

Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

Baby Got Balls

baby parenting Reddit - 6489252864
Employee gets fired, and then makes company lose around $100K |r/ProRevenge u/hoodlvm fired and made company lose over £100k So l used work at family run builders merchants and trade sales advisor fired bringing up health and safety concerns an email sent manager and fact apparently "unhappy my role did nothing wrong but they still sacked Now worked there had clients had built good relationships with and even become friends with some them. They would get beers and whiskey at

Employee Gets Fired, Makes Company Lose Over $100K

Oh, they got them good.
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When You Can't Even Distinguish Parody From Reality, Something is a Problem

youtube trolling parody youtube comments Reddit - 8382548480
Via Brown Cardigan

Bad Dog

animals dogs Reddit - 6478277632
Walmart employees describe the strangest things they've witnessed while on the job | gigashadow89 6y My favorite guy who came and said lost remote so need new tv asked him if tv broken wasn't, he just lost remote and didn't want bother finding so he wanted new tv showed him our selection universal remotes he responded with "but then l'd have program new tv comes with preprogrammed remote So sold guy 50 inch tv.

Weirdest Things Walmart Employees Witnessed

Walmart is a magnet for the strange.
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A knowledgable boss is underestimated and proceeds to win tech support. | r/talesfromtechsupport u/syninthecity 17h sometimes need stroke 1 2 4 1 3 1 1 day my boss won Tech Support. Medium mostly lurk, but this..this boys, girls and enbie friends this story had be told. Some minor context do software support thing 's used by essentially everyone may go call with mom and pop running everything on an underpowered ancient SBS 11 multinational running ten thousand server instances their own cloud

Knowledgable Boss Is Underestimated, Proceeds To Win Tech Support

Some bosses are actually pretty good at their jobs.
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Employee decides to play their aces after being confronted by their company | r/MaliciousCompliance u/technos All getting is half hour, tops. L Years ago one my employer's clients decided set up new office Fort Wayne, Indiana, and got chosen spend three weeks there getting new space set up. Also chosen job guy another division's Chicago office, Dave.

Employee Plays Their Aces When Confronted By Company

Dave ended up being a gem.
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Bad Advice, Shitty Pro Tips, Funny Memes, Life Hacks, Advice, Funny | bad boy @badboychadhoy my credit score is low but 's because want protect myself identity theft. no one can take out mortgage my name if can't even take out mortgage my name.

30 Terrible Tips & Life Hacks Nobody Should Try

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comebacks | tweet by abby @abbypauline been 7 car accidents this year, y'all can't tell God doesr have plan senpai @jasminsenju Girl sound like he tryna kill u

Clever Comebacks That Deserve A Plaque For Their Spice

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Guy continually bullies insurance company, and ends up learning his lesson | r/ProRevenge Join u/draconian1429 NEVER bully insurance company, or lose franchise Hello all. Excuse any poor grammar or spelling on mobile. TLDR at bottom This story comes friend mine, Sarah, and has been building almost 5 years until all came crashing down over last week few things note before get into Sarah works at an insurance company, dealing with massive nationwide delivery company her company

Man Repeatedly Bullies Insurance Company, Loses Everything

This gave peace to my soul.
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Man disregards his wife's directions and then all the fails ensue | r/tifu u/vistacruisin 5d Join TIFU by not listening my wife and trusting Google Maps XL First off, this actually happened today little background have had camping trip planned this weekend 8 months, and since are able socially distance and spend most our time at beach decided keep trip as planned campground are staying at is about five hour drive our house, and our plan meet my parents and my kids who were staying with my parent

Man Disregards Wife's Directions, All The Fails Ensue

Everything went wrong.
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A CEO doesn't understand how departments work so he brings in a Karen that messes it all up | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/ACFF 1y CEO didn't understand my department did apparently L Update at bottom. Thanks so much up votes and silver, gold and platinum really didn't think this would take off like this. Some backstory general troubleshooter my company. My job involved lot travelling different clients support. My area work is Ontario, Canada (where am based out and some nearby States United

CEO Doesn't Understand What Departments Do, Karen Catastrophe Ensues

CEO should've left things as they were.
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A collection of the creepiest things that night time workers ever witnessed | Xanghanistan 2d Worked as office cleaner before covid, 11-7am as 1- man team. One stormy ass night on phone while working my connection started fade and out All sudden there is just deafeningly loud shriek coming out my phone and power goes out. Even emergency lights remember looking out window 10th and seeing whole industrial park black. Nights make everything creepy

Freakiest Stuff Night Time Workers Witnessed

Hard pass on the graveyard shifts.
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County mower messes with dad's shrubs, so dad ends up taking revenge with rebar | r/ProRevenge u/SwizzleMalarki 1y Join County mower trimmed down our shrubs no reason. Go ahead and try again First time posting reading post on here about neighbor running over poles their yard and reminded this story. Also writing this my phone, so bear with Tl;dr at bottom 7 or 8 my dad planted row shrubs along front property. They started out as scrawny sticks, but fast-forward few years and they were big

County Mower Shreds Dad's Shrubs, Dad Revenges With Rebar

Hard to mow a reinforcing bar.
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Man tells his sister that she should lower her dating standards as a single mom | AITA telling my single mom sister she should get more realistic comes her dating standards? Asshole context: My older sister 32(f) is single mother two (7m and 5f) because her marriage ended after 4 years. He is still around and pays child, but she's mostly raising kids on her own. She has been single quite some time and recently tried start dating again. My sister thinks herself as good catch college degree, well

Man Tells Sister She Should Lower Her Dating Standards

Not cool, my dude.
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A collection of basic skills that people are completely terrible at.

Basic Skills People Are Completely Terrible At

We all have our weak spots.
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