

The White House is Beefing With Taylor Swift, Bragging That Their Student Debt Relief Website is Way Better Than Her Ticketmaster Presale

The White House is Beefing With Taylor Swift, Bragging That Their Student Debt Relief Website is Way Better Than Her Ticketmaster Presale

The one time a government website is better than private sector…
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humor president jfk ridiculous funny Video politics - 107034881

Flashback Video: JFK Chews Out Air Force General Over Expensive Furniture

JFK was not about it.
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Guy's coworker pulls a Ron Swanson and proceeds to replace organization with her own | r/ProRevenge Join u/TatonkaJack 23h My coworker destroyed PTA worked state senator's office with very smart and capable mom. She senator's aide but only part year and fairly certain she didn't really have career apart But incredibly capable.This lady would always surprise with things she had done. Like once she casually mentioned time she had gone some conference Australia give speech and like "wait

Coworker Pulls A Ron Swanson, Replaces PTA With Her Own Organization

The Karens weren't ready for her.
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Journalist explains how Danish parliament works compared to American Congress | tweet by Michael Grunwald Replying MikeGrunwald First all, there dais hearing room, just like any congressional hearing, except politicians weren't on dais six experts who were testifying were on dais. Can imagine? As if hearing about them and not politicians? politicians were sitting front row audience. They all stayed their seats entire hearing. And do know they did? They listened second row and didn't see any them

Journalist Compares Danish Parliament to American Congress

It seems more efficient.
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Twitter reactions to PETA's rejected Super Bowl ad | drawing of a squirrel and an arachnid kneeling: tweet by CharlotteDelbo @stbridget77 Replying peta @NFL and @FOXSports Omfg this is tone-deaf af

Twitter Reacts To PETA's Rejected Super Bowl Ad

PETA does it again.
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A Tumblr user's comments about what makes up a livable wage gets disproven | There's no state where full-time minimum wage worker can afford one-bedroom apartment at fair market rent s unacceptable. constitutioncutie Minimum wage 7.25 $7.25 x 40 hour full time work week 290 $290 x 4 weeks per month 1,160 every Southern state didn't have time look at rest country can find some sort studio apartment around $500

Tumblr User's Livable Wage Comment Gets Disproved

They should've checked themselves first.
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jfk phone call chews out roasts military officer for buying overpriced baby crib

John F. Kennedy Chews Out Military Officer Over $5K Crib Purchase

He was not stoked.
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Guy on Twitter describes his very frustrating experience trying to use his health insurance | tweet by AdamWeinstein Them copay CT scan will be $500 Whaaaat? No way. Who'd talk at my insurance? Them s cash self-pay rate, if don't use insurance? Them: Uh 300

Guy On Twitter Details Infuriating Medical Insurance Experience

What a mess.
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A health insurance exec's Twitter thread on health insurance reform goes viral | tweet by Wendell Potter O @wendellpotter Lately I've noticed some Democratic politicians defending the current healthcare system by saying it preserves "choice" for Americans. As a former health insurance exec who helped draft this talking point, I need to come clean on its back story, and why it's wrong and a trap

Health Insurance Exec's Twitter Thread On Healthcare Goes Viral

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Twitter thread on "Ok Boomer" shows history and significance.

Twitter Thread Outlines Significance of "Ok Boomer" Phenomenon

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Kid Tricks NBA Dance Cam Into Showing A Hong Kong Message

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Scary Bullet Train Announcement Is A Dystopian Vision Of The Future

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Man Uses Platform To Roleplay A Vegetable Instead Of Discussing Climate Change

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#GreenShirtGuy Goes Viral Over His Uncontrollable Laughing At "Sanctuary City" Heckler

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Galveston Police Issue Apology After Image Of Them Leading Black Man Behind Horse With Rope Goes Viral

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Man on Twitter faces backlash after tweeting that he needs an assault weapon to deal with the 30-50 feral hogs in his backyard.

Feral Hog Memes Storm Twitter After Moron Says He Needs Assault Weapon For 30-50 Feral Hogs

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