

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22369029

Incompetent boss claims worker is defrauding the company over three-minute late clock-out

Some people are convinced that other people are plotting against them at every turn—continually suspicious that everyone else is constantly scheming to swindle them out of petty cash. Really, this is probably just an admission of their own thought process—as they say, your reality is a mirror reflecting your inner world… and the reality probably is that these people constantly anticipate underhanded tactics because they wouldn't hesitate to use them themselves.
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'I am withdrawing my application and employment': Employee has to recline for health reasons, gets shamed on the first day, quits immediately

'I am withdrawing my application and employment': Employee has to recline for health reasons, gets shamed on the first day, quits immediately

Imagine the thrill of getting hired at a new company only to be shamed on the very first day for having to recline a certain way because of health issues. This Redditor had a known disability that required them to recline on the job, but given their role and several years of experience in the field, it really should not have been an issue. Her seating position had absolutely no effect on the job she was performing, but of course, in the eyes of her traditionally-minded boss, her appearance came…
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'His old workplace suddenly had a lot of vacancies': Construction CEO replaces company leader for his work performance, leader poaches CEO's employees for his own new business

'His old workplace suddenly had a lot of vacancies': Construction CEO replaces company leader for his work performance, leader poaches CEO's employees for his own new business

Never assume, always make certain. Otherwise you might find yourself in the same situation that this boss did. There's a pernicious assumption that people who speak English as a second language aren't as smart as everyone else. There have been studies showing that people think this way about ESL folks. But in reality, speaking multiple languages shows that you're really bright. After all, if you aren't speaking in your first language, you kind of have to translate everything people are saying t…
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'I got written up': Bank teller calls out coworker for not helping out, gets fired, but gets payback years later

'I got written up': Bank teller calls out coworker for not helping out, gets fired, but gets payback years later

Sometimes, the opportunity for getting payback on your awful coworker does not arise until many years down the road. In this case, Jessica (said awful coworker) got this Redditor fired after they had called her out for doing nothing on the job. Of course, the wrong person was punished and everyone secretly knew this, especially the Redditor. However, while it seemed that the story ended badly for them, the opportunity for payback arrived years later when OP found themselves at a bank where they…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 22435077

'What do I do?': Candidate told after "multiple interviews" that the salary range listed was incorrect

The interview process is unique because of the high stakes involved for both parties; the implications of ending up with a dud candidate can be disastrous for an organization or workgroup of any size, and a candidate ending up in a job that's not the right fit can be a huge misstep for them as well in their career. Likewise, the interview process is hugely resource-consuming for both parties, so wasting the other party's time with missed or rescheduled interviews and misleading promises or expe…
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'One guy [complained] that his coworker was mimicking his get up [...] said that it's identity theft': 20+ ridiculous complaints as told by HR

'One guy [complained] that his coworker was mimicking his get up [...] said that it's identity theft': 20+ ridiculous complaints as told by HR

HR might not be your friend, but they can certainly hear and see everything. Let's take a moment to consider the good HR reps out there and to think about all the unnecessary drama they have witnessed. Most of these folks do not take any pleasure in cleaning up everyone else's mess. Sometimes, these messes can be a result of tension among coworkers; other times, they can be physical messes. These ridiculous and cringeworthy stories have been compiled from this r/AskReddit thread, and they certa…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 22420741

'[The shift] wasn't even mine': Worker gets written up after missing shift due to a family emergency, gets a new job and quits next day

Getting written up for a bogus reason in the workplace can be unfair, and being written up for a family emergency that caused you to miss a shift (that wasn't even yours in the first place) really fits the bill. Unfortunately, in most circumstances, you'd probably be stuck in the role for quite some time, especially if your life was already at a precarious point due to the aforementioned emergency. In fact, your power-tripping boss is probably counting on it.
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'I was the lucky person tasked with "printing the intranet"': 30+ Employees share their funniest facepalm moments at the workplace

'I was the lucky person tasked with "printing the intranet"': 30+ Employees share their funniest facepalm moments at the workplace

What would you do if your boss asked you to print the whole internet page by page? Or what if they asked you to water the plants while it was literally raining outside? These people shared stories of the absolute dumbest things their bosses have ever done---including those two examples above! Some bosses rely heavily on their employees to keep things running. For example, in some offices, the assistants will be the first ones in and the last ones out, tasked with answering phones, working with…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace employment in the workplace Horrible Bosses - 22435333

'OK, I'll take more breaks then': Manager tells worker not to drink at their desk, worker leaves their desk more often

Employers are determined to replace workers with machines, and, sure, automation and specialized machinery lead to more efficiency, but it's not like the productive workers see any of that increased cash flow anyway. While employers might hope to one day replace certain roles with automation, AI hasn't come that far yet. Just ask anyone who has gotten stuck talking to an AI on a “customer care” line or ended up messaging a robot that has no idea how to solve your problem and keeps redirecting y…
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'She HAD to maintain her dominance in the workplace': Office tyrant tries to sweep her own mistakes under the rug, her team gets her fired

'She HAD to maintain her dominance in the workplace': Office tyrant tries to sweep her own mistakes under the rug, her team gets her fired

People on power trips are just asking to make enemies in the workplace. Nine times out of ten, it is almost always easier to just be kind. To those of you who have previously fallen privy to the psychological effects of being in a position of power within the workplace hierarchy, do not doubt that everyone around you knows that you're in charge. There is no need to assert your authority any further when everyone already knows. It's not only redundant, but it's a waste of time, energy, and often…
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'Fantastic, please close my account': Bankers inform travelling worker he hit his withdrawal limit, worker calls their bluff

'Fantastic, please close my account': Bankers inform travelling worker he hit his withdrawal limit, worker calls their bluff

This person had some odd restrictions on their bank account . It wasn't an issue until one day, he needed to take out lot of money all at once. As a South Korean worker employed by an American company, this person has a few restrictions on their bank account. U/luther_williams shares that unlike American banks, he has a limit of how much money he can take from his account each day. It's not even very much money: only about $216 per day, which is around 250,000 won. With the way inflation has bu…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22421765

'Update: HR called me begging me to come back': Boss fires developer during tantrum and deletes their account, HR calls when everything stops working

It's nice to know that you're needed and appreciated both in your work and in other areas of your life. But when appreciation is out of the question… a frantic phone call from your (very) recently ex-employer's HR department, proving your necessity, will do. It's not uncommon for those prone to giving into their anger to make unwise decisions in the midst of that anger, and that can put you in some unfortunate situations when that person is your boss—or holds some other form of authority over y…
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'The GM did say he didn't care how I did my job': Hotel employee automates job to just one click after being denied a raise

'The GM did say he didn't care how I did my job': Hotel employee automates job to just one click after being denied a raise

This boss was so stingy that he wouldn't give an employee a raise up from $10 per hour. It's been a long time since $10 per hour was a competitive rate in most industries. Lots of states in the US have implemented $15 per hour minimums, but not everyone follows these guidelines. It's so awkward to ask for a raise and be turned down. You have to go to your boss, politely explain all the reasons you think you deserve more money, and then really advocate for yourself. No matter how great your pres…
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workplace discussion boss workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses coworker employment in the workplace - 22422021

'He had to know every detail': Boss gets fired for wasting time and money after demanding he be included in all communication

Sometimes, it's just easier that things happen without your involvement, even if—no— especially if you're in charge. See, the more areas of the business you're in charge of, the more people there will be working within those areas, and while you want some insights and updates into their operation, if you need to be involved in every little detail, the entire operation will come to a standstill while everyone waits for you frantically comprehend every facet of the business to approve every decis…
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'No way José': Boss refuses to promote contracted employee of three years to full-time, fires him, then expects him to train replacements

'No way José': Boss refuses to promote contracted employee of three years to full-time, fires him, then expects him to train replacements

If they say they can't promote you or give you a raise but then they keep hiring full-time employees, it's time to get out of that toxic work environment. Because whether or not you're ready to admit this to yourself, the truth is they are never going to promote you, especially if you keep bringing it up and they keep doing next to nothing about it. If they were going to promote you, they would have done it already. Instead, they seem to want to squeeze as much underpaid labor out of you as the…
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antiwork toxic-workplace workplace-discussion workplace workplace discussion employment issues workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 22401285

'He’s upset my head might be somewhere else': Boss tries to use worker's hobby of painting miniatures against them

Divulging personal aspects about yourself in the workplace can be a pathway to forming stronger bonds and close-knit relationships—or it can be used against you the next time your performance review comes around. The reality is that your work time is for work, and your own time is—well, your own. But, in a modern “always online” world that's fueled by instant communication and where some employers want to squeeze their workers for every last drop of productivity, this line becomes increasingly…
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