

‘She laughed as she wrote me up': Manager sends employee home for dress code violation, they use the day off to look for a different job

‘She laughed as she wrote me up': Manager sends employee home for dress code violation, they use the day off to look for a different job

If a place of work requires a dress code, they should provide with the clothes, simple as that. An employee should no go out of their way to find something to wear for a shift, and they definitely should not be reprimanded for not having the right clothes on the odd occasion. The need for uniform is truly understandable, but surely a customer would care more about getting a good service from an employee, than about the color of their shoes. In this Reddit story, an employee had to deal with the…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24908293

Boss says "no overtime" after accusing employee of "time theft," employee gladly maliciously complies: 'She denies ever saying this'

No one really wants to work overtime—if you say otherwise, you're lying… or have something else at home that you're avoiding. Who on earth would want to spend a moment longer at work than they had to? Of course, there are exceptions to this—that sweet time and a half pay can be pretty sweet. Still, you'll be rolling your eyes when your boss asks you and weighing up whether or not it's actually worth a better paycheck when you're sacrificing all that time doing things you'd rather be doing. This…
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Manager refuses to let new hire leave early to pick up his kid, he quits the job without notice: ‘I made it clear this was a deal breaker’

Manager refuses to let new hire leave early to pick up his kid, he quits the job without notice: ‘I made it clear this was a deal breaker’

One piece of advice anyone should follow when starting a new job is – get absolutely everything in writing. When you go in to interview for a role, both you and the interviewer might bring up important details on the job and its conditions. If you want to make sure you are actually going to get everything that is talked about, you have to get it all in writing. The employee in this Reddit story should have followed this piece of advice. In this Reddit post, he describes a situation in which he…
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'They got rid of the problem, which was me': Guy gets fired for calling out illegal practices, boss reaches out six months later for his password

'They got rid of the problem, which was me': Guy gets fired for calling out illegal practices, boss reaches out six months later for his password

It's a great feeling to know that your boss is going to be absolutely lost without you. If the circumstances with which you are leaving your company were at all contentious, there is at least a sliver of satisfaction knowing your former employer will be totally confused and will have so much trouble finding a decent replacement. Of course, it's much healthier to part ways on good terms and with a sense of professionalism. That being said, if your boss fires you because you were providing too ma…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24992517

'Hand over all my tasks so you can get rid of me? Ok!': IT Manager successfully lands $200k payout when new boss plots their redundancy

Getting fired stinks, but tricking your new manager into firing you so that you can walk away to your new job with a generous redundancy payout has to be the best way to get let go from a position. That's what this employee managed to do, playing along with their new boss's apparent plot to get rid of them and ensuring that they qualified for a cushy redundancy payout that would see them well compensated. When their new boss started, this IT Manager found themself the target, quickly realizing…
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Employee finds manager's misspelled note about him in the printer: 'I called HR to report the absorbance'

Employee finds manager's misspelled note about him in the printer: 'I called HR to report the absorbance'

Discovering your manager's failed attempt at disciplining you has got to be satisfying. Not only was this employee already over it and clearly prepared to find another job, but he also found his manager's write-up about him because it was left in the company printer. Let's just say that this so-called write-up was about as unintentionally comical as it could get. First of all, it was full of typos. Second of all, it was full of malapropisms. For instance, when the manager wrote, “I called HR to…
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coworkers employment job jobs job interview interview work workplace antiwork workplace-stories employment-discussion workplace discussion job seeker employment issues in the workplace - 25001989

Boss demands insanely detailed leave requests before approving leave: 'If we're traveling he wants flight numbers and times'

It's only natural for your employer to be interested in what you spend your time doing while you're at work; after all, they're paying you for your time. Even then, there are reasonable limits to this, and some employers get carried away and happily track any and every bit of data possible to help them prove you're wasting time. It started with mouse trackers, which track the activity of the mouse and keyboard on your laptop; now, programs are even able to track where your eyes are on the scree…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 24992261

'She fired me today [for bringing] this up': Boss reads employee's emails, writes responses impersonating them, fires them for calling her out

Agency is important in the workplace; people typically need to feel as if they have responsibility over a task in order to derive satisfaction from doing it. This is one of the most basic facts that someone managing a team should be aware of. Sure, it's important that you know what's going on with your team, but that doesn't extend to the level of having comprehensive direct access to every last bit of their personal workplace communications. The point is that you have a certain level of trust…
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'Yet another new manager facing the consequences': New boss costs company $6000 in one day after making employees listen to long-winded speech

'Yet another new manager facing the consequences': New boss costs company $6000 in one day after making employees listen to long-winded speech

Some people just love to hear the sound of their own voices . Doesn't matter what the topic is, or if it's even appropriate for them to be yapping: some people just can't help themselves. These days, lots of offices are switching from remote work back to office work. For micromanagers, not having their employees in the office is a missed opportunity to boss them around. They get to feel empowered as they peer over your shoulder every few minutes. But many employees love to work remotely (for th…
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Boss insists employee stay late for no reason, employee gets paid overtime to do nothing: 'There was literally nothing left for me to do'

Boss insists employee stay late for no reason, employee gets paid overtime to do nothing: 'There was literally nothing left for me to do'

It should not be revelatory that the number of hours one spends at the office is completely separate from the amount of work one completes. Productivity and efficiency are relative to the individual worker, and there is something to be said for leaving employees alone when it comes to how they get their work done, provided that no other team members are negatively impacted by their process. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/Fun-Pin9061 , whose boss insisted…
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'I quit and they lose the contract': Overworked software developer given massive projects, agrees to lie to clients

'I quit and they lose the contract': Overworked software developer given massive projects, agrees to lie to clients

Instead of under-promising and over-delivering, one company found themselves doing the exact opposite. Truly, this company sounds like a hot mess. Just ask u/SchalkLBI, a software developer who suddenly found themself with a ton of responsibility for low pay. How low was this pay? It was just $1000 per month, and the software developer had to commute for four hours every day to get to work. Commuting two hours each way on an intern salary? That's tough. This developer writes that they stuck aro…
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'I made my coworkers’ favorite snacks disappear': Employee gets back at coworkers after getting constantly criticized and interrupted

'I made my coworkers’ favorite snacks disappear': Employee gets back at coworkers after getting constantly criticized and interrupted

When someone at work decides they don't like you for no reason, there usually is not much you can do to change their mind. You can try to reason with them or find common ground, but nine times out of ten, these are unreasonable people with a high school mentality. If they meet you with pettiness, sometimes the only thing you can do in return is to be petty right back. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/MercerAcolyte42 , who discovered her coworkers' complete distas…
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HR enforces nonsensical PTO rule, halves employee's vacation time: '[You] owe us 6 days'

HR enforces nonsensical PTO rule, halves employee's vacation time: '[You] owe us 6 days'

Working at a company with a newly established HR department can lead to the establishment of many a shady policy. We're talking about people who don't really understand what it is to be professional and well-managed steering the ship. If you work at a company like this, you certainly cannot expect a smooth sailing experience. Rest assured, there will be bumps along the way. Here, we have an employee who took five days off at the end of last year at the request of their boss after the loss of th…
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Employees conspire against annoying coworker over CEO's attention: 'Four of us plant our computers in those magic four seats [next to the boss]'

Employees conspire against annoying coworker over CEO's attention: 'Four of us plant our computers in those magic four seats [next to the boss]'

Note to self: never be the person everyone rolls their eyes at in the office. We're talking about the person who says whatever the boss would like them to say and would throw someone else under the bus in a second if it meant they got extra points in the boss's book. We're talking about the guy who is always scheduling unnecessary meetings just to make it seem like he's busy. Going out of your way for brownie points may impress an egomaniac, but it's always how to annoy and frustrate your cowor…
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workplace discussion pro revenge workplace-stories jobs petty-revenge-reddit job malicious compliance revenge work revenge-stories petty revenge workplace revenge-stories-reddit workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24991493

Company suffers massive financial hardship after forcing out irreplaceable worker: 'The [department] racked up eight-figure losses'

Usually, it's wise to have multiple persons capable of maintaining the continuity of the important areas of your organization. This means not having a single employee who knows essential company processes, secrets, codes, and passwords that can't otherwise be found, learned, or replicated by someone else. If you happen to have one of these workers in your organization or someone who is otherwise essential to the operation of your business, you will do well to treat them well. It would certainly…
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‘That is a complete violation of my privacy’: Boss spies on employee on sick leave to make sure he is actually sick and not on vacation

‘That is a complete violation of my privacy’: Boss spies on employee on sick leave to make sure he is actually sick and not on vacation

It might be hard to come to terms with the concept, but there should be total and complete trust between a manager and their employees. If a manager is unable to trust that their employees are there to do the best they can, then maybe managing is not the best thing for them. Not to say there aren't any employees who take advantage of a job, but if an employee feels like they are not trusted and are being observed with every step they take, they are definitely not going to stay at that job for l…
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