

Boss cheats employee out of $70K, employee finds a better offer: 'I'll be making double'

Boss cheats employee out of $70K, employee finds a better offer: 'I'll be making double'

Being best friends with your boss almost never ends well. In this case, this friendship plummeted along with their employment agreement. This finance employee stayed at the company after he was given a raise to match another job opportunity that came his way. After choosing to stay, his boss, who was a close friend of his at the time, ended up denying the employee's annual bonus. This was money the employee had been counting on. Furthermore, this felt like a further act of betrayal because it w…
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'In your dreams...': Queue jumper waits 3 times as long for assistance after demanding store manager grant him VIP access

'In your dreams...': Queue jumper waits 3 times as long for assistance after demanding store manager grant him VIP access

Serving customers is not always an easy task. However, you don't have to work in customer service to profit from the advantages that come with the position. For example, in the story that follows, the Original Poster (OP) talks about his experience with a demanding client who won't wait his turn to be serviced. OP works as a security guard at a well-known phone company in Dublin City Center. The Original Poster (OP) sets the scene by claiming that most staff members are reluctant to offer their…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace coworker coworkers Horrible Bosses terrible coworkers antiwork employment-discussion employment issues - 24847365

Bossy coworker demands employee work unpaid overtime on weekends: '[She] acts like she's my boss'

Coworkers can be a lot of things: a compatriot, a confidant, a thorn in your side, a shoulder to cry on, a best friend—even a worst enemy. One thing they certainly aren't ever going to be is your boss—not without a promotion at least. And, still, throughout your working career, you'll come up against many a power-hungry colleague who thinks that they have the authority and experience to order you around. Letting you know what's what and making demands of you…. but, as bossy as this person might…
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‘Who’s laughing now?': New hire throws boss's keys away after being ridiculed for quitting on their first day

‘Who’s laughing now?': New hire throws boss's keys away after being ridiculed for quitting on their first day

Where is the logic in hiring someone for a job and then immediately ridiculing them and making them quit? Even if the manager can magically tell by the first couple of hours on the job that the new hire isn't a good fit, that still is not an excuse to treat them like they are worthless. That is why the manager in this Reddit story completely deserved what was coming for him. A new hire arrived at his job as a salesperson at a car lot, and while on training both the new hire and the manager felt…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24844293

Plant manager fires all workers when they refuse to work mandatory overtime, they get rehired at a better rate and managers gets fired: 'They fired all of [them]'

It's always satisfying when someone in a position of power sets an ultimatum, trying to coerce their subordinate into doing as they wish, only to have the subordinate call them on their bluff, exposing that the superior really never had any actual power at all. This, of course, plays out in small ways in workplaces every day, with authority often being revealed as nothing but a facade. When these workers at a manufacturing plant were supposed to be granted a weekend of reprieve from all of the…
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'That is really not your business': Teacher lashes out at coworker in public for asking questions about her personal life

'That is really not your business': Teacher lashes out at coworker in public for asking questions about her personal life

Keeping life and work separate is, of course, a healthy separation to strive to achieve, but it is nearly impossible to achieve entirely. Balance is important, but the inability to achieve a total separation between life and work is not necessarily a bad thing. Just ask anyone who has seen the Severance ! The fact of the matter is that you spend the majority of your week as an adult with your coworkers. They are bound to get to know you in some small way, and that is necessary for healthy colla…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 24839941

Worker forcibly relocates 1700 miles only to find out there's actually no job: ''The position is "no longer available..."'

Relocating for work is a tough choice to make. On the one hand, the opportunities on offer could open doors and lead to opportunities that would set you up for the rest of your life. On the other hand, you'd be leaving your life, as you know it, behind. There's no telling whether or not what you're giving up will actually be worth it or how things will even turn out on the other side. All this counts on the fact that you like your current job that's being relocated and that you trust the people…
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‘You have to fix this’: Employee risks getting fired by asking IT guy from rival company to fix her office tech problem

‘You have to fix this’: Employee risks getting fired by asking IT guy from rival company to fix her office tech problem

Every company should have an IT person on-site who is able to take care of every technical problem in the office. Even if the company is small and they don't have many employees, if there is a physical office, there should be an IT person there. This way, if something goes wrong, the people in charge of the office would not go and blame innocent employees, like the receptionist in this Reddit story. This story was told by an IT guy who had a woman come in from a totally different office and dif…
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‘He watched as I counted every single bill’: Retail employee gets back at demanding customer for refusing to pay with credit card

‘He watched as I counted every single bill’: Retail employee gets back at demanding customer for refusing to pay with credit card

It might be safe to say that we are slowly approaching a time when people no longer use cash. Not to say that cash will ever disappear, that is not going to happen, but with the ability to pay with debit cards, credit cards, smartphones, and even smart watches, people simply don't carry cash with them anymore. The slow disappearance of cash from our lives shouldn't and probably wouldn't affect our everyday life that much, but it can cause some inconveniences to some people, or more specifically…
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boss workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance bosses work malicious-compliance-reddit ceo data workplace bad bosses malicious compliance reddit - 24871429

'I automated everything my boss did': Data analyst gets bonus after writing script to make their boss obsolete

When a company CEO offered bonuses for “cost-saving initiatives,” he never expected employees would take it so seriously. As technology grows more and more advanced, robots will continue to take jobs from people. It seems like this happens slowly, and then one day everything is different. Like when you check out at a grocery store, there's a pretty big chance you'll scan your own items at a self-checkout.
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'I was so unprepared': Job candidate creates fake resume, embarrasses himself in the interview, blocks the recruiter

'I was so unprepared': Job candidate creates fake resume, embarrasses himself in the interview, blocks the recruiter

There is a difference between making slight embellishments on your resume and fabricating entire experiences that never happened. It can be hard to make a sharp career change and to find work with minimal experience in a given field. However, when people say to make adjustments to your resume to better position yourself for a specific job you're applying for, they don't mean that it's time to start making up jobs you never had and skills you do not possess. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/…
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‘Can't help you, I’m on a break': Servers takes a break to eat while ignoring customers entitled requests to 'stay on shift', leading to a dispute

‘Can't help you, I’m on a break': Servers takes a break to eat while ignoring customers entitled requests to 'stay on shift', leading to a dispute

More often than not, customers tend to completely forget that the servers who are standing in front of them are human beings too. While it is understandable to want to get a proper service for something that you are paying for, treating servers how you would want to be treated yourself is the least you can do. So for example, if you see that a server is taking their much-deserved break, maybe just leave them be. Which is exactly what the customers in this Reddit story should have done, at least…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24881413

'8:30 to 5 no exceptions? You got it': Boss demands rigid adherence to scheduled hours, gets his wish and productivity tanks

If you demand rigidity of your employees' schedules, you can't then go and expect flexibility from them when you want it. Rigidity is a knife that cuts both ways and—as in any relationship—you shouldn't expect more from it than you're contributing to it. Like with love, trust is a game of give and take. Unfortunately, this is a lesson that so many managers need to learn the hard way through giving an order for strict adherence to rigid working hours , before experiencing exactly what happens wh…
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Coworker lashes out at office Karens after they insult his food at the quarterly potluck: 'You and Tina went halfsies on a single bag of Doritos last quarter'

Coworker lashes out at office Karens after they insult his food at the quarterly potluck: 'You and Tina went halfsies on a single bag of Doritos last quarter'

There are numerous ways to make enemies with your coworkers, but insulting the food they bring to the quarterly office potluck is a new low. This group of Karens was not just picking on their coworker because the food was mediocre; in fact, the food was great and that's partly why they were jealous. Based on the Redditor's account of the story, it seems that they were so jealous of this dude's bean salad that they decided to spread a rumor that only his wife could be the real chef behind the re…
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'Over 2 dozen people [sent] quitting emails': Employee sees boss yell at intern for no reason, causes mass quitting

'Over 2 dozen people [sent] quitting emails': Employee sees boss yell at intern for no reason, causes mass quitting

Employers who throw random unnecessary temper tantrums are essentially asking to make enemies. It should not have been a surprise to this toxic boss that someone was going to witness his public outburst at a young intern and do something about it. Thankfully, there were enough employees at the company who were already over this guy that retaliation against him snowballed at an abnormally fast pace. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by the former employee who started t…
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'They want to paint me out to be the bad guy': Coffee shop "hyped up" new barista, then fires them via text

'They want to paint me out to be the bad guy': Coffee shop "hyped up" new barista, then fires them via text

This (former) coffee shop worker has had a confusing week as they switch jobs. It really shouldn't have been that difficult for them, but as they described it, their new bosses suddenly decided they “don't need you anymore.”
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