minutes ago via mobile Like Jenni 2 minutes ago via mobile Like ike this. No dad, you did. Write a comment... failbook.com

Thanks, Dad...

guns twitter hacked - 8806012672

Probably Not Tho

anonymous twitter hacked kkk - 8379904256

When the Ku Klux Klan Promised "Lethal Force" Against Ferguson Protesters, Anonymous Struck Back

hacked Image your mom zing - 3634801920


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