

Tumblr monster writing prompt short story | writing-prompt-s charge assigning every child on Earth monster under their bed. One child particular has caused every monster assigned him/her quit decide assign yourself. kittenwiskers Case 273402 Status: Disastrous stare at file and realize have no options, over last 2 years every monster assigned Charlotte Dower has quit, every last one. Her first monster giant goldfish-faced humanoid named Bubba, had been with her four years,

Tumblr Monster Writing Prompt Invokes The Feels

It's like a darker Monster's Inc.
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A beautiful Tumblr story on the God of Arepo | writing-prompt-s Temples are built gods. Knowing this farmer builds small temple see kind god turns up. sadoeuphemist Arepo built temple his field humble thing, some stones stacked up make cairn, and two days later god moved .

Tumblr Story: A Selfless Farmer With A Noble Heart

Stunningly beautiful.
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A beautiful story on Tumblr about a pirate mermaid | OChwistopher @Loudwindow Concept: Pirates slay monster mermaid steal its treasure chest. Pirates open chest, finds sleepy baby mermaid within. Monster mermaid using treasure chest as cradle. Pirates:

Emotional Story About A Pirate Mermaid

A true treasure.
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Quick Tumblr thread calls out intellectual elitism | Criticize morgynleri by crea ever loving fuck is with "creative" writing professors who think speculative fiction any stripe ISN'T CREATIVE? thebibliosphere till remember my own creative writing teacher telling this because he saw Terry Pratchett book on my desk and got this smug smirk on his face like "aha, gotcha He had nerve pick up and call popularist fiction like somehow being popular and easily accessible made less inherent intellectual

Quick Tumblr Thread: Intellectual Elitism Gets Called Out

Self-important turnip is a fun one.
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Tumblr user imagines a beautiful story about a mermaid and her family of pirates | 4G OD154% 1 20:23 Chwistopher @Loudwindow Concept: Pirates slay monster mermaid steal its treasure chest. Pirates open chest, finds sleepy baby mermaid within. Monster mermaid using treasure chest as cradle. Pirates:

Tumblr User Writes Story About A Pirate Mermaid

This has all the makings of a beautiful movie.
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Short Tumblr thread explains how shorthand writing works | Red @redgermz Saw this on Facebook and sent my brother, who is pharmacist. Unsa man na b 10:29 AM Paracetamol atrophied Using Gregg Alphabet as reference can see most letters atrophied" are present. But why no "o" vowel, and why is "ph" written as "f Simple shorthand cut out all vowels word writing down, with exception words BEGIN or END with vowel (hence at start being present or like atrophied make more readable sound could be harder

Quick Tumblr Thread Explains Shorthand Writing

Seems just a little bit unnecessary.
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A collection of fun and entertaining tidbits from the English language | im really pissed palindrome isnt palindrome backwards Ah, yes but emordnilap is word! An emornilap is any word spelled backwards, produces another word. Examples emordnilap pairs include:

Fun Tidbits From The English Language

Oh English, you beautiful language.
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Writing prompt about lies and scars inspires good story | r/WritingPrompts LotsOfDragons live world where each lie creates scar on liar's body bigger lie deeper and larger mark. One day meet someone only has one scar is biggest one have ever seen

Writing Prompt about Lies Inspires Story With Such Feels

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Various authors on Twitter are bonding with overused phrases that they find in literature.

Writers Bond On Twitter With Painfully Overused Phrases

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19 Dismal Essays That Made English Teachers Lose Hope

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Writer Tweets Hilarious "Bot Written" Queer Eye Script

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Science Fiction Author Answers Every Possible Question About Using The Bathroom In Space

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