
workplace stories reddit

'If I am not employed there, the software cannot be used': Teacher wipes software from all machines before leaving for good after years of free extra labor

'If I am not employed there, the software cannot be used': Teacher wipes software from all machines before leaving for good after years of free extra labor

This is what happens when teachers are not paid fairly. It's no secret that your average teacher is forced to take on a number of tasks and responsibilities that go well beyond their job description and salary. The reality of the matter is that without their extra free labor, students and teachers alike will not have the proper materials for class to run smoothly. Naturally, this lack of fairness can lead to a whole lot of resentment from teachers who are taking way too much time out of their a…
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‘I’m just doing my job': Guest tries to get hotel employee fired during work trip, guest's boss finds out and fires them instead

‘I’m just doing my job': Guest tries to get hotel employee fired during work trip, guest's boss finds out and fires them instead

Working at the front desk, you get to see a lot of different guests in your lifetime. It's hard to keep up with the complaints that people have, it's ridiculous. Some people want a discount because the room wasn't the right temperature when they entered. Other people want a discount because you didn't smile enough. Then again, some people don't even want a discount, they just want to make you miserable. Honestly, I'm so glad my customer days are behind me… I don't know if I could put up with it…
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'You've got to be kidding': Inexperienced new employee abruptly leaves IT company after senior employee fails to help him adjust to the workload

'You've got to be kidding': Inexperienced new employee abruptly leaves IT company after senior employee fails to help him adjust to the workload

In this world, there are two kinds of people: those who are obsessed with technology and those who are afraid of it. The two sorts would never waver in their positions as they are on opposite ends of the technological spectrum. The story below is an account relayed by an IT worker. The original poster (OP) tells the tale of how the company brought on an unseasoned employee to perform a task for which he had no prior experience or training. At first, OP tried to help the man, but after some time…
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‘I’m not risking anything for you': Employee quits after company fails to provide them with a working vehicle or safety equipment, HR doesn't care

‘I’m not risking anything for you': Employee quits after company fails to provide them with a working vehicle or safety equipment, HR doesn't care

Your heart is racing as you make your way to your boss's office. The grey walls seem to be closing in on you, and you feel like every one of your coworkers knows exactly what's going on in your mind. You don't know how, but you know they do. Their eyes follow you up until you knock on your boss's door. Ahem, you clear your throat. They look up from their desk, tired, annoyed even. They wave for you to come in, and you take a seat. Then you clear your throat again… ‘I quit', you manage to muster…
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'I have the power to make your lives inconvenient': Employee promises to make coworkers work lives harder if they continue to leave spoiled food in the fridge, telling them to 'clean up after themselves'

'I have the power to make your lives inconvenient': Employee promises to make coworkers work lives harder if they continue to leave spoiled food in the fridge, telling them to 'clean up after themselves'

Some employees think that the office manager, HR, or whoever organizes the office works for them personally. See, I was an office manager back in the day, and people would leave the dining room an absolute mess. When I opened the fridge, I frequently thought that people were growing fungi there on purpose, by leaving their containers for weeks on end. It was so frustrating that I sent out countless emails, and even held an office meeting regarding the whole thing. Nothing changed, and I eventua…
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‘I cleaned the printer, now it won’t print': Employee calls tech support to inform them printer stopped working, IT discovers printer is completely soaked

‘I cleaned the printer, now it won’t print': Employee calls tech support to inform them printer stopped working, IT discovers printer is completely soaked

You are typing away, your keyboard going clickety-clack as your fingers fly across the different buttons. When you look down, you notice that your keyboard is a little bit dusty. Hmmm, that's not right. You guess it's time to deep clean it. How do you go about it? Well, probably not the way this employee did. One tech support worker took to r/talesfromtechsupport after they got an unusual call regarding a printer. Apparently, the printer wasn't working, but it had been just before. So IT saunte…
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'She spouted all types of lies to HR': Threatened manager tries to push out star employee, employee exposes boss's incompetence

'She spouted all types of lies to HR': Threatened manager tries to push out star employee, employee exposes boss's incompetence

Picture this: your manager is incompetent, you do most of their work for the better part of the year, and then, she tries to fire you! That's right. You would think the final part of that journey would be a well-deserved raise or promotional opportunity. Perhaps some acknowledgment of all this hard work and going above and beyond would have been nice. Instead of gratitude, all this manager felt at the end of the day was threatened. This Redditor shared how she managed to come out of this toxic…
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‘I can’t stand it': Hybrid employee complains about going into the office 1 day a week, leading to a discussion about working from home

‘I can’t stand it': Hybrid employee complains about going into the office 1 day a week, leading to a discussion about working from home

When the hybrid model of working was first introduced, people discovered a new way of living. Suddenly you could do what you had been doing from your dark, grey cubicle at work, from the comfort of your home. You didn't need to take a 1-hour commute, which saved you time, energy, and actually gave you more time to work. But over time, companies have been snatching employees up and dragging them back to full-time… or have they? You tell me. One person took to Reddit and complained about working…
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'I won't be in tomorrow or ever again': Employee quits on the spot after boss chastises them for sitting down during 12 hour shift, despite doctor's note

'I won't be in tomorrow or ever again': Employee quits on the spot after boss chastises them for sitting down during 12 hour shift, despite doctor's note

Sitting down during a work shift is necessary… who could possibly stand for 8 to 12 hours at a time? It seems out of this world to expect that from your employees, but this boss lived in this la la land where they thought that sitting down meant employees weren't being productive… even when they were proved otherwise when presented with the metrics. But hey, you don't know how to manage, you lose employees, right? And that is exactly what happened. Some bosses really dig their own graves, and t…
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‘He asked me how much I weighed during my interview’: Employees Share Most Entertaining Boss Stories

‘He asked me how much I weighed during my interview’: Employees Share Most Entertaining Boss Stories

The clock strikes 5, and you zoom out of the office. You don't even look back when your boss yells out sheepishly, ‘Wait, are you leaving?’. Yes, you're leaving! Right this instant, actually. Every day in the office feels like stepping into a weird, alternate dimension. The fluorescent lights flicker ominously as you shuffle past coworkers, half expecting your awkward boss to greet you dressed in royal garments. He is quite the character. Some might compare him to Michael Scott from the Office.…
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‘I’m outta here': Employees Share Stories About Quitting on the First Day

‘I’m outta here': Employees Share Stories About Quitting on the First Day

It doesn't take much to realize you don't want to work somewhere. It could be that their lack of morals is obvious from the moment you start your first shift. Or maybe you're lucky and figure it out beforehand, during the interview process. You think, ‘Nope, this is not for me’, and either don't continue, or immediately quit. Back when I was working as a waitress, I did a couple of shifts at different places. Once, I interviewed at a fast food restaurant chain where the employees looked (surpri…
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‘He looked up at my boss tearfully’: Employees Share Fastest Ways Coworkers Got Fired on the Spot

‘He looked up at my boss tearfully’: Employees Share Fastest Ways Coworkers Got Fired on the Spot

I was fired before, and let me tell you, it is not a good feeling. The knot that forms in your stomach makes you want to bend over a toilet, and you dread the moment your boss invites you into their office for a ‘discussion’. In my case, it happened via a phone call. I was waitressing at a tiny restaurant in my hometown, and granted, I wasn't very good at it. The reason I got fired was because 2 days in I had failed to inform the kitchen that one customer's steak was ‘too well done’. The custom…
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‘You brought this on yourself…’: Server puts lying patron in her place after fabricating a food allergy in an attempt to force the restaurant to accommodate her food preferences

‘You brought this on yourself…’: Server puts lying patron in her place after fabricating a food allergy in an attempt to force the restaurant to accommodate her food preferences

A career in the service industry is never easy. However, it gets ten times more challenging when someone tells the chef they have dietary sensitivities in order to ensure that they take their dislike of a specific ingredient seriously. The story that follows is relayed by an unhappy server. The Original Poster (OP) is in charge of asking customers if they have any special dietary needs that the chef should be aware of. That's why OP investigated the matter properly when a disgruntled customer c…
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Judge gets even with local hotel owner for telling worker he'll fire him if he attends jury duty: ‘You can’t fire him because I say so'

Judge gets even with local hotel owner for telling worker he'll fire him if he attends jury duty: ‘You can’t fire him because I say so'

Don't mess with a judge. Bosses think they can get away with anything, and technically, they can get away with a lot, but they can't get away with messing with a judge. The person who attempted this was a hotel owner who told his maintenance worker that he was to do ‘whatever it takes’ to get out of jury duty. He then promptly told the worker that if he failed to do so, he would be fired. The worker was fine with serving, but he was scared of losing his job, so when he was called up to court, h…
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'It's not my fault': Client pays IT specialist $1000 after sharing the administrator password with entire team, leading to major technical issues

'It's not my fault': Client pays IT specialist $1000 after sharing the administrator password with entire team, leading to major technical issues

Workplace politics can be just as challenging and taxing as your actual job. Workplace politics can sometimes make your job harder than it needs to be. Just imagine how much easier life would be if we could speak our minds without fear and conquer every obstacle as it comes along. A cynical IT worker describes a client interaction he had in the story that follows. The Original Poster (OP) has been working in the IT industry for a while now. His experience enables him to distinguish between genu…
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‘It doesn’t work like that': Boss tries splitting his own bonus amongst team of employees, finance shuts him down

‘It doesn’t work like that': Boss tries splitting his own bonus amongst team of employees, finance shuts him down

One very lucky individual who was working as a boss in corporate took to Reddit to complain about their ‘amazing job’. On the surface, their job seemed like a dream come true. They explained they had unparalleled autonomy, generous perks, and a handsome salary. So what's wrong? Well, this person was deeply dissatisfied as they felt like just another cog in the machine, and weren't able to help their own employees when it came to raises. Each year the employees were shut down and told they weren…
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