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Entitled coworker gets humbled and learns lesson on Christmas Day. | r/ProRevenge u/MorganLeFatal 2y Join Merry Christmas quit. Quite few years ago moved into house with few my best friends. One my friends got job with her at local gas station within walking distance our house and thought pretty set with my new arrangement living with my best friends, able walk work and job should have been one easiest positions ever held is, until met my coworker Jane worked nights didn't get too many customers

Entitled Coworker Learns Lesson On Christmas Day

Merry Christmas, Jane.
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Boss rejects employee's PC upgrade request, so the employee maliciously complies | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/Rhelyk 11h Won't get much needed PC upgrade properly do my job? OK make watch work XL run parts room at an independently owned auto body collision repair shop call owners Mr and Mrs Bossman do mostly insurance repairs and always have between 20 and 50 vehicles on-property various states repair, depending on busy are. Once estimate specific vehicle is approved my job is primarily order

Boss Denies Employee's Necessary PC Upgrade, Malicious Compliance Ensues

Congrats on the raise, indeed.
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Cringe, Funny Cringe, Funny Memes, Social Media, Facebook, Reddit, Facepalm, Funny Comments, Cringetopia | collected all legs roaches live my house and finally created my masterpieces y these are jumbo flying roach legs are now sale they're itchy but cute | Weed adaed Tolaze itl Ph?c-An 47 minutes ago Like A2 man did u photoshop ur eyes Dominik No photoshop, only quality weed my friend

20+ Cringeworthy & Eye-roll Inducing Internet Moments

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dank internet memes | Person - Communism Theory will have classless society will be great! Communism Practice: | Hat - Men be like Where's ketchup LAND LAKES HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP Men also be like Do see 1,535 m Taliban Sniper away?"

The Dank Drop: 25 Of Our Favorite Dank Memes Of The Week (10-17 To 10-23)

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Funny memes, tweets, and tumblr posts collected from Reddit, r/brandnewsentence | Molly Hodgdon @Manglewood His kiss slow, but firm and unyielding like an old man backing his Lincoln Town OCar over handicapped parking sign. | Dylan Sprouse @dylansprouse Happy two year anniversary. Here's us looking more alike with each passing year until single beast with four arms and four legs runs at top speed 50mph and screams like baboon at nearby travelers trespassing into our woods many more!

Creative Posts From Internet Poets

Move over, Shakespeare.
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Petty revenge is taken on a coworker who complains about free pizza | r/pettyrevenge u/anon98199 225d Join Coworker complains about free pizza So told this belongs here as well. Please enjoy So one my coworkers is huge choosing beggar. Like aggressively choosy point he will bully people who are buying him free things get exactly he wants. This normally doesn't affect as have learned just tell him fuck off course he always complains and pretends like just attacked him out nowhere but 's not

Coworker Complains About Free Pizza, Petty Feast Ensues

Free pizza somehow isn't good enough for some people.
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People describe their wildest butterfly effect situations from small decisions | lulun97 6h 3 4 Awards sent friend secondary school (who had huge crush on message saying happy birthday couple years after left school. Did whole have catch up soon thing, not expecting much. He replied with about Monday saw him Monday coffee. Next month will be our 6th anniversary. Best thing ever happened My friends joke queen escaping friendzone

Craziest Butterfly Effects From People's Small Decisions

The universe works in mysterious ways.
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Wholesome, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Faith In Humanity, Random Acts of Kindness | Gus Constantellis @ConstantlyGus exercising on my balcony and someone stopped at red light got out their car and started working out with did jumping jacks, pointed at each other, and laughed. He got back his car and drove off most human connection l've had 17 days | Panda caretakers disguise teach baby panda live wild.

20+ Loving People Who Restored Our Faith In Humanity

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Walmart employees describe the strangest things they've witnessed while on the job | gigashadow89 6y My favorite guy who came and said lost remote so need new tv asked him if tv broken wasn't, he just lost remote and didn't want bother finding so he wanted new tv showed him our selection universal remotes he responded with "but then l'd have program new tv comes with preprogrammed remote So sold guy 50 inch tv.

Weirdest Things Walmart Employees Witnessed

Walmart is a magnet for the strange.
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Man's coworker brings him meals every day, and his wife tells her to stop | AITA telling my husband's colleague stop bringing him meals she cooks everyday? Not hole F35 been married my husband Tom M32 three years recently moved new home about 4 months ago and he started his new position at private company and met new people who became friends with him outside work. His work colleague claire is bit intrusive and doesn't really respect boundaries. She'd bring meals my husband at work pretty

Man's Coworker Brings Him Meals Every Day, Wife Tells Coworker To Stop

Very, very strange.
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Dad refuses to accept defeat, so an amusement park employee takes their petty revenge | r/pettyrevenge u/TheGreatPinoy 2y Join work at an amusement park, guests are rude but here's my favourite story work at an amusement park and run games there ones people always assume are rigged but reality just really hard. At my amusement park however have hockey game has 4 targets and have try and hit those targets 60 seconds get prize depending on fast can hit all four. Anyways, this family walks up

Dad Refuses To Accept Defeat, Amusement Park Employee Goes Full Petty

A good old Canadian amusement park.
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Reddit revenge story about revenge on entitled Karen | r/IDontWorkHereLady u/poweredbyweirdhumor No, my husband wearing winter coat and carrying our 6 mo baby is not working here lady XL My husband is peaceful giant. He is 6 ft 5 and can look quite imposing even though he really is teddy bear. Never stressed or aggressive, never overreacting our raising his voice, just peaceful giant.

Canadian Man Humbles Shopping Karen

Oh she had to be humbled.
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Doctor takes revenge on his trainer by opening up offices around him | r/ProRevenge Join u/bleedybutts 2y Uncle bankrupts his previous employer Not sure if this is petty or pro or whatever be judge My uncle is an Indian doctor 90s there massive doctors shortage Australia so government gave him citizenship. Unfortunately still had sit 3 expensive exams work as doctor Australia. These exams cost thousands dollars, only happened twice year, had limited sitting spots/times and had arbitrary

Uncle Bankrupts Previous Mean Employer

Good for this guy.
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A business associate won't pay off his personal loan, so he gets his house taken | r/ProRevenge u/TheBreakUp2013 4h Join Business Associate Won't Pay His Personal Loan, So Take His House This happened 13 years ago, but details remain as clear as average post-COVID day is long background, l'm an attorney and have experience commercial lending business associate who had struck out on his own real estate development company approached about borrowing substantial sum money (low 6-figures had but

Business Associate Won't Pay Personal Loan, Gets House Taken

The man was destined for self destruction.
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A shady landlord gets defeated by a moral enforcer | r/ProRevenge u/lilliesdaddy wont give up til are no longer landlord Special thanks reditter who helped learn proper formatting. u/Rhamona_Q. Warning! This is long read but comments indicate may be worth time read regretfully got an apartment with is my opinion worst landlord ever. This man will call entitled dick or ED, has audacity call himself good person court. Let fill got an apartment shortly after being released prison. Happy

Shady Landlord Defeated By Moral Enforcer

Never give up.
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People describe common things in one country, but rare in other countries | Damagingking7 23h 4 Awards Colombia, hot chocolate is served with slices salted cheese Reply 4.9k

Common Things In One Country But Rare In Others

Never had hot cocoa like that before.
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