

tales-from-the-front-desk workplace-stories employee hotel entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19705861

'I was that lady who checked you in last time. And I did not say that': Entitled hotel guest tries to cheat his way to a cheaper rate, gets caught in a lie

Some folks will lie, cheat, and steal to get a cheaper rate, even if the difference is just $8.
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How we got Karen ejected from the office!

'We do not wish to verbally engage with you, Karen': IT workers plot pro revenge against coworker

These IT workers wanted their coworker gone after she created a toxic environment. But did they go about it in the right way?
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boss work-story workplace-stories toxic-workplace malicious compliance Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19720453

'She nagged at me in front of the whole office': Boss refuses to let employee use headset in the office, employee maliciously complies and plays audio at full volume

Some bosses should be very careful about what they demand.
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customer service workplace-stories malicious compliance revenge customers workplace story - 19746309

'I uno reversed a malicious compliance': Front desk worker makes a Karen count out all the coins she's trying to pay with

It's not often that we see a scenario where someone successfully manages to maliciously comply with a malicious compliance… Enter stage right, this clever customer service representative. Reddit user u/pinkfloss9 shared this story about an experience they had at work on Reddit's r/ MaliciousCompliance subreddit. In the post, they tell the tale of an angry Karen who came into the office where he worked at the front desk. She came in guns blazing, and when it came time for her to pay, she whipped…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace choosing beggars interviews workplace reddit thread job interview interview choosing beggar job application - 19688197

Employee stands their ground after employer tries for an unpaid trial

Unpaid working trials are a thing of the past—well… they should be according to the labor laws in a lot of states and countries. The unfortunate reality is that this is still a practice that takes place in a lot of industries and in even more organizations. There's nothing like having someone actually do the work to ensure that they can do it… right? Companies often have other goals in mind with this strategy, lot of clever-as-they-are-unethical hiring managers will use these “working interview…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace food service workplace workers employment service industry - 2033159

'I've been struggling [to afford] food': Worker shares scathing messages from their boss after they recover discarded food from workplace

This manager took issue because one of their workers was taking discarded bread loaves from back-of-house disposal. Anyone who has worked in food service or the service industry has witnessed this at some point: perfectly good food going to the bin just because they can't move the product and donating the food to a shelter would present a “lawsuit risk.” So away it goes, right into the dumpster. It's always a shame to see all perfectly good food go to waste—even if you have plenty to eat at hom…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories tech support technology IT guy tech news workplace story Tech developers - 19728133

'Win-win for everyone involved.': IT Guy automates his entire job and works 10 minutes a day from home

There is a quote that is often attributed to the likes of Bill Gates and Walter Chrysler that goes something along the lines of “Always choose a lazy man to do a hard job because a lazy man will find an easy way to do it.” Whether or not either of them actually uttered this string of words (or was the first to do so) is up for debate. But the sentiment rings true in many instances that require innovation: Why hire the guy who is content to do things by the letter when you can hire the guy who w…
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace malicious compliance work Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19701253

'End of discussion, do you understand me?': New boss throws tantrum at employee for executing task without the OK, employee malicious complies and gets boss fired

There's nothing like a boss who turns out to be too prideful to acknowledge when they've made a huge mistake.
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staff work-story workplace-stories hr workplace-story manager work employees human resources managers workplace employment - 19687941

Update: '[I] am completely confounded': Worker claims they're unable to use Microsoft Windows OS due to their religion

There are a lot of people in this world with a lot of different beliefs, and we would do well to seek to understand and accept them. Still, there are some things in this world that just don't seem to add up to any rational sort of thinking. It's all well and good to follow a belief structure that carries a sense of morality and ethics. But what do you do when that structure prohibits you from using the tools of your trade? Is it your organization's responsibility to cater to these needs? Or is…
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work-story workplace-stories hr revenge work petty revenge human resources workplace - 19466245

HR Makes Salaried Employees Fill Out Time Cards, Costs Them Big

There's an age-old saying that can—although said in many different ways—be summarized as: If you're going to break the rules, don't break two rules at the same time. It's a simple, logical rationalization that boils down to mitigating risks. When you break multiple rules simultaneously, you just multiply your chances of being caught. In addition to that, when you get caught for one… you're probably going to get caught for both—and pay the price for both. There's also the added risk of more peop…
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boss workplace-stories toxic-workplace manager toxic toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses toxic-work-environment - 19644421

'Should I take his advice?': Boss rudely suggests worker quits over scheduling change, employee considers it

Give some people even a shred of power, and they will preside with an iron fist… devoid of any sense of justice except the whims of their own stupid ego. They'll generally not be overly concerned with anyone else's needs or wants. All is well—just as long as they have their own way. There's nothing inherently wrong with having to make changes to a schedule or roster; as a manager, that's just part of the job. Still, there are ways to do it and ways not to do it if you care a shred about the peo…
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workplace-stories workplace-story work coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses story employment - 19687685

Nepo-baby new owner can't run their company, fires company's top performer so they delete all of their files before leaving

The thing about taking over a business your family owns… is that you might not know anything about that business or have any of the skills and experience necessary to manage it. Couple this with an uncompromising ego and a general sense of entitlement, and you've got yourself a nightmare boss in the making. We've seen this exact scenario play out time and time again: "A new owner takes over a business that they are hilariously unqualified to run and proceeds to gut the company of its most essen…
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pro revenge workplace-stories tech support toxic-workplace technical difficulties revenge it IT guy workplace Horrible Bosses Tech business - 19661317

'Ends up paying him double': Greedy business owner tries to scam IT guy, IT guy scams him right back

It's often said that you shouldn't meddle with things you don't understand and, by extension, you shouldn't mess with the people who handle the things that you don't understand either. If you've managed to get a contractor in to handle something you can't or aren't willing to do or understand, and they deliver on that product, you'd do your best to pay them the agreed price. After all, we've already established you don't understand that thing, so why are you so certain you've got the upper hand…
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employees workplace employment work-story workplace-stories employee hr malicious compliance revenge petty revenge human resources story - 19629573

Worker gets one over on vindictive HR by following workplace guidelines

It's no secret that the human resource department isn't as benevolent or employee-focused as we might have once been led to believe. At the end of the day, that seems pretty obvious, and we find it hard to believe that the wool could ever be pulled over our eyes. After all, it's in the name . It's an entire department of the company that exists solely to manage and mitigate one of its most costly resources… humans—aka you . Still, HR managers manage to either be the sweetest, most hospitable pe…
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit quitting toxic-work-environment - 19652101

'Only a week notice?': Boss tries to guilt employee into staying longer, employee retaliates and decides to leave that day

The best way to get someone to do what you want is certainly not to insult them.
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TIFU and got fired over chicken nuggets

'[I] got fired over chicken nuggets': Conniving coworker spies on employee who snuck food to customers

A nosy colleague got this fast food worker booted from their job. The unfortunate worker shared their story with r/TIFU, home of stories of all kinds of eff ups. As they write, they used to work at a fast food joint, where they served all kinds of customers, including an older couple who came in with their granddaughter. As they became regulars, the OP began to feel bad for them — the couple always let their grandkid eat, without ever having food for themselves. The way the OP decided to help t…
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