
'I have cost the company $12. I quit': Employee shamed for scanning food item incorrectly, quits on the spot, managers have to scramble

'I have cost the company $12. I quit': Employee shamed for scanning food item incorrectly, quits on the spot, managers have to scramble

'My entire office... [is] in on this malicious compliance': Bosses take away reimbursement for employees who drive, employees start coming to the office and wasting time

'My entire office... [is] in on this malicious compliance': Stingy bosses take away reimbursement for employees who drive, employees start coming to the office and wasting time

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 23231493

'[I cost them an] annual $300k of business': Worker cheated on raise and bonus, costs employer biggest client

'This led to them doubling down on their stupidity': Business docks employees' pay for leaving work 59 minutes early, employee calls their bluff and takes them to court

'This led to them doubling down on their stupidity': Business docks employees' pay for leaving work 9 minutes early, employee calls their bluff and takes them to court

opinion ask reddit workplace-stories jobs job funny stories bosses karen-customer work movie theater movies askreddit workplace funny karen opinions Popcorn film The Movies - 23470341

'Your 4 year old can't play on your iPad during the movie': 20+ Moviegoers who were driving the theater employees crazy

'My coworker reported me': Coworker tries to get daycare worker fired, boss almost does until they check security footage

'My coworker reported me': Coworker tries to get daycare worker fired, boss almost does until they check security footage

'They just put themselves in a world of pain from the IRS': Employee deletes all of client's data per their request, then plays the waiting game

'They just put themselves in a world of pain from the IRS': Employee deletes all of client's data per their request, then plays the waiting game

'Can I get paid all that I would make here in advance?': 20+ crazy questions job candidates actually asked

'Can I get paid all that I would make here in advance?': 20+ crazy questions job candidates actually asked

workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work laid off workplace Horrible Bosses lay offs employment in the workplace - 23474181

'I was laid off right before raises and bonuses were due': Worker promised raise and bonus, gets fired instead

'We were told we weren't using enough twine': Distribution center employees spend 7 hours wrapping an order for their coworkers

'We were told we weren't using enough twine': Distribution center employees spend 7 hours wrapping an order for their constantly complaining coworkers

'What a complete waste of my time': Manager tries to get employee written up for forgetting to take notes, manager's boss intervenes and fires her

'What a complete waste of my time': Micromanager tries to get employee written up for forgetting to take notes, manager's boss intervenes and fires her

office kitchen Office Party potluck food partying boss workplace-stories jobs job bosses work coworkers workplace entitled entitled people christmas holidays - 23432197

'She got her comeuppance... at the office Christmas potluck': "Susan the Snack Stealer" tries to hoarde food at the office holiday potluck, gets confronted by the entire office

'Don't mess with Tech Support/Customer Service during the holidays': Call center rep agrees to help customer with false claim of damaged equipment

'Don't mess with Tech Support/Customer Service during the holidays': Call center rep agrees to help customer with false claim of damaged equipment

workplace discussion christmas employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses holidays employment in the workplace quit quitting - 23343877

'I quit': Employee quits after being denied a single day of leave to spend with visiting parents over Christmas

'I had cost him his job': Worker earns $4000 in overtime after manager orders them to change date format on important files

'I had cost him his job': Worker earns $4000 in overtime after manager orders them to change date format on important files

'He went through the automatic car wash in an office chair': 30+ Workplace mishaps

'He went through the automatic car wash in an office chair': 30+ Workplace mishaps that were unforgettably hilarious