
workplace malicious compliance

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25617925

Overachieving employee raises KPI averages higher just so their boss misses a promotion: 'The entire sector didn't get raises that year'

They say the best revenge in life is success… That teacher who said you'd never make it? That bully in high school? Anyone who doubted you or tried to keep you down. Well, the best thing you can do is go on to prove that you're not as weak or insignificant as they're telling you you are. Of course, although not as often discussed, going on to leave a peaceable existence of mediocrity is also an acceptable option if that's what you prefer, though decidedly less exciting of a story. This employee…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25593093

Manager insists on personally reviewing every job candidate Recruiter finds, lives to regret it: 'I never received pushback again'

When you have someone in your organization, or externally who your organization is paying, specifically to do a task… It makes sense to let them do that task; if you insist on your involvement and time being spent on that same task, all you're doing is double handling and wasting your own time and the organization's money. And, yet, so many managers struggle with this simple concept, refusing to relinquish even the smallest, most important things to those who should be responsible for them, bog…
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'You stepped out of the store, you don't get a refund': Clever customer uses loophole in store's return policy, infuriating the manager

'You stepped out of the store, you don't get a refund': Clever customer uses loophole in store's return policy, infuriating the manager

This manager may have been irritated, but the rest of us can applaud this customer's success at bending the rules for his own gain. Sure, finding loopholes and using them to one's advantage can sometimes lead to unruly behavior, but this time, the customer achieved something most shoppers can only dream of: a loophole within a store's strict return policy. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/dubilendar , who shared that he had just bought a series of items fr…
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'If I am not employed there, the software cannot be used': Teacher wipes software from all machines before leaving for good after years of free extra labor

'If I am not employed there, the software cannot be used': Teacher wipes software from all machines before leaving for good after years of free extra labor

This is what happens when teachers are not paid fairly. It's no secret that your average teacher is forced to take on a number of tasks and responsibilities that go well beyond their job description and salary. The reality of the matter is that without their extra free labor, students and teachers alike will not have the proper materials for class to run smoothly. Naturally, this lack of fairness can lead to a whole lot of resentment from teachers who are taking way too much time out of their a…
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workplace discussion getting fired workplace-stories jobs fired job malicious compliance work laid off technology new owners programmers workplace Tech lay off company workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24664069

Employee asked by new owners to teach their replacement how to do their impossible job: 'This guy got [a] full year's worth of training in a week'

Management doesn't have any idea what you do; let's just get that out of the way.
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25563141

'If it's not in writing, it didn't happen': Employee uses written communication as defense when micromanaging supervisor's tries to get of them

There's a pretty simple rule of management that leaders should follow: Don't mess with something that's working. Whether that's a single high-performing worker, an efficient team, or just a general flow of business, messing with something for the sake of it is always going to end poorly. It's a similar premise to “let sleeping dogs lie” but in this case, it's more of "leave
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workplace discussion landlord workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance lawyer work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25545221

'The case was hopeless...': Lawyer saves restaurant owner from a rapacious landlord's iron-clad contract

Landlords are just about one of the only things that could make us root for lawyers. The lesser of two evils really comes into play when those two parties are in the same room together. The powerful preying on the weak is one of the oldest tropes in storytelling. What's not to love about a story like this? A wily lawyer who wants to do the right thing—but still doesn't work for free—coming to the aid of a desperate owner of a local restaurant (that happens to be the lawyer's favorite.) The cart…
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'If they don't respect my schedule, I'm just going to be absent': Manager ignores employee's conflict, employee maliciously complies, manager gets reprimanded

'If they don't respect my schedule, I'm just going to be absent': Manager ignores employee's conflict, employee maliciously complies, manager gets reprimanded

Not honoring an employee's schedule when they have been following all the rules and going through the proper channels is about as disrespectful as it gets. When a manager rejects your request to not work a certain shift, the message is clear: your life and commitments do not matter. What matters is this silly arbitrary work schedule that is 100% malleable but apparently, that would require too much critical thinking on the manager's part. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance…
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Client humbles micromanager in front of entire team after micromanager tries to teach staff member a lesson in business etiquette

Client humbles micromanager in front of entire team after micromanager tries to teach staff member a lesson in business etiquette

Customer service work can be difficult at times. The old adage ‘the customer is always right’ can reach unprecedented heights, depending on the circumstances and parties involved. The story that follows is an account of a customer service representative. The Original Poster (OP) was involved in asset finance, namely with regard to land and cars. But in an effort to find a solution, he chose to bring up the issue with his management after encountering an angry client who refused to abide by the…
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employment job fired jobs work workplace technical difficulties getting fired malicious compliance workplace-stories workplace discussion in the workplace workplace malicious compliance - 25507077

'They lost the $1.2M funding too': Fired employee asked to write instruction manual for their future replacement with "zero experience," so they write it in insultingly simple terms

In writing, both for entertainment and for technical purposes, it's important that your reader be able to comprehend the meaning of your words. For example, if you happen to be writing a snazzy and engaging introduction to a discussion about a story that someone shared online, it would be foolish to begin using words that your reader is likely not to understand. In fact, it would be perspicacious for the author to eschew using a myriad of archaic verbiage that obfuscates the meaning of what the…
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Mechanic bulldozes entire field, taking down army infrastructure after commanding officer orders him to level field 'no matter what'

Mechanic bulldozes entire field, taking down army infrastructure after commanding officer orders him to level field 'no matter what'

It is crucial that you communicate your expectations to everyone around you. Having said that, as someone who always says what they mean and means what they say, in the event that you were given an order by superiors, would you simply follow it without question or would you make an effort to comprehend the reasoning behind it to prevent future annoyances? The story below tells the tale of a clever transport officer who, although fully aware that he is setting himself up for failure, opts to fol…
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 'You won't make a fool out of me': Client gets even with contractor who ripped him off for $2000 by sending him to job sites that don't exist, costing contractor $15,000

'You won't make a fool out of me': Client gets even with contractor who ripped him off for $2000 by sending him to job sites that don't exist, costing contractor $15,000

Each and every action has consequences. Because of this, you should think twice before intentionally betraying someone else because you never know when or how it can come back to haunt you. The story that follows is the account of a petty client. The story is relayed by the Original Poster (OP), who provides readers with a detailed explanation of his motivations for starting the years-long payback plan. To put things in perspective, OP hired a contractor a few years ago in order to finish some…
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'She spouted all types of lies to HR': Threatened manager tries to push out star employee, employee exposes boss's incompetence

'She spouted all types of lies to HR': Threatened manager tries to push out star employee, employee exposes boss's incompetence

Picture this: your manager is incompetent, you do most of their work for the better part of the year, and then, she tries to fire you! That's right. You would think the final part of that journey would be a well-deserved raise or promotional opportunity. Perhaps some acknowledgment of all this hard work and going above and beyond would have been nice. Instead of gratitude, all this manager felt at the end of the day was threatened. This Redditor shared how she managed to come out of this toxic…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace electricity electrician factory manufacturing blue collar - 25366021

'Don't touch anything electrical if you're not an electrician': Frustrated foundry workers maliciously comply with electrician's order

There are some things in life that just make sense… and not messing with the spicy death wires when you don't know what you're doing with them is one of them. It makes perfectly logical sense that, rather than playing “Operation” where instead of a startling buzzer sound and a light-up nose the penalty for failure is your own untimely fiery demise, you should just let the guys who know what they're doing do it. Sure, electricians get flack for being grosly overpaid for what they're actually doi…
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'His inbox soon overflowed with 20 to 30 pointless emails daily': Micromanager regrets insisting on being copied on everything following malicious compliance

'His inbox soon overflowed with 20 to 30 pointless emails daily': Micromanager regrets insisting on being copied on everything following malicious compliance

Employers should learn to be careful what they wish for more than anyone else. This old adage is something we tend to teach our kids in preschool. We've heard it over and over again on television, in nursery rhymes, and in countless mediocre school productions of Into the Woods . Yet still, it seems that our managers and bosses have forgotten what things might look like if their wishes come true and the ridiculous demands they put upon their employees are met. This thread was posted to Reddit's…
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'Enjoy an extra 100+ emails a day': Employee resigns, reroutes hundreds of daily spam messages to boss's email

'Enjoy an extra 100+ emails a day': Employee resigns, reroutes hundreds of daily spam messages to boss's email

Always be careful how you treat your employees because if you treat them poorly, karma certainly will rear its head. If the number of satisfying quitting stories we have told right here at FAIL Blog serves as any indication, it's that people with bad bosses are not going to leave their jobs quietly. In many cases, it is up to them to stick it to their bosses while they have the chance. Here, we have an employee who, among other responsibilities, was tasked with receiving dozens of sales calls a…
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