

"Got subtly shamed for leaving for more money."

'They pulled the corporate version of negging on me': Worker shamed by current employer for getting a new job after being denied a raise

The owner has bought a second home, the VP has a new Porche in their garage, and the company is turning money hand over fist—enough to the point they're expanding by buying up actual real estate that's being claimed back under operational costs. Meanwhile, inflation has increased by 6% in the last year—you might have even taken a pay cut during the pandemic—and you're finding it hard to make ends meet on your current salary. The company is doing very well, your contributions have been increasin…
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'It feels invasive': Manager requests remote access to employee's personal computer during meeting, employee refuses

'It feels invasive': Manager requests remote access to employee's personal computer during meeting, employee refuses

Welcome to another toxic workplace in which a manager thinks he has way more power than he does! In this case, we have a new horrible boss who doesn't understand how to gain access to his team's project. Rather than admit he needs help to gain said access, he has been forcing various team members to grant him remote access to their personal computers during Zoom meetings. Now that this Redditor is the next one on the team who is expected to do this, he is dreading the meeting. Let's break down…
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workplace-stories manager retail work food service service workplace employment service industry - 21753605

'Someone changed my schedule without my knowledge': Shift worker gets accused of a no-call, no-show on their day off

Yes, the schedule. The cornerstone, the Monolith, of shiftwork… Obey the schedule—lest you find yourself at odds with some angry shift manager who quotes its existence at you like scripture. Managers love a good schedule, and they also like complaining about that schedule and blaming the schedule for all of their problems—even when they're the ones who made it. If they schedule you for a shift you couldn't normally work, all of a sudden, it's “It's on the schedule,” “I've posted the schedule.”…
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'I logged everything in': Boss tells employee he doesn't get anything done, so employee keeps a record of 'everything'

'I logged everything in': Boss tells employee he doesn't get anything done, so employee keeps a record of 'everything'

Annual performance reviews are just all-around ‘meh’, but if you have some beef with your boss, it's even worse. OP had just that — a performance review that they weren't exactly looking forward to. Their boss took the opportunity to criticize their ability to keep track of and finish simple tasks. The company didn't invest in a task management solution, and OP was finding it hard to go off a massive email chain when as it turns out, between the 30 people who were CC'd, 25 didn't know the diffe…
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'I do all the work for him to get all the credit': Boss has employee replaced on project, tells the whole company she's leaving

'I do all the work for him to get all the credit': Boss has employee replaced on project, tells the whole company she's leaving

Imagine your boss announcing to the whole company that you're leaving them when you're not. And imagine your boss did this after you put in more effort than anyone else on your team on this new upcoming project, only to be replaced on the project by unqualified coworkers. This Redditor was completely blindsided by their boss and was taken aback when their apparent “departure” was announced at the company meeting. It turns out that it wasn't even an unceremonious firing at all. The reason why sh…
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'[They]... would listen to one song on loop the whole day': 25+ Employees share their coworker's most perplexing habits

'[They] would listen to one song on loop the whole day': 25+ Employees share their coworker's most annoying habits

We all have that one coworker who just gets on everyone's last nerve. There are many reasons for this, and the people replying to this question have some great examples. One Redditor had a question: “That annoying coworker --- what does he/she keep doing?” More than 15,000 people wrote in with their own answers, and some of the funniest and most entertaining are included below.
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Update: 'My manager replied, "Hey, we can all hear you"': Remote worker caught venting to girlfriend during call with boss

Update: 'My manager replied, "Hey, we can all hear you"': Remote worker caught venting to girlfriend during call with boss

“I thought I was muted,” this remote worker admitted.
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'You are by far the worst boss I have ever had': Boss ignores employee's notice, then calls them a disappointment

'You are by far the worst boss I have ever had': Boss ignores employee's notice, then leaves a nasty phone call

Never count on your boss to give you the emotional support that you need. This employee was having a particularly difficult time working with another manager, who happened to be responsible for numerous staff members quitting. When the Redditor finally had enough as well, they decided to give their notice to their boss, with whom they normally have a healthy and professional relationship. However, when that meeting finally happened, OP was disappointed to see that the boss did not seem to care…
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workplace-stories work idontworkherelady manager quit workplace quitting - 21736965

'I don't take orders from you anymore': Worker shuts down manager's demand that they come back into work after quitting

People in petty positions of power have the uncanny propensity to overestimate the scope and reach of that power—almost as if they imagine their position as an assistant manager of a box store to hold as much power as the appointed leader of the Istari. Actually, that analogy works quite well… since Saruman also had a tendency to overestimate his power over others. “You have no power here.” Managers love a good schedule, and they also like complaining about that schedule and blaming the schedul…
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'Completely unacceptable': Employee misses orientation, has to write 1000+ word essay, maliciously complies and frustrates HR

'Completely unacceptable': Employee misses orientation, has to write 1000+ word essay, maliciously complies and frustrates HR

If HR wants to treat their employees like children, then their employees have free rein to act like children. We have written about a host of ridiculous company rules here at FAIL Blog, and this “required reflective essay assignment” is the newest addition to the pile. Essentially, this employee was misinformed about the mandatory orientation during the onboarding process at his new job. Part of this came from confusing scheduling changes on behalf of HR, so it was certainly not the fault of th…
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Fiancée invites everyone from workplace to wedding except one person

'She humiliated my coworker': Jealous fiancée invites everyone from workplace to her wedding except one person

Even though they just got engaged, this man is already rethinking his upcoming marriage. U/fullishfool decided to share this story to r/AmItheA**hole to get the internet's opinion on his fiancée's bizarre behavior . As you plan your wedding, there are so many decisions to make. One of the first is who you're going to invite. Small weddings may just include family and friends, while other couples love to go all out and invite extended family and coworkers. This OP wanted to invite his coworkers,…
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'I will never want to work with you again': Woman gets payback when mean ex-coworker contacts her for a work reference

'I will never want to work with you again': Woman gets payback when mean ex-coworker contacts her for a work reference

I would not want to get on this person's bad side… This woman shared her tale of a former coworker's comeuppance via this thread on Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit, and let's just say that her comeback was decidedly savage. First, let's take things back a few years. When the Redditor was working for a different company for over seven years, she worked out a situation with management that allowed her to go back to school while working mostly full-time. Essentially, she worked longer hours 3x/w…
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'My boss implied that not attending would have repercussions': Employee faces consequences if he doesn't go out with boss and coworkers, internet reacts

'My boss implied that not attending would have repercussions': Employee faces consequences if he doesn't go out with boss and coworkers, internet reacts

People's reactions seem to be split on this one!
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workplace-stories jobs work workplace story customer service customers karen-customers - 21719045

'I terminated her husband's lease': Karen client loses it at customer service rep, her family loses their lease and their business

It's not often you'll find the internet rooting for landlords. A group of people known for being dishonest and overly greedy, raising rents beyond reason, or neglecting necessary repairs in order to maximize profits—all the while enjoying an absurd amount of control over other people's lives—doesn't necessarily inspire a lot of compassion. And, yet—here we find ourselves. “Evil is evil… lesser, greater, middling. It’s all the same.” While some might prefer not to take sides when it comes to com…
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15+ Empowered workers who told their bosses to 'Fire me...I dare you'

'Boss never called me lazy again': 15+ Empowered workers who told their bosses to 'Fire me...I dare you'

You're great at your job and you know it, so don't let your boss tell you otherwise. These inspiring workers know their worth. While other countries have excellent protections and rights for employees, America does not have that for every citizen. Most states allow employers to fire their employees for basically any reason, at any time, without any warning. In general, most of us don't want to be fired, since it's a stain on your work history, and your boss might not want to be a reference for…
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'Today I see my job posted': Overworked employee comes to an agreement with boss about workload, then discovers a job posting for her position

'Today I see my job posted': Overworked employee comes to an agreement with boss about workload, then discovers a job posting for her position

We all know how hard it is to advocate for yourself in the workplace. It's so easy to take on more responsibility than what your job typically requires of you, and before you know it, you've set a precedent that you can take on all this extra work for no extra pay. Eventually, you burn out, and you realize that there is not much you can do to salvage the situation unless you talk to your boss directly about your workload and your pay. You finally psyche yourself up to have this meeting. You wal…
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