

‘I'm getting fired, aren't I?’: Sole QA employee gets blamed for a mistake that affects thousands of customers, CEO refuses to take responsibility for team being understaffed

‘I'm getting fired, aren't I?’: Sole QA employee gets blamed for a mistake that affects thousands of customers, CEO refuses to take responsibility for team being understaffed

The constant threat of getting fired from a job is looming on pretty much any employee. Even if you only made a tiny mistake, or even if you haven't made a mistake at all, it always feels like someone is watching you and that someone is not happy. So when you do make a mistake, possibly a huge mistake that might affect the entire company, well, then you might as well pack your bags and leave without a word. Much like the employee in this Reddit story. The employee (OP, original poster) is an ov…
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‘Please come back': Programmer laid off in favor of new college grad hire, management desperately attempts to rehire him after finding out all their files are deleted

‘Please come back': Programmer laid off in favor of new college grad hire, management desperately attempts to rehire him after finding out all their files are deleted

People get laid off all the time. Especially when you're over 40. See, companies like to hire new kids, fresh out of college, ones who will conform easily to policies, and accept jobs for way less pay. Then, the companies realize their mistake, and they pay dearly for it. Because these new hires have no idea what they're doing. They can't code, build prototypes, and make the customer happy. This senior programmer was laid off after new management swooped in and hired a new kid. The programmer k…
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employment job jobs Horrible Bosses work workplace i quit quit quitting antiwork workplace-stories employment-discussion workplace discussion employment issues in the workplace quiet quitting quiet quit - 25164037

'My raise was 0.5%': Plant operator quiet quits after receiving "insulting" low raise

Getting denied a raise stinks, but at least you've left your thoughts and intentions on the table for consideration, hopefully setting yourself up for a pay bump in the near future when the next round of budgeting is finalized. Of course, this isn't always the case, and your employer may go the route of stonewalling you indefinitely—or gaslighting you by dangling the potential of a raise in front of you like a carrot on a stick in order to get you to do more work. Still, in most cases, it's alm…
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'Do it or you're fired': School technician refuses to do science teacher's bidding after she demands he install 'wireless electricity', leaving her high and dry right before class

'Do it or you're fired': School technician refuses to do science teacher's bidding after she demands he install 'wireless electricity', leaving her high and dry right before class

The twenty-first century is notorious for its unstoppable and quickening pace of technological progress. That being said, some people may find it challenging to keep up with the rapid pace of development. What follows is a story about a tech support guy who is completely astonished. The Original Poster (OP) is employed at the primary school in his community. Therefore, part of his daily responsibilities is to assist teachers and ensure that their classes go off without a hitch. But OP wasn't re…
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Employee maliciously complies with manager's demands to be notified "every single time" he leaves his desk: 'Yes, ma'am!'

Employee maliciously complies with manager's demands to be notified "every single time" he leaves his desk: 'Yes, ma'am!'

Some managers need to learn to calm down. If you happen to not be available that one moment when your manager needs you, please know that this is not your fault, and your manager has absolutely no right to overreact. If you say that you were in the bathroom and they choose to double down in an effort to make their overreaction seem justified, then please know that your manager might be crazy. This employee was told to notify his manager every single time he left his desk after an incident when…
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‘You got what you asked for’: CEO announces a 15% pay cut for every employee as a way to ‘reduce costs’, resulting in mass walkout by all employees

‘You got what you asked for’: CEO announces a 15% pay cut for every employee as a way to ‘reduce costs’, resulting in mass walkout by all employees

One of the best ways to determine whether a company is overall a good company, specifically with how the employees are treated, is by checking how long the employees have been there. If the company has existed for longer than 10 years and no employee has been there for more than a year, then something must be wrong. The employee in this Reddit story has been feeling that something is wrong with the company for quite some time. Mostly because of the CEO, who has been treating OP (original poster…
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'It went to an awkward silence until James left for the day': Employee questions coworker's constant remarks about his wife, coworkers can't agree if they went too far

'It went to an awkward silence until James left for the day': Employee questions coworker's constant remarks about his wife, coworkers can't agree if they went too far

Yikes… this person has an awkward question for their coworker . It’s not every day you ask someone why they’re married. The answer should be obvious: they’re married because they love each other and want to build a life together. But this worker, sharing their story from a throwaway account, was baffled why their coworker James had ever married his wife. James seems like he’s one of those husbands who “pretends” to hate his wife. He calls her the old ball and chain, and acts like she just nags…
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'The building was empty for most of December': Managers agree to every single vacation request after company eliminates PTO rollover

'The building was empty for most of December': Managers agree to every single vacation request after company eliminates PTO rollover

This company got bought out over and over again. It's no wonder the employees who remained had to deal with so many shenanigans from their managers. One of the best parts of working a salaried job is racking up paid time off days . Everyone uses their allotted time a little differently---some people love to take the family to Disney or on a camping trip a couple of times a year, while others take a few days here and there to do weekend adventures. No matter where you go, you come back feeling r…
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Teacher gets PTO request denied on day with no class, takes off worse day and makes HR scramble: 'I'm there because I want to be, not because I need to be'

Teacher gets PTO request denied on day with no class, takes off worse day and makes HR scramble: 'I'm there because I want to be, not because I need to be'

Managers better have a good reason for denying someone's PTO request. Otherwise, they're practically asking for conflict. In fact, the number of legitimate reasons is quite minimal, considering that employees are granted the right to take their vacation days when they sign on to a company. In this instance, the employee was actually trying to take off days that were mutually convenient for both her and for the school in which she worked. However, her department head decided to make an issue out…
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‘Take it, I'm leaving’: Coworker demands the receptionist's office after she spends her free time fixing it up, she complies by leaving the company altogether

‘Take it, I'm leaving’: Coworker demands the receptionist's office after she spends her free time fixing it up, she complies by leaving the company altogether

For some reason in modern offices, an employee rarely gets to have their own office. The concept of ‘open work space’ in which everyone, even high-up employees, has to work in one big space with no separation from each other. This concept might have been cute for a little while, but now it seems like the only reason why it's still around is because it saves the company a lot of money, since they can rent much smaller offices. Which is what I thought about while reading this story of this employ…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs tech support talesfromtechsupport job malicious compliance work it IT guy workplace Tech workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25140485

'It’s satisfying watching the management scramble': IT department brought to a standstill when upper management decides they need to approve everything

There's this thing that happens every now and again in organizations where someone, usually high up on the food chain, decides that everything—every decision, order, expense, or report—needs to pass across their desk. They do so severely underestimating the gravitas of what they've just requested, with little comprehension of just how many things they're going to be handling, dependent on their pen stroke to proceed. Of course, maybe not right away, but at some point, things are going to begin…
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'The company collapsed without me': Overworked employee quits after being put on probation, company fires entire management team shortly after that

'The company collapsed without me': Overworked employee quits after being put on probation, company fires entire management team shortly after that

This might be petty, but it is extremely satisfying to hear that the toxic company you worked for and carried on your back is crumbling without you. Even though you might actually care about the work or the clients, if you left (or even asked to leave) without being appreciated, it feels good to know that at least karma had your back. Which is what happened to this employee in this Reddit story. After OP (original poster) threw their back out at the job, they were put on a performance improveme…
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'They tried to deny my unemployment claim': Top 10+ "HR is not your friend" stories

'They tried to deny my unemployment claim': Top 10+ "HR is not your friend" stories

Let this serve as a friendly remember to never trust that HR has your back. No matter how charming their smiles are or how friendly they may seem when you're making small talk in the kitchenette, do not be fooled into thinking that anyone in the HR department is supporting anyone other than the head honchos. The grim part of this truth is that it may not even be HR's fault at the end of the day. They too are doing their jobs in an already established system. However, some of these stories certa…
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‘Good luck, you're going to need it’: Overworked employee deletes company data from software he created after CEO fires him without an explanation

‘Good luck, you're going to need it’: Overworked employee deletes company data from software he created after CEO fires him without an explanation

Being an employee or being self-employed, there is a constant feud about which one is better. Some would prefer being independent because you get to control the hours in which you work, you don't have anyone to answer to, and you are free to make your own decisions. Others would say that being an employee is actually a lot easier, working the 9 to 5 and then enjoying carefree evenings, without having to carry the burden of being your own boss. Another huge disadvantage of being an employee is t…
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boss workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance bosses work coworkers malicious-compliance-reddit time off PTO workplace malicious compliance reddit vacation - 25117189

'You need my help? It'll cost 1 million': Scorned employee takes 10 weeks of vacation time before quitting job

These bosses picked the exact wrong employee to mess with. Some companies think so highly of themselves that they forget to show appreciation to the employees who make the magic happen. We all know that in today's day and age, the best way to grow your salary and gain extra PTO is by job hopping (aka moving companies every couple years). But it wasn't always like that. Just ask Jimmy, an older employee at a company who stayed at the same job for more than four decades ! That's real loyalty ther…
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'Sir, you've eaten nearly the whole box': Manager saves employee from salty customer upset over his meal

'Sir, you've eaten nearly the whole box': Manager saves employee from salty customer upset over his meal

Award this man as the manager of the year—he’s so earned it. There’s a specific type of person who views eating at restaurants as a sort of challenge. They’ll find any opportunity to complain, no matter how small the issue is. It’s the type of person who ignores the hostess, sits at a dirty table that hasn’t been bussed, and then complains that their table has trash on it. This is the kind of person who demands their milkshake be remade because the whipped cream is melting… even as they watched…
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