
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

obama putin photoshop battle

This Intense Stare Between Obama and Putin Started a Photoshop Battle

twitter adele list Memes reaction Video - 663045

Adele Releases a New Video, 'Hello' and the Twitter Fired Up the Meme-Reply Machine in Record Time

list halloween spooky - 653573

17 Unlucky People Who Got Tricks Instead of Treats for Halloween

christmas news FAIL list drunk australia note money Video win - 1213957

One Drunk Australian Accidentally Stole Christmas Joy From a Young Girl and it's as Close as We'll Get to the Grinch In Real Life in 2016

tips list halloween millennials technology stories - 1080837

These Days Modern Witches Don't Have to Do Much to Lure Kids In

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Obviously The Biggest Best Man Duty is Pranking the Newlyweds' House Before They Come Back From Their Honeymoon

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It's Easter Sunday, Fill Up on This Digital Basket Full of Easter Goodies

life list Reddit - 661765

Reddit of The Day: People Share The Best Unwritten Rules of Life

twitter list Memes - 1193477

Kenny G Knows What His Hands Are Good for, and Now So Does Everyone Else on the Internet

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7 Disney Movies Rewritten (Ruined) by the Internet

art list thanksgiving food - 342533

How Famous Painters Do Thanksgiving Dinner

Canada list photoshop Memes photoshop battle - 769029

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Yoga Pose Looked Even More Awesome Once the Internet Had a Photoshop Battle With It

nfl star wars helmet art

Fanart of the Day: All 32 NFL Teams Crossed With Star Wars

twitter list Memes holidays - 1098501

It's National Stress Awareness Day So Enjoy These Stressful Memes While You Think About All the Things That Stress You Out

lego list Fan Art adventure time - 751877

The Only Thing Wrong With These Adventure Time LEGO Minifigs is the Fact That They Aren't Real

turning the horror movie the hills have eyes less scary by making it about pies

If Horror Movies Terrify You, Maybe Try Some of the Films in #MakeAHorrorFilmLessScary