

'I am looking for average performance': Boss claims employee is setting too high expectations for clients and demands she lowers her work performance, leading to employee's resignation

'I am looking for average performance': Boss claims employee is setting too high expectations for clients and demands she lowers her work performance, leading to employee's resignation

Reddit is full of stories of overworked employees struggling to keep up with the workload their managers demand from them. And it is no strange subject to most employees, we all know how hard it is to live up to the expectations of bosses, clients, and customers, and it is almost impossible to do it without collapsing on the job. What you don't read or hear a lot of, are stories about employees who are actually asked to work less, and lower their performance, like the employee in this Reddit st…
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Retail worker exacts revenge on micromanager by letting innocent toddler steal from shop, setting off uncomfortable discussion with superiors

Retail worker exacts revenge on micromanager by letting innocent toddler steal from shop, setting off uncomfortable discussion with superiors

It is never simple to work in customer service. It's far worse, though, to work in customer service when your superiors are awful. An employee of customer service recounts her frustrations in the story below. The original poster (OP) has a long history of employment in the hospitality industry. While initially everything was going along very well, things started to go south when OP began having issues with his manager. But leave it to OP to avenge in the most creative means possible. When it ca…
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'A month later, there are googly eyes everywhere': 20+ Employees who had weird days at work

'A month later, there are googly eyes everywhere': 20+ Employees who had memorably weird days at work

Some days at work are more memorable than others. Just think about it: there are probably hundreds of days of work, or life in general, that pass by mundanely, never to be remembered again. The human brain just isn't meant to remember every second of every day. But those memorable days at work can really stick with you! The 1,000+ people replying to this person's r/AskReddit question had a few memorably weird work days to share, ranging from oddities to entire days that were completely derailed…
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'This is the story of how I got back at them': Impolite construction workers bother hotel staffers and guests, employee finds a petty way to retaliate

'This is the story of how I got back at them': Impolite construction workers bother hotel staffers and guests, employee finds a petty way to retaliate

This construction crew was, unsurprisingly, up really early. They tend to do that: construction workers often begin their days in the early morning hours before the sun rises. The crew staying at u/cavelioness's hotel was no different: they were starting their days before the hotel staff could even provide breakfast for them. Next, this retail boss wanted his employee to add a major responsibility to their job, but that employee refused, writing, “ I got fired and cost the store approximately $…
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Boss rescinds job offer immediately after candidate asks them about paying schedule, claiming: ‘I don't like staff always asking about pay’

Boss rescinds job offer immediately after candidate asks them about paying schedule, claiming: ‘I don't like staff always asking about pay’

In a perfect world, people would work because they enjoy what they do, and only care about the job itself, nothing else. Unfortunately, in our world, most people work because they need money, which means that the work itself is not really a top priority for employees. So if a job candidate asks a question about the pay, that should come across as acceptable and reasonable for all hiring managers. Employees deserve to know everything they need to before taking on a new job, and they should defin…
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Restaurant guests demand entry 5 minutes before closing, server complies, only to refuse their orders as soon as the restaurant closes: ‘I got the last laugh'

Restaurant guests demand entry 5 minutes before closing, server complies, only to refuse their orders as soon as the restaurant closes: ‘I got the last laugh'

There is nothing more irritating than customers coming in 5 minutes before closing time. Mostly because 90% of the time, the people who come in at that time are the worst kind of customers. They are entitled and demanding, and think the world revolves around them. They absolutely do not care that you want to go home after a long shift, and they will do anything in order to make your life as difficult as possible in those last moments of work. The entitled guests in this Reddit story are no diff…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work bassist workplace band workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35940869

'You think you know more than me?': A/V Technician puts bassist in his place

The world of small-time amateur musicians and semi-professional audio/visual techs is no joke and, like any small niche hobbyist community, is handled with deadly seriousness and rigorous hierarchy—with out-of-control egos abound. To a degree, this is fair… poorly engineered audio/visual setups are one of those things that can go hilariously and disastrously wrong, and even small mistakes or technical hiccups can ruin events and severely hamper their intended purpose. And I promise you; it's in…
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'I got fired and cost the store approximately $30,000': Retail employee refuses to work two jobs at once, boss doesn't realize they quit

'I got fired and cost the store approximately $30,000': Retail employee refuses to work two jobs at once, boss doesn't realize they quit

This person really knows when to walk away from a job that's no good for them anymore. They happen to have impeccable timing! Some managers at retail stores will do the absolute bare minimum. A lot of them have been in retail for ages, and they feel they've earned the privilege of getting off the sales floor and cocooning themself in a back room to goof off for their whole shift. It's apparently their prerogative to do so… but their employees aren't happy about it! Instead of getting help from…
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employee forced to sign official reprimand because toxic management expects them work outside of their normal shift hours because a selfish co-worker was a no-show

‘It's not my responsibility to work shifts that aren't assigned to me’: Employee wrongfully reprimanded by entitled management after refusing to work overtime for a no-show co-worker

“They made me sign some official reprimand and put it in my file.”
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'Now that is some worker solidarity': Entire restaurant quits after one worker is called out for dress code violation

'Now that is some worker solidarity': Entire restaurant quits after one worker is called out for dress code violation

This restaurant was so strict that these workers just couldn't take it anymore. There's only so much you can ask from someone before they finally call it quits and decide to find employment somewhere better. Next up, there are a ton of bizarre things for sale online , like one person who's getting rid of their “Free rooster… I'm scared to go near him, he's aggressive towards people.” What a deal!
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Employee demands public apology from boss after being accused of a mistake he didn't make: 'If you shame me publicly, you must apologize publicly'

Employee demands public apology from boss after being accused of a mistake he didn't make: 'If you shame me publicly, you must apologize publicly'

The hallmark of a good or bad manager rests on how they deliver feedback. Some managers do their due diligence before assuming that an employee has made a mistake. Others, however, like to jump to conclusions. This manager accused an employee of almost ruining a client relationship by not following a new protocol that was enforced well after the employee's communication with said client. In other words, the employee was not at fault here at all, yet this boss decided it was a good opportunity t…
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Employee gets caught running a program that automates their entire job, leading to an unexpected conversation with IT: ‘I was hoping they would offer me a job’

Employee gets caught running a program that automates their entire job, leading to an unexpected conversation with IT: ‘I was hoping they would offer me a job’

Some people are worried about the prospects of AI taking over their jobs, fearing the day that their skills would become useless. Then there are people who actively try to find a way a computer would be able to do their entire job so that they would not actually have to work. But if you do manage to find a way to get an automatic program to do all your work, you better keep that information a secret, because if someone at your workplace were to find out, it might not look good for your future t…
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'I said no': Manager ‘rewards’ top-preforming employee with more workload but no raise, they purposely lower their work pace to spite them

'I said no': Manager ‘rewards’ top-preforming employee with more workload but no raise, they purposely lower their work pace to spite them

They say ‘The truth will set you free’, but they must have never had to work for a company that doesn't care at all about what you really think. If employees try to be honest and tell the truth to their employers, it will most likely get them in trouble, which would only result in those employees probably wishing they kept the truth to themselves. But there are some employees out there who might say that being honest is the best way forward in the workplace, much like the employee in this Reddi…
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opinion ask reddit boss workplace-stories jobs job funny stories bosses work coworkers askreddit workplace funny opinions - 36082693

'My boss... asked me if he could borrow $1000': 25+ Bosses who had ridiculous requests for their employees

Bosses can ask their employees to do the most ridiculous things, even when it falls outside of their job description. A lot of job descriptions will list out all of the daily tasks the employee is expected to do. Then, there will be a line that says something like, “Additional tasks as needed.” That leaves a lot of room for a manager to request help with things that their employees really shouldn't be doing, but will be strong-armed into doing anyway. The people answering u/thekutsi's questions…
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'Tyrannical management took away my desk fan': Boss punishes employee for leaving desk fan running overnight, makes him struggle in the heat

'Tyrannical management took away my desk fan': Boss punishes employee for leaving desk fan running overnight, makes him struggle in the heat

In every office, there is a coworker who runs a bit hot. We do not mean to shame said person; as someone often runs cold, I always have at least a sweater ready for me at all times. Both of these employees exist in every workplace and deserve to feel comfortable. This Redditor admits that he often runs hot and came up with the solution of using a small personal desk fan so that his constant desire to make the air conditioning cooler would not upset other folks. Apparently, however, people still…
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Fired employee contacted a year later to recover important company files: 'How do you not make a backup of your entire company's directory?'

Fired employee contacted a year later to recover important company files: 'How do you not make a backup of your entire company's directory?'

You know it's not a well-run company when the CEO has to reach out to an employee she fired for important company information. The best part is that she realized she needed the company directory a whole year after dismissing the employee and their entire team. Essentially, after closing this Redditor's department, the company made a headquarters move to a different state but somehow managed to not keep key documentation, namely the company directory. We're certain that the former employee's bos…
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