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'I applaud your father for... calling their bluff': Employee refutes his job's petty HR team with his own evidence

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'That would be to expensive': Boss boasts about his standing desk but won't let anyone else have one

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'I got a nice bonus': Dude automates both boss's and boss's boss's job, they get fired

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'They tried to write me up': Boss reprimands worker for being twenty-two seconds late, worker phones boss every time they leave home

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'I need to get paid on payday': Bartender gets fired and blocked for demanding to be paid on time

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'Ok, Karen, she's fired. Happy now?': Karen demands girl gets fired from a place she doesn't work

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'Quit my job suddenly via email': Worker quits their job because of a bad boss, boss demands they come in and talk face-to-face

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'We were now operating on a shoe-string budget so the manager got as much money as they could': Extreme cost saving measure causes costly pricing error

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'He would barely look at anyone after that': Worker gets micromanaging boss fired by writing fake reviews

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'She got fed up': Manager regrets demanding that retail cashier ask for their transaction approval

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'Now I'll miss three [days]': Boss demands sick note for one day off, doctor gives them three more

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'Is it normal to be fired over text after two days': Worker fired from new job after second day without explanation

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'You will not be eligible to be rehired': Employer attempts to decrease turnover by increasing resignation requirements

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'[She] fired my wife on the spot': Manager framed to make way for nepotism hire, entire team walks out

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'I put in my [four] week notice': Guy gets passed over for promotion, successful candidate tries to get him to do his work

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'I took another job': Plumber quits without notice for massive pay increase after boss denies them a raise