

Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

Being Right 50% of the Time WIN

admiral ackbar clever nerdgasm puns star wars - 6395769856
Created by KetsyBaby ( Via )

Circumcision Failed, Australia is Stuck With This Prick

clever puns parents - 8815791616
Via yougavemehogwarts

Can't Even Stop These Humps

Via Jekul8

Closing Out the Year With the Best/Worst Headline

headline clever puns - 8415646464
Via Neatorama

Clever Fruit Stand WIN

banana clever food fruit puns - 4912162816

Thanks to One Kid's Dedication, His Parents Now Have a 24-Carrot Kitchen

funny parenting image kid puts carrots all over kitchen
Via @madddiiison

You Either Win or You Die in Poverty

school student loans puns classic - 8810931200
Via TheWrestlingGod

Captain Repentless, Your Ship is Ready

puns name win boats - 8817134848
Via b00jum
news FAIL pig puns laughing classic Video name win - 74183169

This Anchorman Has One Job, But This Pig's Punny-Name is Causing Him to Crack-Up Laughing Instead

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Just Don't Hit Rock Bottom in Jail

clever puns rock paper scissors police - 8811136768
Via drkangel762

Just a Little Helping Leaf

puns sign random act of kindness - 8123184640
Via Google

Quarter Pounder With Cheese. You're Welcome.

Via tehreal
cheering up sad person with funny emoji texts

Next Time Someone Needs Cheering Up, Try Texting Something More Emojional

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Lawn & Order: Special Puns Unit

Lawn & Order: Special Puns Unit
Via fatitalianbroad

The Internet Has Jokes for Kanye West's Doppelgänger

image kanye west puns
Via @YungSatin_

Proof That Single-Mom's Can Do it All

funny twitter image mom joke at it's best
Via @princetuans

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