Dating Fails


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Listen to This Tale of a Betrayed-Groom's Savage Retaliation on His Cheating Bride

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Angry Wife Wastes $7K to Get Back at Cheating Husband for Insane FAIL of a Revenge Play

Via Daily Mail

When Mimes Cheat

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Via Mattxy8

People Need to Get Better at Covering Their Tracks

guy takes a photo for a girl, and leaves evidence of him sending pics to another girl
Via Y Scro Serious

Pro Tip: Always Log Out of Your Social Media Accounts

Pro Tip: Always Log Out of Your Social Media Accounts
Via @stobartdriver38

No Nick Cave for the Lady!

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Bewildered Woman Live-Tweets Enraged Lady Destroying Her Cheating BF At Dinner

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She Really Is a Sweetheart

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Via M0rris0n Hotel
Cheating ex tries to get her man back but he is really not interested.

Man Shuts His Cheating Ex Down With One Brutal Text

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Sometimes it Happens

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Via Jmarcih

Scumbag Steve Hitting on Pregnant Chicks

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Let Me Simplify This

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Most Ridiculous Ways People Have Discovered They're Being Cheated On Exceed Wildest Expectations

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Alabama Governor Facing Impeachment After His Wife Discovers Super Cringe Sexts He Sent to His Colleague

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Pubic Service Announcement

Via JennyJuggs84

Yeah, He Probably Doesn't Want to Get Back Together

guy talks about his poop to his cheating girlfriend
Via He Who Smells Faintly Of Cola
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