Dating Fails


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How Texting is Ruining Our Relationships

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funny dating fails

Guy's Date Ditches Him in the Middle of a Movie and Texts Him Explaining Why in the Most Brutal Way Possible

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WHAT That's Hilarious!

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Man Sends Dumbest Possible Texts To His Date After Finding Out She Had Cancer

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The Power of Being an Independent Woman Compels You

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British guy says that he's a cop to a girl after their texting exchange doesn't go well.

British Pervert Pulls Cop Card After Flirty Texting Goes Horribly Wrong

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So Moist

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Loaded Question

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Desperate idiot defends cheating on his girlfriend with elaborate texts about how he had to save the world from cancer.

Desperate Idiot Defends Cheating on Girlfriend Cause "He Had to Save World From Cancer"

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Guy tries to make another girl jealous through texting conversation by pretending that he has a girlfriend and it backfires.

Idiot Pretends to Have Girlfriend to Make Another Chick Jealous and It Backfires Horribly

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pictures of conversation between guy who rejects girl on tinder who has a massive meltdown | Hey 31 May 2016 Good morning hope u have great day! 1 June 2016 Do u not wanna talk Good morning Hi Samantha, sorry started seeing someone around time matched don't want lead on yesterday Oh 's cool so sorry messaged u mean would love get know u sometime sorry wasn't worth | Psh only reason why people match with u is cuz ur good looking if u weren't then prob no one would match with u Oh wait lol prob ug

Guy Politely Rejects Girl On Tinder, She Has Aggressive Meltdown

Not everyone takes rejection well
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Here's the Easiest Way to Ruin Your iPhone-Owning Friend's Day

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woman sends cringe texts after getting rejected

Woman Unleashes Fiery Texting Rant On Guy After Getting Rejected

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They're Talking to Each Other

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Guy shuts down his cheating ex with one brutal text.

Guy Shuts Down Cheating Ex With Savage Text

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