

'I tell them straight up that the problem is the lack of management.': Bartenders quit when owners refuse to accept that they're the problem after hiring expert

'I tell them straight up that the problem is the lack of management': Bartenders quit when owners refuse to accept that they're the problem after being told so by an expert they hired

If you're hired by a client or employer to pick apart their business operations and identify inefficiencies and issues—do you give them an honest answer? Even if it's an answer that they're not going to want to hear? Even if the problem is—well… them? No one would disagree that keeping a boss or client happy is a good idea. After all, these people are paying all or part of your livelihood—and if you were to be fired or dismissed for telling them something they didn't want to hear—even if it's t…
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'Guess who got in trouble? Not me': Micromanaging boss makes employee sign form to only complete specific tasks, plan backfires

'Guess who got in trouble? Not me': Micromanaging boss makes employee sign form to only complete specific tasks, plan backfires

It turns out that when you have a boss who is constantly looking over your shoulder, it can go badly for everyone involved.
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workplace-stories alarm wake up in-the-workplace workplace-story manager phone call work coworkers sleep alarms workplace phone calls plant sleeping waking up - 21604613

'I had my employees call and wake up my boss': Plant manager demands employees tell him every single time an alarm goes off

Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it. After a weary and sleepless night, hopefully this glass manufacturing plant owner has learned the right lesson. If you've ever seen anyone perform glassblowing or watch an artist create a figurine out of hot melty glass, you know how hot this job can get. Glass doesn't like to melt until it's a nice toasty 2700–3100° farenheight. Anyone around these operations needs special protective gear and certifications to ensure everyone's safety…
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'I personally went from making 15$ an hour to $27 an hour': Swim club president wants pay cuts, hero boss gets every lifeguard a raise instead

'I personally went from making 15$ an hour to $27 an hour': Swim club president insists on pay cuts, hero boss gets every lifeguard a gigantic raise

This person had the best summer job ever, all thanks to their boss who went above and beyond his job duties. We could all use a boss like John, as their former employee, u/timothy53, told in a tale of incredible malicious compliance. Summer jobs give teens a taste of independence. At your first job, you have the freedom to drive to work, earn some cash, and then catch up with your friends to enjoy some summer fun. A really great job for teens is lifeguarding . You have to be certified, and it's…
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'That was the day I got to fire an entire company': 15+ Bosses recall the most satisfying times they fired someone

'That was the day I got to fire an entire company': 15+ Bosses recall the most satisfying times they fired incompetant employees

As a manager, you're going to have to make hard decisions sometimes — you might even have to fire people from time to time. If you've ever been on the receiving end of being let go, you know it's one of the worst feelings in the world. Losing your job is incredibly personal; aside from making you feel bad about yourself, it means that you now have to scramble to find income to feed yourself and pay the rent. It's like the floor opens up underneath you, and you're free falling until you find the…
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'I like to party': Guy shows up to mass interview of 50 people, self-sabotages to get back at arrogant manager

'I like to party': Guy shows up to mass interview of 50 people, self-sabotages to get back at arrogant manager

Every so often you apply for a job and the interview is far from what was advertised.
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'Carol was a Karen': Restaurant worker gets fired by assistant manager for their mistake, gets manager fired as petty payback

'Carol was a Karen': Restaurant worker gets fired by boss for her mistake, gets boss fired as petty payback

This Karen was actually the manager until the employee she fired got her booted too. That's what you get when you were the one who messed up and everyone saw it. No matter how powerful you think you are, if you've gained enough enemies, it will bite you in the butt, which is exactly what happened to Carol. Carol was the assistant manager of a restaurant that employed a high school student who wound up working approximately 60 hours each week (when did he find time to do his homework is the real…
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'That's my job': Interview candidate calls company, accidentally speaks to the employee she might replace, employee left aghast

'That's my job': Interview candidate calls company, accidentally speaks to the employee she might replace, employee left aghast

This job candidate thought it was a good idea to call up the company she was interviewing for, until she realized she made a huge mistake. That's because the marketing assistant who answered the phone just so happened to be the very person the Redditor would be replacing if she were to get the position. It gets worse…. the current employee had absolutely no idea she was being replaced at all. Talk about a shady boss and a major red flag for the interview candidate! If this story serves a purpos…
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'I'm not working overtime unless I get paid': Employee stops taking off-duty work calls, forcing boss to pay overtime

'I'm not working overtime unless I get paid': Employee stops taking off-duty work calls, forcing boss to pay overtime

Life is all good and dandy when you aren't going through micromanagement at work, but the second bosses decide that they want to become more stringent, you can kiss that dandiness goodbye. OP was working in a field where the urgent response was basically the purpose of said field. One day, OP's employer became super budget-conscious, and no longer allowed overtim e unless it was approved. The problem with that wasn't the scheduled overtime, but the unscheduled overtime. Most of the employees we…
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'My old boss asked if I might have a copy of their entire company's directory': Employee laid off then asked to recover important documents a year later

'My old boss asked if I might have a copy of their entire company's directory': Employee laid off then asked to recover important documents a year later

Can you imagine having this much leverage and not using it to your advantage? It's almost as crazy as a company not keeping any records of important documentation like their entire directory before laying off most of the company. Oh, wait… both of those scenarios are happening here. This Redditor was laid off about a year ago in a very unceremonious fashion. Essentially, most of the company was laid off at once with 30 minutes' notice at the end of a work day. It doesn't get much more savage th…
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'Don't start a meeting by ending the meeting': Employee demands 20x their pay after boss accidentally fires them

Update: 'Don't start a meeting by ending the meeting': Employee demands 20x their pay after boss accidentally fires them

This boss tried to bluff , only for their employee to call them out on it. While things didn't go to plan for the boss, their employee, u/exie610, got some amazing revenge. Some managers have no respect for individual jobs. Instead, they'll insist that alongside your own job, you can also do the work of four or five other people. Why do one job excellently when you can do five jobs badly? At some companies, things are always run this way, either because the boss is a penny pincher, or because m…
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workplace i quit quit quitting workplace-stories - 2127623

'I quit on the same day': Worker quits on their first day after spotting multiple red flags at their new job

This story will be familiar to anyone who has worked in service or retail, with both entire industries being plagued by employers who require you to show up early—without being paid for it—or finish tasks after closing after being automatically clocked out when the doors locked. Managing these businesses isn't much better, earning only moderately better pay while being made to work more unpaid hours that actually pushes your earning back down to (or below) minimum wage. Combine this with chroni…
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boss workplace-stories toxic-workplace job terrible-bosses bad jobs toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit - 21601541

'Can I tell my job the REAL reason why I’m leaving?': Man is ready to quit thanks to his wildly difficult new boss

This man can't decide if he should quit peacefully or expose the toxicity.
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'Why are you so short and snippy?': Employee with sick parent reprimanded for being in a bad mood at work

'Why are you so short and snippy?': Employee with sick parent reprimanded for being in a bad mood at work

One simply can't be happy-go-lucky at work all the time.
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employment fired work workplace getting fired workplace-stories - 21598213

'How do you go a year without these files?': Compliance officer gets laid off, contacted a year later asking for help recovering vital compliance files

If you were to be laid off from your job, only to be contacted a year later asking for vital information that it was your job to keep safe, that's pretty much your employer admitting how much they actually needed you in the first place. All we're saying is, make sure to take that into account when you set your new terms, and if they're bringing you back on a temporarily contracted basis, be sure to charge accordingly. Of course, it's more likely that, if things ended badly enough, you'd prefer…
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'Didn't I just sign a paper where I promised that I never would talk back to you?': Fast food worker forced to never talk back to manager after defending coworker, cue malicious compliance

'Didn't I just sign a paper where I promised that I never would talk back to you?': Fast food worker forced to never talk back to manager after defending coworker, cue malicious compliance

There are two kinds of managers in this world: the ones who lead and the ones who enforce ridiculous rules.
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