

'How was your little tete-a-tete with our boss?': Coworker takes credit for employee's 15-page report, employee tells CEO

'How was your little tete-a-tete with our boss?': Coworker takes credit for employee's 15-page report, employee tells CEO

Incompetent nepo-babies are always an unwelcome presence in many offices. What happens when one of them tries to credit for someone else's hard work? Well, as it turns out, this nepo-baby learned perhaps for the first time in her entire life that things will not always go her way. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/Aiku , who was distributing a 15-page report to her coworkers when the nepo-baby marched into the CEO's office and gave him her copy of the report claim…
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Update: 'Biggest payday of my life for 2 minutes of work': Contractor spends entire weekend at work after being told to "stay as long as it takes"

Update: 'Biggest payday of my life for 2 minutes of work': Contractor spends entire weekend at work after being told to "stay as long as it takes"

This bank worker had one of the strangest weekends of their life. Three-day weekends are a beautiful thing to look forward to. After that Friday's over, you have a full Saturday, Sunday, and Monday to travel or relax or sleep a lot. When you spend so much time at work, having a little bonus day off is a great feeling. This person was probably looking forward to their own three-day weekend , but their boss didn't let them enjoy it at all. As a contract worker, it seems like the OP, u/erikestrada…
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customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail idontworkherelady retail karen-customer customers karen-customers tales-from-retail - 23972101

Karen tells shopper they're dressed too casually for a job that isn't even theirs: 'I'm not at my job right now'

It's kinda sorta hard to dress too casually for a job you don't have. For one thing, it's not your job, and, for another—well, it's not your job. As long as you're wearing a shirt and shoes, you can pretty much go anywhere you'd like… Although those signs usually fail to mention any requirement for pants, so that one's up to you.
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'I dare you!': Slacking coworker distracts cleaner from job, cleaner dumps water on him

'I dare you!': Slacking coworker distracts cleaner from job, cleaner dumps water on him

No one really cares about an unmotivated coworker who slacks off until they start to disrupt and affect your own work. If people want to mentally check out during work hours and save all their responsibilities to the last minute, that is their choice and their risk to take. But having been in a situation where I worked closely with someone like this, I can say that it becomes infuriating the minute that their lack of motivation starts to get in the way of your own process. For instance, if I ne…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 23957253

Manager gets demoted in their own store so that another manager can take over after their branch went out of business: 'I got demoted'

One of the most horrible realities that slowly dawns on you as you settle into your working life is that political standing and social status have far more bearing on your career than aptitude, skills, or results ever will.
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Boss Abandons Understaffed Team To Go On Vacation, Employee Switches Jobs While She’s Gone

Boss Abandons Understaffed Team To Go On Vacation, Employee Switches Jobs While She’s Gone

If employees are expected to give plenty of advanced notice when they go on vacation, their bosses should consider leading by example. Company policies should always go both ways. One cannot expect a manager to earn the respect of their team if they go behind their backs and abandon them during a difficult time for the company. This manager decided to just completely bail on her understaffed team, leaving only one team member to do all of the work. The Redditor already was in charge of taking o…
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'You don't expect this level of dishonesty': Lying job-seeker's secret is revealed during interview

'You don't expect this level of dishonesty': Lying job-seeker humiliated during interview

Liar, liar, you won't be hired. Lying on your resume seems to be a really common tactic to get jobs. It seems to me like you're just adding another layer of stress to the already stressful interview process. But for many people, they see it as the only way to get their foot in the door at a company. It's a high-risk, high-reward type of game to play. Some folks lie about little things, like fudging their role at a company to make it seem like they were large and in charge. Others lie about bigg…
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'We had to charge them about $7K': Hotel workers share their worst housekeeping cleanup stories

'We had to charge them about $7K': Hotel workers share their worst housekeeping cleanup stories

From glitter to an actual bear, it's truly shocking what hotel workers have discovered in rooms after guests leave. Not only is there a ridiculous number of folks who refuse to clean up after themselves, but also there is a startling number of guests who should at the very least alert the front desk that there has been an issue. Some of these guests may have been trying to get out of being charged extra, but in many of these cases, those extra charges are bound to come so you might as well just…
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Update: 'You all took it up a notch': Development team realizes they're 'actually able to do nothing' following boss's new directions

Update: 'You all took it up a notch': Sarcastic development team realizes they're 'actually able to do nothing' following boss's new directions

This development team got away with something that would probably get most people fired in an instant. Not only that, but they were able to update the r/MaliciousCompliance community on how everything went down the next day. Bosses are always trying to optimize their workers' outputs. They want to seem like their team is strong and is working harder than ever. But how should a manager prove to their own bosses what their team is up to? They could just talk to their employees and be involved in…
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customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail retail karen-customer customers karen-customers tales-from-retail - 23969285

Off duty retail worker plays along when Karen mistakes him for an employee: 'Stop harassing other shoppers'

Being a retail veteran means that you're nearly immune to the tactics of wily entitled customers, hardened to the core with the scar tissue of encounters with other customers—that or just completely dead inside—but it's all the same thing, really. Even if you leave the retail industry far behind, you remember the way people can act toward retail staff long afterward and how it's almost like people become another person when they begin talking to someone they deem to be a “servant" and beneath t…
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It took them about 3 seconds to realize': Worker commutes 6 hours each day, client complains about his repeated lateness

'It took them about 3 seconds to realize': Worker commutes 6 hours each day, client complains about his repeated lateness

If you think you have a bad commute , just wait until you hear about this guy's drive. Commuting is the bane of many workers' existence. Whether it's a ten-minute bike ride or a two-hour car ride, you have to do it every day. Long commutes can be particularly exhausting---you arrive to work and you're already tired from driving or taking the train. If you do take public transit, there's a chance you can read or stream a TV show on your phone. But it's just a chance, because if you're packed in…
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Update: 'By the end of the day, they will not have an IT company': Client requests IT company should deliver 'any email addressed to me'

Update: 'By the end of the day, they will not have an IT company': Nightmare client orders IT company to deliver 'any email addressed to me'

Be careful what you wish for… I'm sure this IT company's client was really regretful about the can of worms he opened. It helps to have a good sense of humor in the workplace, and it's especially useful while dealing with clients. Clients can be unpredictable. Some want to be completely hands-off, and let the firm they hired handle everything. They'll just be yes-men about any project as long as things are going well. Others want to be more involved and will ask for frequent updates. Then there…
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'I started using the timer for everything': Micromanaging boss accuses employee of "cheating the company"

'I started using the timer for everything': Micromanaging boss accuses employee of "cheating the company"

As if this person didn't have enough to do already, their boss started requiring some detailed daily logs from his employee. Micromanager bosses are difficult to work for. Instead of just doing the job you were hired to do, you also have to manage your boss's emotions. Some days your boss will assume you're not doing any work, and will flip out over nothing. Other days, they'll praise you for working so hard. And lots of bosses demand you write out intricate logs of your day. Will they ever rea…
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'I'm going to have to reject your application': New hire goes in to sign contract only for the offer to get rescinded

'I'm going to have to reject your application': New hire goes in to sign contract only for the offer to get rescinded

Imagine getting a job offer and going to sign the paperwork to make it official, only to learn that your new bosses changed their minds. Well, it's a bit more complicated than that. It's not exactly that they changed their minds, but it's more that they didn't exactly review the availability you put down on your initial application carefully enough. Clearly, they wanted someone with full-time availability for a part-time position, a classic move from employers who have no moral code. This threa…
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Customer sets manager straight for being impolite to his staff: 'I hope he was momentarily embarrassed'

Customer sets manager straight for being impolite to his staff: 'I hope he was momentarily embarrassed'

They say the customer is always right, even though that's usually not the case; this time, however, the customer was very right indeed when they put a manager in their place who was being impolite to their staff in front of the customers.
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'She began firing everybody': Management company fires last nurse but forgets crucial paperwork

'She began firing everybody': Management company fires last nurse but forgets crucial paperwork

At one nursing home, management decisions created a domino effect. Nurses do very valuable work every day to keep their patients healthy and cared for. Doctors get a lot of the credit, but nurses help patients just as much. Shifts are usually at least 12 hours, but if you're working with great people who also care about their patients and the staff members, time will fly by. This nurse, u/Tinawebmom, writes that she really enjoyed working at one facility . She writes that the staffers were so c…
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