
‘I closed the largest deal in the history of my company, and still got fired’: Redditors who were fired discuss cons of ‘giving your all’ to your company

‘I closed the largest deal in the history of my company, and still got fired’: Redditors who were fired discuss cons of ‘giving your all’ to your company

'They stole my bosses wallet on camera': 20+ Employees who got fired as fast as possible

'They stole my boss's wallet on camera': 20+ Employees who got fired as fast as possible

'I rocked the boat when I refused my promotion': Employee finds out their company status reads ‘terminated’ after turning down several promotions from corporate, employee confronts manager

'I rocked the boat when I refused my promotion': Employee finds out their company status reads ‘terminated’ after turning down several promotions from corporate, employee confronts manager

‘You can't have kids, or you won't get promoted': Boss warns employee they won't be given promotion if they have kids, employee seeks legal advice

‘You can't have kids, or you won't get promoted': Boss warns employee they won't be given promotion if they have kids, employee seeks legal advice

‘One week notice became zero weeks notice’: Employee quits, then calls in sick every day in order to get even with manager

‘One week notice became zero weeks notice’: Employee quits, then calls in sick every day in order to get even with manager

'Within two weeks the electricity was cut off': Boss reminds employee they aren't an office manager, chaos ensues after employee stops managing their office

'Within two weeks the electricity was cut off': Boss reminds employee they aren't an office manager, chaos ensues after employee stops managing their office

'You need to move, or get out': Karen gets kicked out of pizzeria after blocking server from waiting other tables

'You need to move, or get out': Karen gets kicked out of pizzeria after blocking server from waiting other tables

‘My boss made me work 13 hours without a break': Employee quits job without giving notice, then drives 9 hours back home

‘My boss made me work 13 hours without a break': Employee quits job without giving notice, then drives 9 hours back home

workplace-stories-reddit workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace tales-from-the-workplace workplace-discussion employment-issues workplace reddit thread employment-concerns - 21313285

'I have another job during the weekends': Boss changes employees schedule with two days notice, forcing them to choose between this or abandoning their second job

‘HR quashed the employee’s raise': HR override manager who approves employee's request for 8% raise, employee quits, company crumbles

‘HR quashed the employee’s raise': HR override manager who approves employee's request for 8% raise, employee quits, company crumbles

'Come back to work': Micromanaging boss demands worker return to work during their unpaid lunch break

'Come back to work': Micromanaging boss demands worker return to work during their unpaid lunch break

‘I can’t do this anymore': Karen demands barista ‘label’ her drinks, despite them already being labeled; barista quits

‘I can’t do this anymore': Karen demands barista ‘label’ her drinks, despite them already being labeled; barista quits

'That’s ridiculous, use your brain': General Manager's rude order costs company big when it backfires

'That’s ridiculous, use your brain': General Manager's rude order costs company big when employee maliciously complies

‘My boss promoted the wrong person after I quit; the company tanked’: Boss tanks company after replacing employee with new hire

‘My boss promoted the wrong person after I quit; the company tanked’: Boss tanks company after replacing employee who quits with new hire

‘I don’t need to train anybody; I don't work for you anymore': Boss demands employee who quit come back to train new hire, employee's refusal leads to dozens of phone calls

‘I don’t need to train anybody; I don't work for you anymore': Boss demands employee who quit come back to train new hire, employee's refusal leads to dozens of phone calls

‘My boss cut 40% of my pay; I quit’: Employee quits after getting 40% pay cut, employee's resignation ends up costing company hundreds of thousands of dollars due to canceled projects

‘My boss cut 40% of my pay; I quit’: Employee quits after getting 40% pay cut, employee's resignation ends up costing company hundreds of thousands of dollars due to canceled projects