

Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

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Via avatardad

Jimmy and His "Friend" Are Wicked Awkward

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Via Dogjpeg

Was It Something I Said?

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Created by fishman89

I Don't Think He Liked It

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Created by TheAnonymous

Knocked Her Socks Off

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Created by sadfacedmuffins

Two Texts Don't Make a Right

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Via @GQprometheus

No, I'm Busy Saturday

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Created by Feliform
Man tells girlfriend that she doesn't work hard enough for her salary. | r/AmltheAsshole Join u/throwaway862610 1d 2 1 AITA being frustrated my girlfriend doesn't work hard at her job and gets paid nearly twice as much as do? Asshole My girlfriend and both work tech, she's safety validator software, working at consulting firm, and doing network infrastructure support both worked different offices didn't know much about her day day life at work knew she made lot more than 120k my 66k, and she

Man Tells Girlfriend She Doesn't Work Hard Enough For Salary

Definitely not the move, my dude.
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The Right Thing to Do

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Cut That Out!

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Tinder DMs of  Chemistry students match up

Guy Matches With Classmate On Tinder And Explosion Of Scientific Flirting Ensues

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Freeze Up

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Guy Creates Troll Tinder Account Using Male Model Pics, Doesn't Fail to Pull Amazing Number of Thirsty Chicks

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Welcome to Dating Purgatory, The "It's Complicated" Facebook Status IRL

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"Nice Guy" Just Wants to Help Women Be Less Afraid, So He Left a Creepy, Anonymous Note

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