

Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

Dad lies to his vegetarian wife about letting their kids eat meat | AITA moving out mid-lease and stranding my roommate with full rent after his girlfriend keeps accusing being "creepy So l've been living with my current roommate 2 years now actually subletting and l'm on my 2nd year which is month--month, but had an unofficial "verbal" agreement stay until end year mean 's pandemic didn't think move either. Anyways his gf moved beginning this year s been lot. She's obviously had some trauma

Guy's Roommate Enforces Weird Rules, He Moves Out Mid-Lease

Best to ditch that nightmare ASAP.
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Funny tinder bios and conversations.

Fourteen People Absolutely Murdering The Tinder Game

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Matthew McConaughey Has a Ridiculously Under-The-Radar YouTube Channel, and It's Glorious

Via S1icedBread
An employee gets caught by their boss singing "Candy Shop" by 50 Cent in the bathroom.

Embarrassed Employee Caught By Boss Singing "Candy Shop" By 50 Cent In The Bathroom

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Landlord tries to take advantage of tenant, raises rent, and gets defeated years later | r/RegularRevenge u/RockyMoose Landlord is jealous my income, raises my rent $500 screw him years later 20k. Pro EDIT: original post is back on O r/prorevenge Just little mix-up, thanks mods there being cool. Is keeping repost here ok This post mod-removed O r/prorevenge and not exactly sure why. No rules were broken and all names are made up and changed hope repost is ok and O r/RegularRevenge is

Landlord's Jealous Of Tenant's Income, Raises Rent, Gets Defeated Years Later

Landlord should've just done the right thing.
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A tenant manages to get some inconsiderate and loud neighbors fined | r/pettyrevenge u/gloriaj10 Getting My Neighbors Fined my previous apartment lived on bottom floor with two roommates girls who lived above were really noisy, playing loud music at all hours night. Music doesn't really affect much but my roommates really annoying. They called and one office workers asked them quiet down as there complaint couple days later heard really loud thumping and jumping my ceiling can handle

Tenant Gets Inconsiderate, Stomping Neighbors Fined

They shouldn't have sunk that low.
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Reddit - 117253

Arnold Records Line Requests From Reddit

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Package thief steals gifts intended for other people, gets glittered, that results in their eviction | r/pettyrevenge u/brigittefires Steal my stuff? Get glittered lived an apartment building. As member local free gifting community put gifts out on regular basis people pick up had massive front porch building had plenty space put an entire living room set by front corner and still move furniture /out comfortably. Nothing resembling tight squeeze made appointments with people pick up

Package Thief Steals Gifts, Gets Glittered, Then Gets Evicted

Some next level glitter prowess here.
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Tissue Dispenser WIN

kleenex moai Reddit - 6258319104
Via Reddit
A shady landlord gets defeated by a moral enforcer | r/ProRevenge u/lilliesdaddy wont give up til are no longer landlord Special thanks reditter who helped learn proper formatting. u/Rhamona_Q. Warning! This is long read but comments indicate may be worth time read regretfully got an apartment with is my opinion worst landlord ever. This man will call entitled dick or ED, has audacity call himself good person court. Let fill got an apartment shortly after being released prison. Happy

Shady Landlord Defeated By Moral Enforcer

Never give up.
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A crazy boss tries to overwork an employee, doesn't compensate them, and ends up regretting it | r/MaliciousCompliance u/WatanabeSama 1d Join Crazy boss tries make work more than anyone, but doesn't want pay accordingly L First, some info and backstory: Minimum wage Brazil R$954,00/month 180,00/month nowadays Back May 2017 started working companny as 2D designer Intern. 2 months later started working hourly, but with some benefits started making R$ 1500,00/month 280,00/month).

Crazy Boss Tries To Overwork Employee, Doesn't Pay Accordingly, Regrets It

Crazy boss shouldn't have played that game.
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life list Reddit - 661765

Reddit of The Day: People Share The Best Unwritten Rules of Life

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People describe their petty yet effective power moves pulled off in the workplace | r/AskMen u/plagueisthedumb 5d Join is most petty but effective power move have done? Good Fucking Question new senior supervisor started at our workplace few months ago and would be working under him as particular zones supervisor 30 so l'm out ordinary supervisor age and looks etc normally its an old boy thats been industry forever see new dude car park and go introduce myself. He looks eye as he's walking

Petty Yet Effective Power Moves Employees Pulled Off

That's one way to go out.
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People describe various downsides to being an adult in an AskReddit thread | soundecember Award ordering food is actually expensive and parents weren't lying

Total Downsides About Being An Adult

Adulting ain't all it's made out to be.
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County mower messes with dad's shrubs, so dad ends up taking revenge with rebar | r/ProRevenge u/SwizzleMalarki 1y Join County mower trimmed down our shrubs no reason. Go ahead and try again First time posting reading post on here about neighbor running over poles their yard and reminded this story. Also writing this my phone, so bear with Tl;dr at bottom 7 or 8 my dad planted row shrubs along front property. They started out as scrawny sticks, but fast-forward few years and they were big

County Mower Shreds Dad's Shrubs, Dad Revenges With Rebar

Hard to mow a reinforcing bar.
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AskReddit thread about impactful women that often get overlooked in history | fergi20020 550 points 14 hours ago Anna Connelly invented fire escape 1887 same year, Josephine Cochrane invented dishwasher.

Heroic Women That Deserve More Recognition

Anna Connelly pulling through with the fire escape.
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