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Man gifted DNA test for his birthday learns about his real dad and siblings | r/tifu Join u/chabbiedabbie TIFU by giving my boyfriend DNA test his birthday M Edit DNA test 23& health and ancestory kit So this happened back August but he finally got results back few weeks ago. But brace yourselves, this is some soap opera shit. Turns out he has half sister and aunt he never knew about. Both aunt and sister are on his dads side family so he spoke his dad.

Man Gets DNA Test For Birthday, Soap Opera Ensues

At least this one has a happy ending.
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pictures of wedding cake fails | bride dragging a groom from a computer desk | ugly cheap yellow cake

Wedding Cakes Worth Calling Off The Wedding For

Wedding Cakes So Bad, They Belong In The Trash
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reddit thread about things that used to scare people when they were young kids | floppy--whale 19h 2 Awards Bees and wasps be honest sill prefer they don't buzz around but little remained SAFE 5 meters away them

Things That Terrified People As Kids

Bees and wasps are pretty scary.
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funny tumblr posts blog blogging reblog entertaining and interesting relatable jokes inspirational weird humor today i learned | cedarspiced someone put mothman their window and now there's crowd ppl outside dorms staring up at him and chanting mothman love college precious-crona angle this photo implies OP is part aforementioned crowd. cedarspiced who do think started mothman chant

46 Entertaining Tumblr Posts To Help You Waste Time

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funny tumblr posts blog blogging reblog entertaining and interesting relatable jokes inspirational weird humor today i learned | schmergo Follow Isn't suspicious sexiest man alive is always already celebrity feel like they're really not plumbing depths their research. Like, imagine if got Sexiest Man Alive edition People and orthodontist on front cover and were like Oh PHEW guess not only one who sees 4,903 notes

Entertaining Tumblr Posts To Eliminate Boredom

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Company demands that their employee get to work on a broken bike. | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/gaarmstrong318 19h 1 4 5 e 4 3 5 VOTE 4 VOTED 2 Broken down bike don't care get here meeting! L Edit people asking this is UK have full motorbike licence with no restrictions. Again thank likes and awards! Also if aren't going say something nice just move on okay? Let's all be decent humans :end edit So this is about just quick bit background exclusively ride motorbikes have not got car licence. LO

Company Demands Employee Get To Work On Broken Bike

Be careful with what you ask your staff to do.
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A collection of the pettiest revenge stories we've ever seen | r/pettyrevenge Join u/wonderlandsfinestawp 2d Hog all parking at top hill? Enjoy waiting get out driveway! This happened years ago, back still working residential healthcare. One houses worked at had really steep driveway lead road up front door/garage. There room park at top driveway front entrance, and there more than enough room two cars park side by side this area. Since my shift overnight and usually involved arriving

The World's Pettiest Revenges

The petty revenge is an art form.
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A funny petty revenge story about how sapphires aren't a Karen's best friend | r/pettyrevenge u/rosexknight Sapphires aren't Karen's best friend. Not my story but my cousin's. Let's call him Dave. So Dave (34M dating Karen really long time (like 4 years) and earlier this year he finally proposed. Now, Karen bit gold digger and very entitled person. She bit white trailer trash but fancied herself rich lady. She VERY vocal all other women family about she wanted traditional diamond ring

Petty Revenge Tale: Sapphires Enrage Karen

Good for Dave.
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funny tumblr posts blog blogging reblog entertaining and interesting relatable jokes inspirational weird humor today i learned 2020 america usa | couldnt-think funny-name got lot beef with concept dust. absolutely no reason something get dirty just because nothing has touched bullshit

Top Tumblr Posts And Tidbits From The Past Week

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A woman calls out some café owners for shady business practices.

Woman Calls Out Café Owners For Shady Practices

Those owners asked for it.
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Nasty neighbors won't be considerate of neighbor over a heater situation, so a pro revenge takes place. | r/ProRevenge Join u/VloekenenVentileren 2h 1 2 1 e2 S 1 1 Don't wanna turn down heating unit make sure start day freezing cold. So this story takes place only few weeks ago live on first floor cornerbuilding and ground floor this building is general commercial unit had been vacant about year changed december 2020. At point national post service rented out building as temporary place where me

Neighbors Won't Turn Down Heating Unit, They Pay The Price

Should've just played nice.
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funny tumblr posts blog blogging reblog entertaining and interesting jokes inspirational today i learned | loversdreamersandyou Follow letter V doesn't know any V-words fresh factory don't know anything. nuisancealligator This is feels like be training at new job

Best Tumblr Tidbits From The Past Week

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funny tumblr posts blog blogging reblog entertaining and interesting relatable jokes inspirational weird humor today i learned | floverload 's dumb stress makes hair fall out slowly should reach certain level stress and should all fall off at once heap floverload waiter: enjoy meal too *becomes instantly bald*

Random Tumblr Posts And Tidbits To Help You Waste Time

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Pizza delivery drivers describe the weirdest things they've ever encountered | BadonkaDonkies 1y "wow he's really cute as group 3 cute college aged girls opened door around same age as them so made feel fantastic as low self esteem big issue back then They only tipped remainder 20 total $19.48, and looking back on did they expect hear their comment and not tip But at time had so much more pep my step, atleast remainder day haha

Weirdest Encounters Pizza Delivery Drivers Had

Never know what's behind that door.
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People describe the stupidest things that they had to explain to clueless individuals | ashp10 7h although bendy, aluminum is indeed metal and CANNOT go into microwave

Most Obvious Things That Had To Be Explained To People

Learn a new thing every day.
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Guy ends up beating a Craigslist scammer at their own game | r/ProRevenge u/Oregonlost Beat craigslist scammer at his own game. So hunting rental house valentines day weekend and wasn't finding much, so popped into local Craigslist page and found place at decent but very believable price. No contact info or website, so T emailed through Craigslist relay, everything sounds legit up until he asks pay using

Guy Beats Craigslist Scammer At Their Own Game

Too easy.
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