workplace malicious compliance

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs tech support job malicious compliance web designer work programmers designer workplace Tech workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35457285

Boss tells web designer they can't say "no" to user requests, they find a loophole by rewriting the rulebook: 'Oh, I'm sorry, as per the Web Update Guide we can't do this...'

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35459589

Boss takes away employee's flexibility they take leave and start looking for other work: 'Boss wanted to take away the only reason I stayed in the company'

VP goes against qualified employee's word, revenue drops 80%, employee gets more company perks after fallout: 'Just got a bigger office farther away from people'

VP goes against qualified employee's word, revenue drops 80%, employee gets more company perks after fallout: 'Just got a bigger office farther away from people'

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35440133

'Work completion rates dropped by over 50%': New manager tries to tackle inefficiency by having workers drive directly to site, accidentally makes everyone waste more time

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Builder gets back at Karen celebrity for trying to obstruct their building site: 'I went ahead and called the police'

workplace discussion pro revenge workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance revenge work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35335941

Boss fires video editor after setting impossible targets, video editor ensures their boss gets fired: 'my manager presented my KPI of 85 3-10 minute videos in 52 weeks which was impossible'

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35357189

Manager demands employee share their calendar, employee deletes it: 'She's either trying to justify firing me, or assigning me other people's work'

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35311365

Employee told to stand by for reassignment, does for 19 months until they run into their boss who asks them where they're working now: 'You should have seen her face'

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job malicious compliance work human resources workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace pregnancy women in the workplace motherhood pregnant - 35261957

Boss declines pregnant employee's requests for accommodation a week before her due date, HR steps in and grants her leave immediately

New boss flexes muscles and enforces strict break schedule, team compliance causes public complaints: '[It was] a week of utter chaos'

New boss flexes muscles and enforces strict break schedule, team compliance causes public complaints: '[It was] a week of utter chaos'

employment job jobs work workplace malicious compliance workplace-stories workplace discussion in the workplace workplace malicious compliance ceo open plan office Office Horrible Bosses hot desking - 35219717

CEO pushes junior staff member for more productivity, they start working their scheduled hours: 'I worked exactly the hours I was paid to, instead of coming in 30 minutes early and staying 30 minutes longer as well'

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 28037381

Overworked truck depot worker calls boss's bluff after being reprimanded for working their scheduled hours like they were told: 'Clearly, you're not going to fire me. You have no one who can do my job'

Infuriated boss tries to get rid of employee after he refuses to answer work calls over the weekend, HR sides with employee: 'This won't happen again'

Infuriated boss tries to get rid of employee after he refuses to answer work calls over the weekend, HR sides with employee: 'This won't happen again'

Employee requests three days off, boss demands doctor's note, doctor gets him six weeks off: 'They did not look pleased'

Employee requests three days off, boss demands doctor's note, doctor gets him six weeks off: 'They did not look pleased'

childcare workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance nanny workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 26161413

Karen family cheats nanny out of $12.50, nanny charges them hundreds in unpaid hours: 'I was furious'

workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 26128645

Boss sets strict dress code that they themselves are in violation, employee calls them out: 'My boss never came to me about [the] dress code after that'