Dating Fails


Someone's About To Get Some Sports-Related Injuries

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funny dating fails

Dude Texts Wrong Number Thinking It's a Girl, Finds Out It's a Guy, Proceeds With Lusty Persistence Anyways

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The Eternal Battle Between Girlfriend and Tacky

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Via Cant_stop_Texas
Guy gets hit on by bot and responds very well.

Dude Gets Trolled by Thirsty Bot and Handles Situation in the Best Way Possible

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People Share the Most Ridiculous Booty Call Texts They've Ever Received, and the Thirst Is Overpowering

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Now That's Some Sweet Talkin

Via psyducked

Thanks for Knowing Who I Am

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How Dare You Have Other Things To Do!

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Woman's Texts With Manipulative Psycho Escalate Sickeningly Quickly

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Guy gets wrong number text from an angry wife who won't believe that he's not her husband.

Guy Trolls Wrong Number Text From An Enraged Wife Who Refuses to Believe He's Not Her Husband

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Via straightwhiteboystexting
Traumatized daughter is somehow in her mom's group chat.

Traumatized Daughter Was Caught In Her Mom's Cringeworthy Sexting Crossfire

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A Valid Question!

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This Went From :( to :) Pretty Quick!

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Guy Keeps Getting Texts Intended for Girl Who Gives Fake Number to Men, but He's Having Some Fun with It

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10 Awkward Texts From Exes That Should've Stayed In The Drafts Folder

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