

'While I appreciate the sentiment... I'm not doing that': Employee pushes back against coworkers' plan to buy boss a birthday gift

'While I appreciate the sentiment... I'm not doing that': Employee pushes back against coworkers' plan to buy boss a birthday gift

Congrats to this employee for standing up for what they think is the right thing, even when it makes them unpopular. Not everyone has the backbone to do such a thing. As the OP may soon realize, sometimes it helps to go with the flow instead of making a big deal out of something small. Perhaps the resolution will lead to change in their company, though. U/winterlilybell works on a small team with just three other coworkers and their manager . OP writes that their boss tends to give the employee…
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'I was never asked to buy donuts again': New employee constantly bothered about needing to buy donuts for everyone in the office, maliciously complies

'I was never asked to buy donuts again': New employee constantly bothered about needing to buy donuts for everyone in the office, maliciously complies

Some office traditions can boost overall morale, while others can cause bad blood among coworkers. Sure, in theory, the concept of having weekly treats provided by a different coworker is fair, fun, and democratic. However, there are certain coworkers who have such intensity when it comes to these office traditions that these weekly snack parties no longer provide the fresh bit of community and enjoyment that they once did. Now, they are a competitive, mean-spirited hassle. Perhaps once it felt…
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homework antiwork workplace-stories toxic-workplace work coworkers technology workplace Tech employment - 21809669

'Is there any way I can tell him no?': Micromanaging boss wants remote access to worker's personal computer

Your personal devices are exactly that: personal… and shouldn't be confused with tools that were provided to you by your workplace for—well, work... That's not to say you shouldn't ever use your personal devices for any work-related reason—but this should only be done on a case-by-case basis and shouldn't ever extend to allowing your boss remote control over your personal computer. At any rate, you'd probably expect your management role that requires the use of a laptop and a cellphone would pr…
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'I do all of their work': Boss takes credit for employee's work, CEO tells employee she is making no impact on the company

'I do all of their work': Boss takes credit for employee's work, CEO tells employee she is making no impact on the company

Imagine learning that your boss has been taking credit for all of your work and that the CEO of your company has absolutely no idea what you do on a day-to-day basis. We all know that when situations like these arise, the truth is often the exact opposite of what the CEO has seemingly gathered. The truth is probably that the employee's day-to-day is filled with fulfilling not only their personal job responsibilities but also with picking up the slack as a result of the subpar work of everyone e…
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antiwork workplace-stories toxic-workplace Professional At Work work coworkers askreddit workplace reddit thread - 21825285

'My vacation time for my sister's wedding was denied': Man questions whether or not he should quit over rejected PTO

Missing your sister's wedding for work? This man doesn't think so.
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terrible coworkers getting fired workplace-stories fired coworkers workplace - 21809925

30+ Stories of how "that one guy" got fired

There has been a lot of discourse online (and, specifically, on this site) around workers who have been mistreated by their employers, amid shared stories of toxic workplace cultures, hostile work environments, and even workers telling how they were wrongly fired from their jobs. But what about the other side of it? We're all the heroes of our own stories, but surely every story we read online, shared by a purportedly exploited worker, isn't being told by a reliable narrator. After all—we've al…
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'My old boss finally [got] what he deserved': Employee denied promotion despite already doing the work, maliciously complies and gets fired, store forced to close

'He answered that I was not qualified, nor smart enough to do this job': Employee denied promotion, maliciously complies and causes store to close down

The number of red flags based on this boss's behavior alone is astronomical. Let's start with his refusal to promote this employee, who shared his story via Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit. The employee was more than qualified for the position after having worked at the store for several years directly under the last person who had the job. Additionally, he had stepped in to take over the position for a period and proved his worth. Yet somehow, his boss refused to acknowledge his contr…
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'My job took away our chairs': New manager reprimands employees, makes them stand for full eight hour shifts

'My job took away our chairs': New manager reprimands employees, makes them stand for full eight hour shifts

It should be required to permit sitting down when needed for any and all jobs.
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‘I was fired on the spot’: Top Reddit Stories of Employees Getting Fired

‘I was fired on the spot’: Top Reddit Stories of Employees Getting Fired

If you've never gotten fired, have you even lived? I remember the absolute shame and frankly, heartbreak (I was 16, and very dramatic) I felt when I was called by a manager and promptly fired after being accused of fighting with his wife on the job. The story goes as such: I was looking for a job while I was in high school. I was not a very good student and didn't attend any of my classes, so there were weeks I would stay at home, instead of going to school, and boy was it boring . Eventually,…
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'Approve my 1-week PTO or accept my 2-week notice': IT guy denied PTO request until after he trains his nepo baby boss, employee gives ultimatum

'Approve my 1-week PTO or accept my 2-week notice': IT guy denied PTO request until after he trains his nepo baby boss, employee gives ultimatum

There are some ridiculous demands that employees simply should not have to put up with at work. For instance, if you are guaranteed a certain amount of vacation days, there shouldn't be any sort of “quid pro quo” agreement involved. If those days are guaranteed per the employee's contract, there should be no negotiation whatsoever. This Redditor shared a story about how his new boss, who just so happens to be the CEO's
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'I went full Karen': Job applicant loses it at hiring manager's process, contacts HR, manager gets reprimanded

'I went full Karen': Job applicant rejects hiring manager's process, contacts HR, manager gets reprimanded

Job applicants often forget that they have more power than people think they do. In this case, we have a candidate who was lucky enough to be in a more choosy position with their job search. For instance, if a potential employer refused to disclose important information like salary from the get-go, this Redditor would withdraw their application immediately. Power to you, sir! Here's where things got messy. This one hiring manager had been messaging the applicant and requesting more information…
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workplace-stories manager tales-from-the-workplace ceo toxic-boss workplace-discussion Horrible Bosses employment - 21788933

'My boss takes all of the credit for my work': Worker told by CEO that they're not doing enough... because their boss takes credit for all their contributions

While it's often said that the early bird gets the worm, for some reason—in the workplace—it's often the loudest bird who gets the worm. While yelling at worms isn't necessarily a great career move, it stands to reason that one should always advocate for themselves and their work whenever possible. After all, everyone's going to be doing the same thing, and if you don't add your voice to the worm-yelling narrative, the rhetoric may turn against you—or at least out of your favor. It's a bird-eat…
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'Oh sorry, did you want some?': Choosing beggar ruins office pizza order, coworker gets even by eating all his slices

'Oh sorry, did you want some?': Choosing beggar ruins office pizza order, coworker gets even by eating all his slices

There's always that one coworker who makes the company lunches harder for literally everyone else. Now, if you're not aware, company lunches serve a very specific purpose for any organization. They serve as a brief escape for employees who might feel less than sufficiently supported on a day-to-day basis in the office. Regardless of whatever the intent is, we're here for anything on the company's dime. As long as these lunches are not used as a way to replace more serious issues like employee c…
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career jobs job application job interview Reddit job hunt workplace bad jobs workplace-stories - 21737477

'There is no way that question disqualified me': Woman loses out on a job she's overqualified for based on her honest answer

Sometimes telling the truth doesn't set you free.
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getting fired antiwork workplace-stories fired toxic-workplace coworkers askreddit workplace Reddit - 21766917

'[My boss] is holding a personal grudge of some sort': Teenage barista is being edged out of work hours by her nitpicking boss

Being pressured to quit is just as terrible as getting fired.
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"Got subtly shamed for leaving for more money."

'They pulled the corporate version of negging on me': Worker shamed by current employer for getting a new job after being denied a raise

The owner has bought a second home, the VP has a new Porche in their garage, and the company is turning money hand over fist—enough to the point they're expanding by buying up actual real estate that's being claimed back under operational costs. Meanwhile, inflation has increased by 6% in the last year—you might have even taken a pay cut during the pandemic—and you're finding it hard to make ends meet on your current salary. The company is doing very well, your contributions have been increasin…
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