
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

Kid ends up going nuclear on his dad during a game of Monopoly | r/tifu Join u/SqueakyCleanNoseDown 15h TIFU by using nuclear option game monopoly. M four player family game Monopoly. My brother, our parents and were playing, and wasn't doing well wasn't bankrupt or heavily mortgaged yet, but could tell if something drastic didn't change next 3 turns or so toast didn't have any monopolies, but did have couple 2 out 3 properties (New York and St. James being standouts) and couple scattered here

Kid Goes Nuclear On Dad In Monopoly

A business associate won't pay off his personal loan, so he gets his house taken | r/ProRevenge u/TheBreakUp2013 4h Join Business Associate Won't Pay His Personal Loan, So Take His House This happened 13 years ago, but details remain as clear as average post-COVID day is long background, l'm an attorney and have experience commercial lending business associate who had struck out on his own real estate development company approached about borrowing substantial sum money (low 6-figures had but

Business Associate Won't Pay Personal Loan, Gets House Taken


Matthew McConaughey Has a Ridiculously Under-The-Radar YouTube Channel, and It's Glorious

An AskReddit thread about people that actually love their jobs | jarofherb 11h get paid an excessive amount deliver excessively priced appliances extremely excessively well funded occupants Lake Tahoe. Like 90 job is just going on an amazing drive.

People That Love Their Jobs

An employee gets caught by their boss singing "Candy Shop" by 50 Cent in the bathroom.

Embarrassed Employee Caught By Boss Singing "Candy Shop" By 50 Cent In The Bathroom

Doctor takes revenge on his trainer by opening up offices around him | r/ProRevenge Join u/bleedybutts 2y Uncle bankrupts his previous employer Not sure if this is petty or pro or whatever be judge My uncle is an Indian doctor 90s there massive doctors shortage Australia so government gave him citizenship. Unfortunately still had sit 3 expensive exams work as doctor Australia. These exams cost thousands dollars, only happened twice year, had limited sitting spots/times and had arbitrary

Uncle Bankrupts Previous Mean Employer

People describe the various ways that they managed to troll their bosses without breaking the rules | SergeantKoopa 8y couple friends mine work at Wal-Mart. They found out kilts are well within dress code as long as they are correct color. Drove their managers nuts s been year and absolutely no problems though

Ways People Trolled Their Bosses Without Breaking Rules

reddit showerthoughts that are worth pondering | r/Showerthoughts Posted by u/wolfencastle 5 days ago S In the movie Birdbox, seeing as animals aren't affected, guide dogs would be the most valuable animal companion to have over a bird

26 New Shower-Thoughts From This Past Week For You To Consume And Digest

A professor turns into a complete nightmare so the dean intervenes, and saves the day | r/ProRevenge u/handcraftedcandy 10h Join Last minute professor turns into nightmare make sure she never has job there again. About 10 years ago attending local community College my Associates Fine Arts retrospect dumb do so after economy had tanked 2008 recession but digress my second year during first semester one class had take advance and be on track graduate on time Drawing II this class suppose learn

Professor Turns Into Total Nightmare, Dean Saves The Day

A tenant manages to get some inconsiderate and loud neighbors fined | r/pettyrevenge u/gloriaj10 Getting My Neighbors Fined my previous apartment lived on bottom floor with two roommates girls who lived above were really noisy, playing loud music at all hours night. Music doesn't really affect much but my roommates really annoying. They called and one office workers asked them quiet down as there complaint couple days later heard really loud thumping and jumping my ceiling can handle

Tenant Gets Inconsiderate, Stomping Neighbors Fined

clever rick roll Reddit - 8250254848

I Think Two Redditors Just Made a Powerful Connection Here

Man won't pay for fireplace, so he ends up with a house full of smoke | r/ProRevenge Join u/Beeker93 Didn't pay fireplace. Ended up with house full smoke. Edit meant wood stove, not fire place didn't know there difference until someone pointed this out

Man Doesn't Pay For Fireplace, Ends Up With House Full Of Smoke

AskReddit thread about impactful women that often get overlooked in history | fergi20020 550 points 14 hours ago Anna Connelly invented fire escape 1887 same year, Josephine Cochrane invented dishwasher.

Heroic Women That Deserve More Recognition

People describe their petty yet effective power moves pulled off in the workplace | r/AskMen u/plagueisthedumb 5d Join is most petty but effective power move have done? Good Fucking Question new senior supervisor started at our workplace few months ago and would be working under him as particular zones supervisor 30 so l'm out ordinary supervisor age and looks etc normally its an old boy thats been industry forever see new dude car park and go introduce myself. He looks eye as he's walking

Petty Yet Effective Power Moves Employees Pulled Off

A collection of clever comebacks from spicy silvertongues | Mikey why are so sad? There's so much goodness world don't know Ava why do have asthma there's so much air world

Radical Retorts From Clever Wordsmiths

Reddit funny parents - 672005

Reddit of The Day: People Share Their Biggest "Sh*t, My Parents Were Right" Moments