

‘The tow truck is on the way’: Driver refuses to move his truck after it constantly blocks office entrance, employees report him as payback, leading to a costly dispute

‘The tow truck is on the way’: Driver refuses to move his truck after it constantly blocks office entrance, employees report him as payback, leading to a costly dispute

Much like the neighbors in your own home, it is important to have a good relationship with the neighbors in your place of work. Usually, those neighbors are other companies that reside in the same office building as your company, but some people have to deal with rather unexpected kinds of neighbors that are hard to come by. Imagine having a chemical plant as your work neighbor. Think about all the things you would have to deal with when sharing a neighborhood with a plant that deals with chemi…
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Top 20+ strange jobs people actually had and (mostly) loved: 'Working as a professional sleeper for sleep studies'

Top 20+ strange jobs people actually had and (mostly) loved: 'Working as a professional sleeper for sleep studies'

We've all come across a bizarre job advertisement on the internet that made us consider the most out-of-left-field career pivots. Perhaps you have found yourself stuck in your current industry with no sign of a promotion or upward mobility. You consider quitting on the spot but you've got rent and bills and you don't want to risk having zero income for an unforeseeable amount of time. Then, out of nowhere, you see the job posting you never knew you needed, one you never could have predicted eit…
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‘They thought they were being smart’: Entitled diners get kicked out of restaurant after server catches them bringing outside drinks and disguise them as the restaurant's

‘They thought they were being smart’: Entitled diners get kicked out of restaurant after server catches them bringing outside drinks and disguise them as the restaurant's

Some people really don't have any common sense, and it shows. Or even worse, they expect the entire world to cave to their wishes simply because, and they do not care that rules are there for a reason, they just do whatever it is they want to do. Most restaurants enforce a rule that states that diners cannot bring their own food in, usually because of health code regulations, and that makes perfect sense. You come into a restaurant in order to eat and drink there, not because you want a bench t…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 36051205

Work cancels employee's shift 10 minutes before their shift was supposed to start, they quit: 'I've had enough'

One of the worst parts about shift work is being sent home early—despite all the memes and jokes to the contrary. Sure, when you're a student, you might gladly raise your hand to be sent home early since you probably don't want to be there in the first place and would rather be out studying or partying. And you're young enough and in enough debt already from your student loans that it's hard to see how a few hours working is going to make any difference… That or your parents are paying for ever…
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'Sorry man, can't let you in': Movie theater employee gets to stop annoying teens from buying tickets

'Sorry man, can't let you in': Movie theater employee gets to stop annoying teens from buying tickets

Movie theater etiquette can be quite divisive. A lot of movie-goers appreciate a quiet theater. But then, the general public enters. Some people clearly do not want to be at the movie at all, and they show this by being on their phones for the entire run time. Some people bring their kids, who insist on using their iPads or running up and down the aisles. And then sometimes groups of teens come into the movie, and since they're just kids, they don't really care about the movie experience of the…
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'On Mondays, I would show up to work on and not do anything': 20+ Workers who couldn't stay professional on the job

'On Mondays, I would show up to work on and not do anything': 20+ Workers who couldn't stay professional on the job

Work never ends, so you've got to pace yourself. You can't be taking work so seriously that you burn yourself out. As they say, no one ever lays on their deathbed and regrets not working enough hours of overtime for their ungrateful boss. You'll remember the good times in life, and all those endless hours of work will blend together. Sometimes, you've got to make the fun times happen on your own terms: just ask the people below, who shared their most unprofessional moments on the job . More tha…
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‘If only I could fire you!’: Public service employee's epic response leaves Karen client speechless and company in tears

‘If only I could fire you!’: Public service employee's epic response leaves Karen client speechless and company in tears

Working in customer service is never an easy task. The individuals you spend time with have a big impact on your day. Therefore, your everyday activities and troubles vary as you have no control over who comes knocking on your door. A few weeks back, the original poster (OP) was met with an unexpected request. He was instructed to handle Karen, a challenging client, in any way he saw fit, provided he could ensure the client stopped pestering them. Following careful consideration of the legality…
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boss error workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance email bosses work malicious-compliance-reddit 404 workplace malicious compliance reddit - 36204037

'He... had to delete 40 pages of emails': Boss insists web developer send him emails for every 404 error

This boss is requesting more emails . In today's day and age, that's a surprising request, because most of us get more emails each day than we can possibly read! If you aren't getting spammed with dozens of random email each day, congrats to you. If you've found a way to avoid the scourge of constant emails, more power to you. Emails have become a bit dated in many businesses. Instead, people have pivoted back to instant messaging in order to quickly contact people. After all, many people can r…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 25896197

Employer deducts last year's bonus from pay after worker gives notice: 'Company just deducted last years bonus out of my last paycheck after quitting...'

Typically, earning a bonus is a sign that you have assuredly gone above and beyond your employer's expectations for your role; it's more than likely you've contributed considerably to any increased revenue the company might have reported, and so, in a sense, you're just getting your cut. The thing is, this is cash in your pocket for you (after taxes, of course), and you'd probably never imagine that the company is going to come looking for it. This worker reported that once they had handed in t…
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Coworker CC's everyone at work on iconic resignation email: 'I've had a great time here watching the walls change color slower than my career progression'

Coworker CC's everyone at work on iconic resignation email: 'I've had a great time here watching the walls change color slower than my career progression'

Who doesn't love hearing about an iconic quitting story? If you're miserable at your own company, hearing about a shameless employee standing up for themselves can give you the courage to do the same. If the method didn't work, then you might learn something for when it's your turn to quit. At the very least, you can at least experience that sense of justice and fulfillment vicariously. This employee shared a coworker's quitting email, a note that he shared with the entire company and not just…
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Boss demands overworked employees stop taking breaks after she finds out they submitted tasks late, claiming: ‘Breaks are a privilege’

Boss demands overworked employees stop taking breaks after she finds out they submitted tasks late, claiming: ‘Breaks are a privilege’

This is a reminder that not every single minute of your life should be spent being productive. It is okay to take breaks, it is okay to sleep in, and it is okay to shut your brain off for a few minutes and let yourself simply rest. Life is not that serious, and you deserve a break when you need one. Even if you are at work, and the pressure is getting to you, it is crucial to remember that taking a break is just as important as working, and it is not something anyone should give up on. The empl…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 36189701

Remote software engineer completes their work in 25 hours with 30% above average productivity, wonders if they're wrong for not for doing so: 'I average 200-250 tickets a month'

This guy is living the life that many people wish that they had; instead of being stuck on site or in the office for 40 hours a week, he has managed to finish his work in only 25 hours, even taking showers during meetings to cut down on personal responsibilities. "The dream," as some may call it, though there are debatable ethics involved in doing this. On the one hand, if you're completing your tasks and even performing well above standard, Is there really any problem with doing this? Even wit…
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'I can't just take your word for it': Entitled guest tries to check in under false name, front desk clerk refuses to comply, sparking heated debate in hotel lobby

'I can't just take your word for it': Entitled guest tries to check in under false name, front desk clerk refuses to comply, sparking heated debate in hotel lobby

It's never simple to work in the customer service sector. You frequently interact with a wide range of individuals and are never sure what to anticipate. Having said that, given the obvious drawbacks of this line of work, there must be some benefits, right? The account following was written by an irate front desk clerk. The original poster (OP) has a very lengthy history of employment in the hospitality sector. Even though at first things were going quite well, as expected, all it takes is one…
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'How could you not foresee this?': Manager forbids security guard from letting visitors enter office without his approval, guard complies, causing manager to miss important meeting when he fails to answer his phone

'How could you not foresee this?': Manager forbids security guard from letting visitors enter office without his approval, guard complies, causing manager to miss important meeting when he fails to answer his phone

Some people simply don't have common sense, or even the smallest ability to predict the consequences of their absurd decisions and actions. Unfortunately, a lot of those people end up in high management positions. That means that anyone who has to answer to those managers, sometimes has to comply with unreasonable demands they know would end in disaster, but there is not much they can do about it. Take the manager in this Reddit story for example. They decided to forbid their security guard fro…
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CEO boasts about record profits then announces slashing everyone's 401K matches in the same conference call: 'We just had the best year ever thanks to YOU!'

CEO boasts about record profits, then announces slashing everyone's 401k matches in the same conference call: 'We just had the best year ever thanks to YOU!'

This conference call sounded like a rollercoaster ride. It's no secret that company meetings often are filled with motivational speeches from the higher-ups at the company. CEOs are likely to give a positive spin on the state of things in order to maintain momentum and drive among employees. However, most employees can see right through these tactics and can decipher if the health of the company is much more grim than it seems. This time, however, the CEO had the audacity to claim that things h…
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'What are you going to do, fire me?': After employee hands in their notice, micromanager forces them to fire other coworkers out of spite, employee refuses to comply

'What are you going to do, fire me?': After employee hands in their notice, micromanager forces them to fire other coworkers out of spite, employee refuses to comply

Once you know you are quitting your job, every single thing you do until your last day can be up to you completely. As soon as you hand in your notice to your boss, you have the right to say 'no' to every task they ask of you, because what is the worst that will happen if you say no, they fire you? The cat is completely out of the bag by that point. Especially if the tasks the boss asks of you are basically their dirty work. For example – After the employee (OP, original poster) in this Reddit…
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