workplace malicious compliance

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25593093

Manager insists on personally reviewing every job candidate Recruiter finds, lives to regret it: 'I never received pushback again'

'You stepped out of the store, you don't get a refund': Clever customer uses loophole in store's return policy, infuriating the manager

'You stepped out of the store, you don't get a refund': Clever customer uses loophole in store's return policy, infuriating the manager

'If I am not employed there, the software cannot be used': Teacher wipes software from all machines before leaving for good after years of free extra labor

'If I am not employed there, the software cannot be used': Teacher wipes software from all machines before leaving for good after years of free extra labor

workplace discussion getting fired workplace-stories jobs fired job malicious compliance work laid off technology new owners programmers workplace Tech lay off company workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24664069

Employee asked by new owners to teach their replacement how to do their impossible job: 'This guy got [a] full year's worth of training in a week'

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25563141

'If it's not in writing, it didn't happen': Employee uses written communication as defense when micromanaging supervisor's tries to get of them

workplace discussion landlord workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance lawyer work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25545221

'The case was hopeless...': Lawyer saves restaurant owner from a rapacious landlord's iron-clad contract

'If they don't respect my schedule, I'm just going to be absent': Manager ignores employee's conflict, employee maliciously complies, manager gets reprimanded

'If they don't respect my schedule, I'm just going to be absent': Manager ignores employee's conflict, employee maliciously complies, manager gets reprimanded

Client humbles micromanager in front of entire team after micromanager tries to teach staff member a lesson in business etiquette

Client humbles micromanager in front of entire team after micromanager tries to teach staff member a lesson in business etiquette

employment job fired jobs work workplace technical difficulties getting fired malicious compliance workplace-stories workplace discussion in the workplace workplace malicious compliance - 25507077

'They lost the $1.2M funding too': Fired employee asked to write instruction manual for their future replacement with "zero experience," so they write it in insultingly simple terms

Mechanic bulldozes entire field, taking down army infrastructure after commanding officer orders him to level field 'no matter what'

Mechanic bulldozes entire field, taking down army infrastructure after commanding officer orders him to level field 'no matter what'

 'You won't make a fool out of me': Client gets even with contractor who ripped him off for $2000 by sending him to job sites that don't exist, costing contractor $15,000

'You won't make a fool out of me': Client gets even with contractor who ripped him off for $2000 by sending him to job sites that don't exist, costing contractor $15,000

'She spouted all types of lies to HR': Threatened manager tries to push out star employee, employee exposes boss's incompetence

'She spouted all types of lies to HR': Threatened manager tries to push out star employee, employee exposes boss's incompetence

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace electricity electrician factory manufacturing blue collar - 25366021

'Don't touch anything electrical if you're not an electrician': Frustrated foundry workers maliciously comply with electrician's order

'His inbox soon overflowed with 20 to 30 pointless emails daily': Micromanager regrets insisting on being copied on everything following malicious compliance

'His inbox soon overflowed with 20 to 30 pointless emails daily': Micromanager regrets insisting on being copied on everything following malicious compliance

'Enjoy an extra 100+ emails a day': Employee resigns, reroutes hundreds of daily spam messages to boss's email

'Enjoy an extra 100+ emails a day': Employee resigns, reroutes hundreds of daily spam messages to boss's email

Imaging technician told to take their breaks "No matter what," leaves customers waiting and stuns management: 'I'm only doing what you asked'

Imaging technician told to take their breaks "No matter what," leaves customers waiting and stuns management: 'I'm only doing what you asked'