

workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19864325

'If [you] only want to work 40 hours a week then you should leave': VP makes tone-deaf demands on company call after no one receives a raise

There are ways to inspire people, but this is not it!
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workplace-stories work stories job work reddit thread Reddit job interview interview college - 19863301

‘She accused me of lying’: Job applicant has to prove he went to Brown because his degree is written in Latin

Clearly, not all recruiters are born great.
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‘I checked the HR manual; I realized quickly Karen was lying’: Karen manager served malicious compliance on a plate by hungry employee

‘I checked the HR manual; I realized quickly Karen was lying’: Karen manager served malicious compliance on a plate by hungry employee

Managerial roles are not meant for everyone, yet somehow the most unfit people seem to land them anyway. It quickly becomes apparent when somebody is not a good fit to manage people, and in this case, it was more than apparent. In this instance, u/According-Air5665 explained there was a woman at her previous job that became a total Karen after she got promoted. Prior to her promotion, she'd gotten along with the team. But afterward, it was a whole different story. She made it her mission to cut…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories toxic-workplace work coworkers toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses toxic-work-environment i quit quitting - 19884293

'I resigned': Boss shocked when worker quits after having their hours halved

Workplaces seem to have this idea that younger workers will be just fine being underpaid for their work. They're young! They have no mortgage and have “relatively little” expenses compared to us mature adults! But when you're living in a city where the rent and cost of living are well outside of the wage that you're earning, trying to make a start on the career you've waited so long to begin, it feels like anything, but like you have the "no expenses" your older coworkers are expecting—especial…
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[Serious]People who work in the film industry; what is a set like when everyone there knows you're making a terrible movie?

B Movie Catastrophes: 20+ Actors and film crew share the secrets behind the making of a "bad movie"

Sneak a peek into the behind the scenes world of these doomed-from-the-start film shoots , where you'll find small budgets and big egos. Film sets are not really fun to be on, unlike the way they're so often portrayed in media. If you're an A-list actor, you're going to have an amazing time. But for everyone else, you're going to be stressed out and crying by hour three. You need to have a thick skin and a tolerance for big personalities, and then you'll have to get used to working incredibly l…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories coworkers i quit quit workplace workers quitting employment - 19884549

'I am not demanding': Demanding manager demands worker cover shift on their day off, demands their cooperation after they quit

If you have to claim that you are or aren't something, it's incredibly likely that you aren't or are that thing. It's like having that one friend who tells you that they hate drama, yet whenever drama happens, they're right there in the thick of it. So, when your boss tells you that they aren't demanding while they're in the middle of being demanding, it's likely their ego is just deflecting. This discussion came to the forefront when an employee received a text from their boss asking them to c…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story i quit workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 2038535

'Boss told me I'm stealing': Worker accused of wage theft for clocking in for meetings on their days off

Expecting your workers to attend hour-long meetings on their day off without receiving any compensation, let alone acknowledgment, is effectively a theft of wages. So to turn around and accuse those same workers of theft for claiming that time is quite outrageous.
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workplace-stories employee work stories manager lunch workplace reddit thread Reddit - 19851269

'If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it': Manager creates mandatory lunch break schedule, employee finds loophole to get paid overtime

This guy managed to find a way to get paid during an unpaid lunch break.
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boss work-story workplace-stories malicious compliance workplace Horrible Bosses story - 19846405

'You can find someone else? Okay': Crystal shop owner insists their only worker is replaceable, loses business to them after they quit

Many business owners underestimate their worker's contribution to the company's success, instead thinking of themselves as deserving all the credit. After all, it's their company, so they clearly have all the answers—right?.. Wrong. You're not always going to be able to come up with all the right answers yourself, even if it's your business. A leader's strength may simply be that they're skilled at building a strong team and recognizing when an individual has a particular strength or skill that…
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Boss breaks a promise? Welcome to the bare minimum.

'Welcome to the bare minimum': Sneaky supervisor lies about shift change, so employee decides to act their wage

Although this boss thought he was being sly, he actually ended up making a long-time employee “quiet quit” their job.
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boss workplace-stories work stories Horrible Bosses entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19836421

'A week after I left, my boss fell into burnout': Employee quits after doing her boss's job for her, boss can't keep up with her own tasks, gets fired

There's this crazy thing that happens after the employee who basically does your job for you leaves: you are going to have to do your own job.
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terrible coworkers workplace-stories coworkers dickhead co-workers awesome co-workers not workplace coworker - 19859973

'If I see them, I bin them': Coworker brings personal dishes in from home to make coworkers wash them, they end up in the trash

Sometimes an inappropriate action deserves the appropriate response; it's the simple laws of cause and effect acting out their parts. This is how it was when worker u/elena247 's coworker decided to execute the clever ploy of bringing their dirty dishes to work to have others wash them. When u/elena247 discovered what their coworker was up to, they decided the appropriate response was to introduce the dirty dishes to the trash can. Sounds like a reasonable course of action to us. It's hard to i…
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terrible coworkers karens work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace fired hr toxic-workplace toxic coworkers i quit human resources coworker karen toxic-work-environment - 19859205

'I quit.' Manager quits after lazy Karen subordinate reports him to HR

It's incredibly frustrating when someone in your workplace gets away with downright obscene behavior, and no one is doing a thing about it. You might think that that's what the HR department is for, but in a lot of organizations, they're content to sit on their hands and let the worst offenders get away with anything but murder—just as long as they don't have to deal with any conflict or rocking boats. As a manager, this can present an incredibly difficult problem; you can be as accommodating a…
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boss work-story workplace-stories manager workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit - 19834373

'Expect surprise visits from me': Boss enforces strict no phone policy filled with ridiculous typos

It's hard to be taken seriously as a manager when your messages are overflowing with typos and misspellings.
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs now hiring manager job-seeking candidates hiring the-break-room workplace workers job interview - 19784197

'Imagine my surprise': Worker receives call from first job 16 years later asking them to come back

A lot can happen in 16 years. It's likely that in this time you would gain a wealth of knowledge, insight, and experiences. Heck, if this worker had had a child, they would be in high school. Still, you gotta love a trier—although it's a shame that this employer is probably one of the one's running around telling anyone who will listen that “nobody wants to work”
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customer support customer service work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace malicious compliance retail workers retail karen-customer customers customer workplace karen employment - 19823621

'It's wasteful': Dillydallying customer demands one—and only one—bag from retail associate, gets their wish

We've said it once, and we'll say it a thousand times: When making a demand from an underpaid retail worker who would probably rather be somewhere—no, anywhere else than standing here listening to you, you'd better choose your words wisely. You might end up with exactly what you wished for—just… not quite how you pictured it. (The monkey's paw curls .) That's what happened in this classic case of malicious compliance, which was shared to the popular Reddit sub of the same name by Redditor u/Lai…
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