
workplace coworkers coworker terrible coworkers workplace-stories toxic-workplace in the workplace workplace discussion tales-from-the-workplace workplace-story dogs dog owners

Coworkers stealing food from break room fridge for 6 months learn they've been eating gorumet dog food the entire time: '[They] gave me horrified looks'

'You've got to be kidding me...': Micromanager demands employee clock out during downtime, yet demands on-site availability ‘just in case’

'You've got to be kidding me...': Micromanager demands employee clock out during downtime, yet demands on-site availability ‘just in case’

Hotel guest demands full refund after positive experience, boasting 'I always get my way'

Hotel guest demands full refund after positive experience, boasting 'I always get my way'

'Never gonna happen': Micromanager assigns overworked employee more responsibilities, then cuts his pay in half, leading employee to leave company high and dry

'Never gonna happen': Micromanager assigns overworked employee more responsibilities, then cuts his pay in half, leading employee to leave company high and dry

'You fire one of us, you fire all of us': Senior staff member fired for arriving late, coworkers band together to rehire the underappreciated worker

'You fire one of us, you fire all of us': Senior staff member fired for arriving late, coworkers band together to rehire the underappreciated worker

'Do it or you're fired': School technician refuses to do science teacher's bidding after she demands he install 'wireless electricity', leaving her high and dry right before class

'Do it or you're fired': School technician refuses to do science teacher's bidding after she demands he install 'wireless electricity', leaving her high and dry right before class

'You expect me to work an 18 hour shift without extra pay?': Overworked bookkeeper finds a way to get even with upper management after their refusal to allow changes in work shifts

'You expect me to work an 18 hour shift without extra pay?': Overworked bookkeeper finds a way to get even with upper management after their refusal to allow changes in work shifts

terrible coworkers workplace discussion workplace-stories-reddit workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story tales-from-the-workplace coworkers workplace creativity in the workplace coworker - 23070469

'I unplugged my phone': Guy discovers he's been answering colleague's calls for years, unplugs his phone so they have to answer them

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs student university workplace-story job students malicious compliance work workplace employment in the workplace - 22586373

'Enjoy the end of your law career': College student pizza guy ends law student boss's career before it starts

terrible coworkers workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story airports airport coworkers plane Travel workplace coworker airplane - 22401029

'We were getting on at Gate 4. I told him we were at Gate 44': Workers trick gloating coworker into missing his flight

workplace-stories in-the-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 22007813

'Ok boss. Whatever you say': Boss says "No overtime" and costs company big when the entire production line shuts down

funny-workplace-story corporate workplace-story malicious compliance work workplace corporate-life - 21976837

'I'd come in three or four hours late': New corporate management instates overreaching attendance policy, worker takes advantage and comes in late

'[I] made my ex-boss lose $25,000 on his salary': Fast food workers agree to walk out after district manager withholds bonus money

'[I] made my ex-boss lose $25,000 on his salary': Fast food workers agree to walk out after district manager withholds bonus money

workplace-stories talesfromretail in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story manager retail retail worker managers workplace Horrible Bosses tales-from-retail - 21977093

'[My boss] was walked out by two cops': Thieving fraudster retail manager gets arrested when their employee finally gets even

workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story nurse tales-from-the-workplace work doctor who workplace healthcare-worker healthcare - 22066181

'I will be filing an ethics complaint': Boss wants healthcare worker to work overtime, doesn't want to pay for it

'Boss threw out 7+ years of employee files': 25+ Employees with completely nonsensical bosses

'Boss threw out 7+ years of employee files... because she hated paper': 25+ Employees with completely nonsensical bosses

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