

Failbook. Where all the dumb things everyone thought they deleted are posted by their friends for others to laugh at and enjoy their inexplicable lack of a thought process. Remember - think before you post.

Four Out of Five Stars, Would Crush the Oligarchy Again

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Via joshxhowie

Some Resolutions Are Basically Impossible to Keep, Right?

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Via txroller

Amid Protests in Hong Kong, the Daughter of a Major Officials Thanks the Taxpayers for Buying Her Diamonds

Probably bad News Protest politics news failbook g rated - 8336356096
Via Boing Boing

Sexting and Emoji, Like Oil and Water

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Via Brown Cardigan

Start9 for Maximum Prayer Efficiency!

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Via SOAD008

Nice Sweater-Vest, JERK

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Via Bro My God

In Which Chick-Fil-A May Have Pretended to Be a Teenaged Girl on Facebook

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Friend Zone Application

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Created by Unknown

With Six Kids, Protection is Clearly the Least of Their Worries

Via metamuffins

The Joys of Pregnancy

Babies mom pregnant Overshare failbook - 8355991040
Created by Unknown

The Reason We Don't Want Your Dad on Twitter

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Via Helio5

Failbook: Nerdgasm II: Ladies Strike Back

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Created by Unknown

Yes, Yes It Is

forever alone failbook - 7720870912
Created by Unknown

The Zombie Apocalypse Would Get Way More Trippy

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domestic violence abuse marriage failbook g rated - 4985178880
Created by Stephanie

I Can't... I Don't Even... I Just... Ugh...

Lord of the Rings Game of Thrones failbook g rated - 7958262528

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