

Teenager sabotages boss's business after getting his pay docked: ''[I] took the phone off the hook [and] locked the door'

Teenager sabotages boss's business after getting his pay docked: ''[I] took the phone off the hook [and] locked the door'

There are some managers out there who are just asking for their employees to enact some petty revenge on them. For starters, docking someone's pay constantly and for unnecessary reasons is a great example of what to do if you're trying to inspire the opposite of loyalty among the people working for you. This Redditor , who was a teenager at the time, was in constant fear of getting his pay docked for no good reason. Tensions were rising as the biggest day of business for OP's boss was approachi…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job revenge work i quit quit petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 24126725

Worker quits their job by walking out without saying anything: 'I had zero intention of doing a two-week notice'

People don't quit their jobs—they quit their bosses… And there's no better way to get back at a terrible manager than to be the one pulling the string that unravels their entire working world—just as this worker did to their terrible boss.
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'You could tell he was annoyed': Barista's response to customer divides the internet

'You could tell he was annoyed': Barista's response to customer divides the internet

One barista had to work a shift alone , and the pressure was high. Working solo means you have to do a bunch of different tasks all at once, while a crowd of customers glares at you for not making their food and drinks quickly enough. It's the type of situation that food service workers hope to never be in, but it happens all too often thanks to call-outs. This barista told their story of what happened when they encountered a customer who they thought was being impolite . Plus, this was the typ…
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'Fine, I won't save you money': Company denies traveling worker's per diem after he checks out of the hotel early, cue malicious compliance

'Fine, I won't save you money': Company denies traveling worker's per diem after he checks out of hotel early, cue malicious compliance

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder to never try to save your company extra money. That will almost always backfire in some way, and in this case, a worker ended up getting denied payment proper payment. It's the kind of lesson that applies to friendships and relationships as well. If you're going out on a limb trying to impress or extend acts of kindness to someone, you better get that kind of treatment in return. Otherwise, you'll end up feeling used. This thread was posted to Reddit'…
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'Is this allowed?': Delivery worker forced to come into work last minute despite not being scheduled, manager gets roasted online

'Is this allowed?': Delivery worker forced to come into work last minute despite not being scheduled, manager gets roasted online

What is the point in filling out a schedule if your availability is not going to be honored by your manager? It's kind of the whole point in having an elaborate shift-based schedule in the first place. And look: we are sympathetic to the fact that last-minute crises occur and schedules have to be adjusted accordingly. However, when those instances do occur and managers need to call in favors, they should remember that they are in no place to make demands. Asking nicely if someone can shuffle ar…
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‘I took no part in cleaning it up’: Boss takes employee off project, employee watches project go down in flames

‘I took no part in cleaning it up’: Boss takes employee off project, employee watches project go down in flames

Why is it so common for bosses to feel threatened by their competent employees? A competent employee means the whole team’s work is stronger. A competent employee means you don’t have to monitor their output every second of every day because you can count on them to get their work done and to get it done well. A competent employee does not mean that you should feel the need to take them off certain big projects because you are worried that their competent work will make your output seem incompe…
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workplace discussion employment issues sick leave antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 24101893

Boss 'quiet fires' worker by removing their name from the schedule after they miss work for illness: 'No excuse not to come in'

Nothing sows the seeds of distrust from your manager like calling out sick for work; no matter what evidence you have of your illness or incapacity, they're always going to have some degree of doubt —even if they've seen the evidence with their own two eyes.
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‘She's going [to] the hospital to be induced 12 hours from now’: Woman gets fired the day before she has a baby, internet reacts

‘She's going [to] the hospital to be induced 12 hours from now’: Woman gets fired the day before she has a baby, internet reacts

Does anyone else smell a lawsuit coming? It’s pretty hard to imagine sillier circumstances to fire someone than to fire a pregnant employee mere hours before they are going to give birth. Perhaps this boss has some extremely backward sense of right and wrong, but you would think someone else at this company would inform him that pregnant women are a protected class. What’s even crazier is that this woman’s husband also works at the same company, so now there is just bad blood all around that to…
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'That was not what I agreed to': 20+ job quitters share what made them instantly walk

'That was not what I agreed to': 20+ job quitters share what made them instantly walk

It's not always easy to quit a job, even when all the signs are telling you to leave. The journey often starts with a little voice in the back of your head saying something to the effect of “This ain't it.” Eventually, that voice gets louder and louder and you find yourself going through a short period where you attempt to convince yourself that you love it here. You try to tell yourself that other friends of yours have it so much worse or that being mistreated is better than looking for new wo…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job retail work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses coworker employment in the workplace - 24072197

Worker steals manager's chair after coworker is fired for sitting: 'I shipped their office chair away'

For some inexplicable reason, basic comforts are considered to stand in opposition to efficiency—if you're uncomfortable, you'll work harder being the deeply flawed logic at play. If there's a comfort that can be denied… you bet it will be, all in the name of bigger bonuses for the executives and higher returns for shareholders. There seems to be a societal impression that customers will think someone who is comfortable won't offer good service, which is a complete farce. One can't help but won…
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customer service cash register workplace-stories jobs job retail retail worker work customers entitled customers workplace entitled change money entitled people - 24081413

'You don't have any change?': Customer asks cashier to pay for part of her order

If you want to receive, you must ask… nicely. That's especially true if the person you're asking a question to happens to work in retail ! The retail workers of the world spend a lot of time helping customers and answering their questions. At lost of jobs, workers quickly realize that customers ask the same two or three questions all day long, like asking where a specific section is, or asking about the same sales. But sometimes customers throw a question at you that you're not expecting. Then…
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'Everyone's faces shifted... to laughter': Call center boss tells employees to hang up on customers

'Everyone's faces shifted... to laughter': Call center boss tells employees to hang up on customers

This call center boss is really tired of metrics. At many companies, it's clear that leadership values the numbers over their customers and employees. The numbers don't lie, after all, but just looking at the numbers in a vacuum isn't always enough. This place is a great example of that. Some higher-ups who have probably never even talked to their employees looked at their call times. They decided that the calls were taking too long. Why that would be an issue at a call center is beyond me. I m…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 2315271

'I’m returning the favor': Employer gaslights remote worker into working from the office, worker quits

It's not uncommon in the workplace to be told not to worry about something only to later be asked why you weren't worried about it—or to have that thing that you were told not to worry about coming back to haunt you or completely blow up in the company's face.
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24080645

Workers maliciously comply by racking up milage when boss schedules unpaid weekend meeting to cut costs: '45 employees drove their own vehicles to the training'

Managers love things like mandatory training sessions just as much as they hate excuses about why you haven't gotten your work done… Even if you haven't gotten your work done because of all the mandatory training sessions and useless meetings they've scheduled for you.
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'I got fed up with her': Coworker keeps getting employee's name wrong on purpose, employee claps back

'I got fed up with her': Coworker keeps getting employee's name wrong on purpose, employee claps back

Pronouncing someone's name incorrectly can be an honest mistake unless it's someone you have been working with closely five days a week for the past year. In the beginning, it's totally excusable, but after a while, it becomes clear that this is no accident. This is someone who is actively seeking to get your name wrong under the guise of having “difficulty” with it. Furthermore, Saoirse is not that uncommon. Has this coworker even heard of Saoirse Ronan? Not only does she come across as unkind…
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'I led that project': Guy puts random coworker down as a reference, she exposes the lies on his resume

'I led that project': Guy puts random coworker down as a reference, she exposes the lies on his resume

It's probably not a good idea to take credit for a former coworker's work on your resume and then list that person as a reference. It was only a matter of time before the lies on this dude's resume would be uncovered and proven false. Now, I am sympathetic to someone feeling backed into a corner during an interview process and having to cough up a name as a reference out of nowhere. However, surely this guy could have considered literally anyone else. Perhaps the people who did work closely wit…
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