

‘With one click I lost everything’: Boss assigns employee with complicated task unrelated to his field, employee makes mistake that costs him his job

‘With one click I lost everything’: Boss assigns employee with complicated task unrelated to his field, employee makes mistake that costs him his job

People make mistakes, that is not news to anyone here. People make mistakes in relationships, friendships, with family, at school, and yes, at work as well. You can't expect people to be completely perfect, and if you do, well, that is another mistake to throw in the mix. The employee in this Reddit story has made a grave mistake on the job, and he owns up to it, even if it wasn't 100% his fault. The boss asked him to help with a task that was unrelated to OP's (original poster) job description…
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'He had now dropped his car keys': New technician immediately drops several valuable items into 800 foot pit

'He had now dropped his car keys': New technician immediately drops several valuable items into 800 foot pit

This guy is having a rough day on the job . That'll happen when you continually make irreversible mistakes! At any workplace, there's always that one coworker who barely made it into work that day. They seem like they're always kind of flailing and barely holding it together. But you know what, sometimes these people are really incredible at their jobs. Other times, you wonder how this person ever managed to get a degree and a full career with the skill set they possess. It seems like u/Adventu…
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Imaging technician told to take their breaks "No matter what," leaves customers waiting and stuns management: 'I'm only doing what you asked'

Imaging technician told to take their breaks "No matter what," leaves customers waiting and stuns management: 'I'm only doing what you asked'

There's this thing that happens in some organizations where upper management knowingly sets policies that they know infringe (or come close to infringing) on their legal minimum obligations to their workforce. Then they act all surprised when said minimum obligation isn't being upheld because it's simply not possible to do under the constraints they've created. A perfect example of this is employee breaks, of which there are usually laws where you're working around when, how long, and how often…
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‘Too little, too late’: Employee quits job after HR cuts 30% of his pay, management begs employee to stay claiming they didn't know about the pay cut

‘Too little, too late’: Employee quits job after HR cuts 30% of his pay, management begs employee to stay claiming they didn't know about the pay cut

Some employers have an incredibly hard time grasping the idea that their actions have consequences, even when it concerns their trusty employees. As an employer, you might think you can put your employees through basically anything without them doing anything about it, but thankfully, that is often not the case. Much like the story of this employee on Reddit. The employee, OP (original poster), had been working incredibly hard to get his company to achieve all its targets and succeed in its fie…
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Teacher rebels after school is canceled for only students during the solar eclipse: 'I urge you to call in sick'

Teacher rebels after school is canceled for only students during the solar eclipse: 'I urge you to call in sick'

It's not fair that only the students were allowed to enjoy this historic moment! Meanwhile, those of us in the working world including the educators of said children were forced to work during the solar eclipse. For those of you who are teachers out there, did you all get to enjoy the moment? Or were you like this Redditor and forced to stay inside in a windowless room to attend a lame professional development workshop? Thankfully, this teacher saw it coming and planned well in advance, so she…
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‘Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me’: After blaming an inexperienced design engineer, sales rep gets hit with karma and loses his job

‘Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me’: After blaming an inexperienced design engineer, sales rep gets hit with karma and loses his job

The business environment is competitive. Individuals often prioritize their own advancement over the well-being of those around them when climbing the corporate ladder. They are dedicated to achieving their objective and will do whatever it takes to get there. That being said, how would you react if you found out that someone on your crew attempted to sabotage you in order to protect themselves? The story that follows is that of an inexperienced design engineer who is picking up the rules of th…
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employment job jobs revenge work workplace malicious compliance toxic-workplace toxic-work-environment workplace-stories workplace discussion in the workplace workplace malicious compliance - 25366533

Worker calls out pedantic boss's ironic presentation mistake: 'Yeah, that is a careless mistake, huh?'

Being particular about something is all well and good… to a point. You can want something done a certain way with good reason, but overly inflicting your pedantic ways on other people isn't going to make you any friends, and when you're managing a team, it certainly isn't going to win anyone over or inspire loyalty. No, it's always better to have a little flexibility and give your team members agency over their respective roles; letting people do things they're responsible for in their own way…
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'Technically tips are a privilege': Servers call out manager for participating in tip pool on top of collecting $1K every week

'Technically tips are a privilege': Servers call out manager for participating in tip pool on top of collecting $1K every week

This totally unethical manager is about to go down. Not only was it against policy for the employer to participate in the tip pool among the other servers at the restaurant, but matters were also made worse when the manager suggested that tipping was a “privilege.” Essentially, she threatened to stop allowing her servers to receive tips at all, as if that is not the majority of the money these workers rely on to pay their bills. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/mddnaa , who decided that it…
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Employee mistakenly tells boss where he was poached, boss attempts sabotage: 'He tried to ruin my chances'

Employee mistakenly tells boss where he was poached, boss attempts sabotage: 'He tried to ruin my chances'

Always be careful what you tell your soon-to-be former employer before you get out. Otherwise, they might make things harder for you, as this boss did. Sure, this might be a cynical take. In an ideal world, your boss will understand your desire to move on to a different opportunity, but if your manager is among the many selfish employers in the workforce, then leaving might not be so easy. This Redditor was not even necessarily looking for better work until he was poached by a different company…
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‘This would bankrupt me’: Company demands employee pay back their entire yearly salary after they find out about their second job

‘This would bankrupt me’: Company demands employee pay back their entire yearly salary after they find out about their second job

Many companies have unexplained issues with the concept of their employees working a second job. While it is understandable that a company would want to make sure that their employees won't also work for a competitor, when a company forbids an employee from working another job altogether, that is a major red flag. A place of work should not dictate what an employee does on their time off, no matter what. The employee in this Reddit story had to deal with a lot of red flags regarding their job.…
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'Oh, it must be nice to just sit at the register': Karen manager taunts employee and tells him not to do any work, so he doesn't

'Oh, it must be nice to just sit at the register': Karen manager taunts employee and tells him not to do any work, so he doesn't

Let this serve as a friendly reminder that sarcasm doesn't function well in the workplace. Every so often, maybe twice a year, this Karen manager decides to lose her mind and accuse everyone of doing everything wrong. She runs a small but always moderately busy convenience store. Well, the other day, she decided it was time for her tantrum. Her employee had just finished restocking and cleaning the store and had returned to the register when his Karen boss came storming and sardonically told hi…
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Bank teller asks if he can sit on the job, management gaslights him: 'I was super thrown'

Bank teller asks if he can sit on the job, management gaslights him: 'I was super thrown'

Don't you just love it when you ask for something completely standard and are then told that you're being unprofessional? That kind of manipulative response from an employer is not only frustrating and unprofessional in and of itself, but it can also leave the employee spiraling and genuinely considering if they were in the wrong or not. It's a classic way to shirk responsibility and reflect blame right back onto the employee, and it's upsetting how common this management tactic seems to be. Th…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 25320965

'Congratulations!': HR gives worker letter congratulating them on their 4.75% raise but then says they will still be paid the same amount

There are plenty of times in life where things just don't make sense and where people try and lead you to believe that 1+1=3 which doesn't really line up with the figure that you might have expected or the actual truth of the situation. A lot of these situations will probably take place at work under the supervision of someone who has no business being in charge. Let's do a little math equation as an example. I know—I know…. you didn't think you were signing up for homework when you clicked on…
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Boss won't stop contacting former employee after she rejects his counteroffer: 'He proceeded to comment on 30 posts praising my work'

Boss won't stop contacting former employee after she rejects his counteroffer: 'He proceeded to comment on 30 posts praising my work'

Why can't people just take “no” for an answer? Sure, this applies to many aspects of life from relationships to friendships to family dynamics. However, it also applies to one's professional relationships. This part-time worker politely turned down an offer for a full-time position, and her General Manager simply would not have it. An hour after the meeting, he followed up over email apologizing for pressuring her in any way, but of course in sending said email, he was doing the exact opposite…
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boss workplace-stories maternity leave baby employee fired manager job mother tales-from-the-workplace reddit story ceo workplace Reddit company - 25256709

‘They fired me without even telling me’: Woman gets fired while on maternity leave, finds out about it from coworker who has been informed she quit

It can be alarming to think that some employers have no issue with firing employees while they are on maternity leave. Even though most countries have laws against exactly that, unfortunately, it still happens to a lot of employees. Which is exactly what happened to the woman in this Reddit story (OP, original poster). A few months after going on maternity leave, she contacts her boss to talk about her return to her job, with accommodation to her now being a new mother. Her boss probably didn't…
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workplace discussion worker workplace-stories employee fired work stories director manager work coworkers workplace funny - 25331717

Managers reveal the worst thing an employee has done to get fired: 'He walked in 25 minutes late holding a Starbucks cup and said “I couldn’t help it, the drive thru took forever”'

No one wants to get fired. A lot of times, getting fired is entirely out of our control. Lots of employees have found themselves in this situation recently, with companies doing mass layoffs and inflation continuing to rise. In this one employee's case, their boss changed their workweek from 40 hours to 42.5 hours, causing rage amongst the workforce, while many outside perspectives speculated that this was the employer's way of weeding out employees without having to do mass layoffs. Whatever t…
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