
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson ponders what difference the reaction would be to an Alien visit from Clinton VS Trump and J.K. Rowlings says it would depend if the Alien has breasts or not.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Asked a Legitimate Question About Trump/Clinton Meeting Aliens and the Quick J.K. Rowling Had the Best Answer

memes about disney

7 Scenes That Could Have Changed Disney Movies Forever

list technology sad but true robots family web comics - 621317

10 Comics That Show Us The Depth of Robot's Knowledge of The World

Pokémon list proposal ring engagement - 758533

This Guy Aimed to Make His Proposal the Very Best by Remaking Leaf Green for His Gal

peter dinklage photoshop battle

Peter Dinklage Got a Photoshop Battle That Even Tyrion Would Approve Of

kim davis work memes

20 People Who Don't Believe in Their Job But Still F**king Do It (Unlike Kim Davis)

list gifs Awkward Party - 614661

8 Comics Illustrating What Life is Like For Introverts

wtf cosplay list - 687365

"Low Cost Cosplay" is Hilarious Proof That Anyone Can Cosplay With Any Budget

fashion christmas list justin bieber social media santa - 704261

Yorkdale's Fashion Santa is Killing It This Season

brazil drunk list instagram social media win vacation - 665093

Drunkenly This Guy Booked a "Come to Brazil!!!!" Trip and Then Had the Time of His Life

list - 163077

Nursing Home Residents Dress Up as Famous Movies For One Awesome Calendar

list trolling graffiti prank - 729093

This is Exactly the Kind of Graffiti I Want to See on My Streets

Mow Lawn Struggle

The Hilariously Dramatic Struggle One Guy Has Trying to Mow His Lawn is How We All Feel About Yard Work

art list thanksgiving food - 342533

How Famous Painters Do Thanksgiving Dinner

dj club list trolling - 713477

Dude Gets Mistaken for a DJ and Offered a Job, Decides to Just Roll With It

the little mermaid lawyer

The Real Moral of 'The Little Mermaid' Is That Everyone Needs a Good Lawyer

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